It didn't end until Sunday and of the folks on TNet who I know post here, I know two are in the middle of travelling home (myself included) and 1 is very likely tired from organizing the event, cleaning up after and the hike we took this morning/afternoon. By the way djui, I'm more tired today than I was afer yesterday's hike and I definitely got a little too much sun - noticed that when I tried to wash my face at Walmart before I left :-).
I had a fantastic time, met an assortment of really really nice folks who could and in many cases HAVE filled books with the history of their searches.
BB - before I get on the plane, I have to tell you that the sheer amount of experience hiking and searching in those mountains as well aslmost limitless resources and research done by just the folks who attended the rendevouz was phenomenal to say the least. You may or may not be onto something with your research, but after my experience the last few days, I would be more than very surprised if the 40 sites you plan to search haven't already been physically investigated. In fact I don't believe it's a significant stretch of the imagination to say that > 99% of the Superstition Mountains has had human contact in the last 50 years. There is likely still plenty of things to find out there, but if so, they are hidden in such a way that it will take a significant effort to locate them - whether that be digging, some type of ground penetrating radar or otherwise.
I'll post pictures and more tomorrow after a good long soak in the hot tub!!!