✅ SOLVED 3 Curiosities from the one field...


May 9, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi folks,

Found 3 things (well 4 if you allow for 2 of the same!) that I'm having trouble figuring out so any help would be great!

First is decorative bronze ring, a bit squashed and also broken in one place. Nice designs though (suns? and possibly the letters jm)


Second up are these two lead alloy balls with a tapered threaded hole through the middle. A neighbour thinks they may be off a flywheel on a steam engine.


Last and possibly least is what seems to be part of a buckle;


Hello Polly2h,

Although the metal balls could be from a steam engine speed governor I think the tapered holes rule that out. If I remember correctly, the balls need to be adjustable up/down the shafts to "set" your desired speed. I am by no means an expert on such devices though. My cursory look at Google Images for "steam engine governor" did not allow me to either confirm or disprove my thought. Are the balls identical?

As for the buckle, can you tell what type of metal it is? In the photo it looks to have the green patina of copper. To get a better idea if it might be a buckle, look for a spot in the center of the long side where there may have been a crossbar.

Now for the ring...I would swear about a year ago there was something found (and identified!) that had that same pattern. Not that that info really helps you but it may at least give you hope :) Maybe someone with a better mind than mine will chime in.

BTW, Welcome to T-Net!

Happy hunting,


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Napper is on to something! Oxen or cow "horn knobs" (the proper terminology from what I can gather) or probably "horn weights" since you mentioned these being lead alloy.


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Very interesting all round, thanks!

Yes the buckle thingy does appear to be copper and also has a place for the crossbar - maybe from workhorse tackle?

Very interesting re the round weights. The tapered threads had me flummoxed but maybe they cut a thread on cow horn as they were twisted on to hold them in place (no side hole for retaining screw)

So near and yet so far with the ring:icon_thumleft: Early days yet though.....

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Ok - Yes, Napper was spot on, horn protectors they are! The bronze ring appears to be Georgian, late 1700's or early 1800's and may have been gilded with gold, possibly as a wedding ring. So two new quirky finds for me to chalk up, living and learning every day!

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