Think yourself lucky you're not a Brit'! lol.
So TH...if you're so against drone strikes on American citizens without due process and conviction, how come you're so big on private individuals and school security guards killing American citizens without due process and conviction?
You pose quite an interesting question here; and I might add, it is one that I have been struggling with over the last few days. It is relatively probable that your opinion and opinion's like yours are not particularly welcome here. Yet, in spite of the abuse you take you further participate in conversations. The same thing can reasonably be said for our friend Stocky. There have been several points in time when it has been insinuated that his opinions are not wanted. I myself, have at times, felt similiar to the priviledges afforded the latter of the aforementioned. This begs the question, why?
TH has made it clear that this forum is not to debate the 2nd amendment. This forum is designed to protect the second amendment and any infringement upon it. Both Stockpicker and myself are staunch defenders of the 2nd amendment; yet, we keep finding ourselves at conflicting, pivoting points with others. As previously made aware, you don't have the same horse in this conversation that Stockpicker and I do; but, you certainly have most intelligent, thought provoking data and opinions.
With all this in mind...why is there so much discord? It would appear that phrasing of the 2nd amendment is simple enough. You either agree or do not agree. Some interpretation is necessary for everything in this world; but certianly, that is not the essence of our discord. I have been angry, I have been saddened, I have felt honored, I have been uplifted. In short, I have experienced a vast array of emotions assoicated with my attempts to understand what has been laid forth before me.
The only solution that I have come up with is detachment. Our subconscious is a vast, shifty, spectrum of colors. To find one point and separate it out from the others is impossible. As humans, each of us has different levels of discernment. I now believe that we are experiencing a phenomenon of partial vs. blocked discernment. Those of us with varying levels of abilities have gravitated towards each other. The essence of the 2nd amendment forum stands united among us all; yet, discernment, prevents a united front.
When faced with such complicated endeavors one has only two choices. Abandon discernment and hence participation or attempt to fine tune discernment to meet sine wavelengths with others of different applicaple skills. For the latter to be successful logic and reason must prevail on all sides. When those basic, fundamental priniciples are abandoned madness ensues. There can be no victory through strength of force. There is indeed no battleground for which to fight on. Metaphorically, we are puppets piping, pineing, and waving.
Respectfully, sincereley, and applicably,