2ND Big Fall Post. Colonial Era Finds A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others


Gold Member
Feb 28, 2005
Three Rivers
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Minelab Etrac ,Xp Deus, Ctx 3030, Vanquish 440 X 2, Equinox 600, Equinox 800
Hey everyone,

Finally getting the chance to get my finds up. My usb cable was shot and it took me awhile to find another one for this make of camera and model. Also if I seem slow to reply to this topic it's because I am leaving for CA Sat morning. I'll be gone for a week.

I've been to numorous new spots lately. I've been researching alot lately and came up with a nice list of new places to hunt. The first spot I checked last weekend gave up 30 old coins in about 5 hrs of hunting.

During the past month I made a trip over to OH to meet up with Danimal for a hunt at a old stage coach stop. Finds were pretty slim but it was nice to get out for the day with a good hunting buddy. Dan next hunt is on me. Sites are really started to come through with my research.

I got a couple cool shots of us camping out at the site. And one with Danimal cutting a tree down. I'm the guy with the steelers shirt on. I am holding a lonely colonial button.

During all my hunts I decided to rework a old colonial site of mine and it gave up some nice buttons. All were deep and just came in. Also found a 3 sided head that came out of a hole. Looks to be from the time period.

Some of the coin finds were this:

35 Wheats
3 Indians 1884 1889 1892
2 Rosie 1946 1961
1 Washington 1956
1 War nickle 1945 P
1 1897 Barber dime

2 1950's jeffersons
1 1960's aluminum token
1 1922 railways token.
1 No date Buffalo

I also got a first after 10,000 shotgun shells one full brass from the base to the top. What era would you all date this shell at. I also got a cool little printing plate with a guy holding a guitar or something like that.

Other than that just some other cool relics. Silver count has been down. But I expect that to change soon. My new locations show alot of promise. Once again thanks for looking and commenting.

HH Jer


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Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Here are some more bare with me

HH Jer


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Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

And finally the rest

HH Jer


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Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

All i can say is can i come dig with you? Sweet finds my man. My kinda diggin. :thumbsup:

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

I don't know that there is much there I'd qualify as "Colonial," but that Ball Button is a Great Find. I have found Very few of those, compared to the number of flat buttons I dig. (For example, I'm over 80 flatties for the year, and only one ball button so far.)

The large disc you have with the buttons in your hand is not a button. I'm almost positive it is a wheel off a toy bicycle or tricycle, and it was connected to another identical piece with a floating shaft above them so that the "wheels" would turn. This connector is what you may mistake for a shank on the item. The item is still a late Victorian toy, most likely--and it is still a cool find.

Lots of nice variety in your photos, and it looks like you folks had a blast.



Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

awsome finds :thumbsup: :thumbsup: keep it up :thumbsup:

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Looked like you guys had a great hunt. A nice pile of goodies.

That glass head is my favorite, very unique and in phenomenal shape ! :thumbsup:


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Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Congrats on the successful hunts you've been on, you have some very nice finds and pics posted. WTG and Good Luck on the new spots :icon_thumleft:

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Thanks alot guys,

BB, You don't qualify those buttons as colonial period. None have back marks except for one. Plus 2 of them are pewter. Yes, I agree the big wheel looking thing may not be a button. Still a old piece though. I've found LC here and a 1787 new jersey copper at this site in the past.

I love those ball buttons. They are rare to find. I only have like 3 or 4 of them. This one was so nice to. I'd have to say it dates to atleast 1820's. No spanish silver though yet. I love to find colonial stuff.

Crazy that glass head rolled out of a huge hole I had dug. There were roots every where. The target I never found. It was screaming a 93 but it is deep under roots. Could it be a piece of 8 down there. I left the hole open and in the future I'll try and bring the target to life.

It would be cool to date the head or even know what it came off of. It is a three sided head. Very strange but very cool. Has that pink tint to the glass also.

Thanks again guys,

HH Jer

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Terrific digs. Did those power lines ever play in to the game.(Falsing etc.) That shotgun case is cool stuff. Still not sure what era that is from though. Looks like some brass cabinet parts there too. Great finds all the way around..Congrats..jgas

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Thanks for the mention Jeremy.
If anyone cares, the spot I took Jeremy and his kid and Bro to was the same stagecoach stop that I found the two 1853O half dimes at last year with Mirage. It's a pretty treacherous hike down into a steep ravine just to get into.
As we arrived, I was surprised to see that some jackhole had cut down a large number of old-growth trees right onto the heart of the rubble field where the building once stood. The entire spot was unhuntable.
We ended up looking around the area for possible campsites, etc and did find a few cool old items. My favorite find is the lamp-top post that is shaped as a fancy Hemp leaf (Jeremy has a picture of it posted) It looks even better cleaned. In early America the Hemp plant was highly respected (for different reasons than it is respected for nowadays) and often used in decorative motifs.
Considering the difficulty in just getting to the spot and now the prime areas being under tons of hardwood, I doubt I'll be back there.

Jeremy, you find the spot and I'll be there...

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

JerDfx said:
Thanks alot guys,

BB, You don't qualify those buttons as colonial period. None have back marks except for one. Plus 2 of them are pewter. Yes, I agree the big wheel looking thing may not be a button. Still a old piece though. I've found LC here and a 1787 new jersey copper at this site in the past.

I love those ball buttons. They are rare to find. I only have like 3 or 4 of them. This one was so nice to. I'd have to say it dates to atleast 1820's. No spanish silver though yet. I love to find colonial stuff.

Colonial artifacts date from the early 1780s and before.  The buttons you found are early 1800s for sure, perhaps some of them even going back a bit farther.  But no Huge flat buttons to be had.  I find pewter buttons at sites from the 1820s here.  (Sites dont date from much earlier than that here, since a lot of the land wasn't even opened up to settlement until 1812.)  So even though I find such items, I can't really call them Colonial myself.  In the strictest sense, Colonial Coppers are KG I, II, and III's, French Liards, Maravedis, Wm and Mary Coppers, etc.  

Before the Treaty of Paris we were a Colony (pre-1783).  Afterwards, we were not.  I know that the term has been batted about here by certain members--and it has been overused.  Your finds are Federal-Era finds.  This does not mean that they are any less Great.  It only means that they are not "Colonial."  I wish I could make Federal-Era finds all the time, but I seldom get to enjoy that priviledge in my area.

Best Wishes,


Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

Thanks alot guys,

The site was really far down in a ravine away from the power lines. But just last weekend I was hunting a new site and the power lines were messing with the unit. But I still was able to pull out silver.


No problem. I agree the site was damaged. The heart of the place was covered. We may have pulled something from there if it was more cleared out. I already got some good sites. Let me know a free wkend in Dec maybe and we'll go out. If not maybe the spring.

BB, Yes I agree also. Everyone here mostly including myself call and name every flat button we find colonial. In reality they are post colonial but right after. You have alot of great knowledge on early items. We just celebrated our 250th anniversary this yr here in my city.

I'm in a great old place in this country. The city of pittsburgh PA has been good to me. Getting hard though had to start researching again.

Once again guys thanks for all the comments

HH Jer

Re: 2nd Big Fall Post. Colonial Artifacts A trip With Danimal. And A Bunch Of Others

JerDfx said:
We just celebrated our 250th anniversary this yr here in my city.

I wish I could regularly hunt in an area that old.


Keep the Excellent Finds coming, JerDfx. :)

Jer, great assortment! :thumbsup: With the variety of finds that you're recovering,
there's no telling what you'll find next :wink:

Great hunt!

Awesome post and finds Jer! Great that you hooked up with Danimal, stagecoach site sounds nice along with camping but, since he did not take you to the Iceberg I will consider him the scrooge that stole Christmas. HH, Mike

The head is a great find! To me it looks like Boston and Sandwich "caryatid" , I cant find my reference book right now but if I recall right its from 1820's. wish I could find one :thumbsup:

Great post, Jer!! Congrats on the great assortment of finds!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

That pic with the campfire really accentuated the great time you guys must have had!

You going to ink up that plate and see what the image is? Nevermind - let's see what Photoshop will do...


Not my best skill - but it gives a workable preview. :wink:

Great post Jer. Really gets the blood flowing. Excellent finds and pics. My favorite pic is of you two and the little feller' around the camp fire :thumbsup: That's what it's all about :icon_sunny:

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