
I understand your concern regarding the japs rock markers/treasure sites pictures.... pls. understand also our concern that our "confidential pictures" if exposed here....some treasure hunters may go to these sites ahead from us...and recover our target treasure sites.

Remember: Sierra Madre treasure sites was unknown to treasure community and to the world....when we exposed it here about several open caves treasure sites....several treasure groups combed Sierra Madre...

These year alone, 2 groups succeeded in locating the open caves sites in Sierra Madre...TH group of Margie and another TH group who recovers Divinti cave...these are caves sites with a minimum of 20-50 tons gold. They were able to recover treasures ahead from our team bcoz they were well financed and bcoz of our treasure leads in exposing it in treasure forum. Imagine we lost 2 treasure caves bcoz of our carelessness, and our team who exposed these treasure areas still have nothing...
Exploring/documenting these sites is not easy...sweat, blood, and lots of money have been burned here...

So we learned our lesson well....we are carefull of giving anymore enough treasure info/leads...bcoz we know there are well financed treasure groups (specially local politicians/residents/TH) just lurking in these forum... :-X

However....if we hit one treasure sites alone....I will exposed everything in our knowledge....just be prepared for WW3.... bcoz lots of countries will fight for these treasures...and nobody in Gold Cartel will appreciate if the gold price will go down to very very low price level ....world economy will never be the same again... ::)
Be carefull what you wish for... ???


gboy said:

So we learned our lesson well....we are carefull of giving anymore enough treasure info/leads...bcoz we know there are well financed treasure groups (specially local politicians/residents/TH) just lurking in these forum... :-X

GBoy, I and everyone else here understands the point of suppression.

The reason for my Comment was
because of boylara's comment,
which had nothing to do with being Covert, but more to do with being exclusive.
and slighting TNet.

boylara said:
Gboy, don't post those pictures, we will use those images when we will official launch our own treasure hunting website....all the other pictures / markers /projects etc..will be exclusively posted on our website,


right on jeff


jeff you're right,some guys have posted so many picture on their email for the world to see but telling his friend not to show pics here coz they are afraid might take your site? whats the point man?don't be so rude and selfish!
you have hundreds of positive sight,you have plenty of maps,you even say you are a doctorate in treasure hunting but why still didnt recover a single bar of gold?real treasure hunters dont solicit monetary/material things here for their operation.only a con man do and the pockets of unsuspecting prey will be your gold mine.
you are tarnishingh the pride and dignity of the FILIPINO people!!!


I should add, I have No Feelings of Disrespect for Anyone who
has posted in here.

There are many Real Treasure Hunters here.
and I emphasize "Hunters"
some Treasure Hunters, like Mel Fisher, eventually get lucky
and Find their Treasure, Some look forever & find their Treasure
is the act of Looking.

The FILIPINO People have a Very intresting Country.
If I lived there I'd be out looking also.

They Deserve much Respect & Wishes of Good Luck.

all I ask is Please don't lump them in with the Nigerian
EMail Scammers.

And I hope Every single one of you, Follows your
Dream. Don't ever let anyone take that away from you.



Gentlemen, I had decided to never post in here again because every time that I do, I seem to become involved in extremely childish arguments with G'boy, However I have to put in my two cents.

Do you really think that you could post on another site with complete confidence? No-way, My grandson has developed a simple program that allows him access to any program., yes even to the XXX ones, which I suspect was his goal, snicker. I understand that you can purchase the equivalent on the net inexpensively..

In any event a new site would not be any more secure than here so keep posting them here. The only secure way is to not publish/post any of them anywhere, keep them in your head. Even there, a bit of applied physical err ah effort, like crushed finger joints etc. can generally bring them out.

So I feel that if you intend to post them anywhere, you owe it to Jeff to do it in here, other wise one can question your sense of moral responsibilities and so Carry that over to looking for help in any form.

Tropical Tramp


Green apple,

I do oftentimes shared my research/pictures to my selected Treasurenet forum friends...but we are only carefull in giving enough treasure info, bcoz thru some info in treasure forum (not necessarily treasurenet)...PEOPLE ARE GETTING HURT PHYSICALLY....and we feel its getting out of hand.
Ex: I never realized that some bad guys of Politicians was monitoring treasure forums...when we posted a certain treasure cave site...politician and his henchmen knows these cave. In May 2006, they hurriedly went to the land owner of the treasure cave....and squeeze the old man and his 15 year old son....the old man have no choice but to give up his 20 ton treasure cave...or else his family will be massacred.
I thought posting here some treasure leads is harmless....I never realized it endanger some other people lives...simply bcoz of our carelessness of exposing their site.....thru the years treasure confiscation...harassment seems to be unattended and unnotice...but it do happen.
If you are an outsider/foreigner....you never care, bcoz for you its just an ordinary treasure info anyway...just like Realde...however for those people who almost died for their treasure....and for those who research and lost their site.....being careless in giving treasure info is indeed dangerous...
Green apple....have you been a victim of robbery,holdup or kidnapapping?....it would be unimaginable and horrifying, isn't?
Just imagine if your family is about to be massacred and your hundred millions dollars worth of wealth is being stolen....bcoz of carelessness of other people, how do you feel?
Think it over...bcoz some outsider sometimes think only the benefit (treasure info) for themselves...they never realize the REAL situation...that it endanger other people lives... >:(


sadly, when you talk of wealth and power, Philippines is a dangerous place to live....here survival of the fittest rules....seldom you found a good samaritan especiallly in the vicinity around metro manila.....everybody wants to live on their own.....they doesnt want competition....they will kill for competition.....in the provinces there are few good people....but the good thing is, religious activity is catching up encouraging moral and spiritual reformation....the Philippines is in much need of this reformation, not other kind of reformation...so please understand some critical issues.....Philippines is different from America, the people live there in comfort...here.....you may visit us.....extreme people live here...either you are very rich or very poor....a bigger percentage being poor.....and being poor you will need every guts to eat a meal at least 2 times a day.....power and connection is the way of life here.....but people be reminded that WE ARE ALL MORTALS! we have lifespan!

even with all of this, i still want to leave here in 7001 islands strong, it is where all the challenge begins,,,,,as zobex said, "If you manage to return alive - you have not failed."

Peace on Earth!


the good thing is......sakang loot is widespread scattered here in the archipelago....waiting to be unearth.....gboy...some or a lot of politician unearthed them already...hope this will lessen their corruption in peoples money na ???, i hope,.... makes me wonder then why lots of Filipino wants to join the politics.....is it power to excavate? full control of their town? province? access to machineries and manpower? greed? bed of money? sigh....

pinoy th....lets scour the island for our treasures...




Its understandable that some TH wanted to gain "treasure info" in an easy way... however there is also other way to gain enough treasure info....the hard way...just like we did...
TIP: Simply...SACRIFICE....your career, financial welfare of your family, dangerous encounters, endless years of roaming/exploring in the entire Philippine archipelago....and after more than decades.... PRESTO ::)...YOU HAVE ENOUGH TREASURE INFO !! :o
....and after all those decades of hardship and sacrifice...give all your treasure info to TH in treasure forum....NICE MOVE, isn't? ;D


gboy said:

Its understandable that some TH wanted to gain "treasure info" in an easy way... however there is also other way to gain enough treasure info....the hard way...just like we did...
TIP: Simply...SACRIFICE....your career, financial welfare of your family, dangerous encounters, endless years of roaming/exploring in the entire Philippine archipelago....and after more than decades.... PRESTO ::)...YOU HAVE ENOUGH TREASURE INFO !! :o
....and after all those decades of hardship and sacrifice...give all your treasure info to TH in treasure forum....NICE MOVE, isn't? ;D

Anyone who has lived the life of treasure hunting in the Philippines, in particular if you are not native born there and I am not, it is not just a live but a profound change in your whole being. I don't know how to explain it, the more I try the more impossible it becomes. When I started out I was both too stupid to understand what I was getting into and too scared to get my sorry but back to California my home.

What we found and lost, found and got hijacked, found and wound up in gun battles, found and got our buts shot off. My treasure now is in being not only accepted by the Philippine people but being made one of them. Invited and that is the most important point, I was ASKED to be one and that is the big treasure. The poor have been my friends, they share there meager food supply and don't even think twice. I've given what I have. The rich politicals suck the country and the people dry.

My beautiful wife is buried on Mindanao, shot in the chest with 3 9mm. I buried her, dug the grave with my men and we lowered her coffin into the ground in 2004. I will always be a Mindanaoan.

I have promised many people that I would be back by October and yet I am still hung up in California, being treated for mercury poisoning I got from the puzzle vault we opened up. Not going well here.

I help some who ask for help in TH if they are poor but the rich have not enough money for my time. I guess I sound whacked out here.



to:Sobex i am very sorry , about what happened to your wife, that was murder in cold blood, did you get justice for that?maybe you ,and i have similarity, because my wife was with me all the time, and also i always remind them ,and to all of my crew, that,if someone comes,and want our finds we well give it to them no question to ask. in my opinion ,if it doesn't belong to us ,we well find another one that god was given us Ed


[Zobex California my home.
HI where in calif are you?

What we found and lost, found and got hijacked, found and wound up in gun battles, found and got our buts shot off. My treasure now is in being not only accepted by the Philippine people but being made one of them. Invited and that is the most important point, I was ASKED to be one and that is the big treasure. The poor have been my friends, they share there meager food supply and don't even think twice. I've given what I have.
Sheesh we have apparently persued almost identical lives, I in Mexico, you in the Philipines, even to the bandidos. I was never hi-jacked however, I can shoot quite accurately as they know and have found out.
I have promised many people that I would be back by October and yet I am still hung up in California, being treated for mercury poisoning I got from the puzzle vault we opened up. Not going well here.
Hg poisoning eh? hmm I cured myself of Arsenic poisoning with massive ingestions of Vit "C", they wanted to use Lewisite sheesh. Intervenous is far more effective. It Chelates all heavy metals, especially Hg, something that our preent Medical Establishment has forgotten. This treatment was clearely established in the 1930's. If you wish more details and references, em me. Em address is in my profile to the left.
I guess I sound whacked out here.
Aren't all treasure hunters?



thanks for your concern to other peoples lives and property,especially when it comes to tons of gold(?).hope next time if these people do really have gold they'll sell some of it and enjoy the fruit of labor before they die rather than just waiting there like a sitting duck.i know they are not stupid,even an elementary pupil will have the initiative how to get rich.or should i say some genuine stories are kept secret and some stories are just a product of wild imaginings.

zobex sir,with all due respect i would like to say sorry to hear about your wife,i hope you get well soon and may God give you long life coz your knowledge helps alot of poor treasure hunters here in minda.


justice here in the Philippines walks in a very very slow pace.......the battle is your words against my words, scientific evidence is way to far to be allowed in the court....money talks most of the time....but inspite of all this....behind the clouds the sun is still shinning.....i guess we have not failed because we are still alive for the next battle (quote).....this time we are ready....start counting your blessing and you will be surprised that you are much blessed than other people....just look around your vicinity....and you will realise..."swerte pa pala ako sa iba dyan"....So lets get going....

God speed to all!



I pray for your immediate recovery..




Zobex said:
goldlilly said:
Nugget ... Kamusta.

Interesting object ... well spotted.

From the photo .... it appears that there are two types of stone ... a cement layer encasing a much harder squareish rock. There appears to be other features such as the left foot almost buried and perhaps more of the body just under the surface. I think you should try uncover a few more inches around it.

The triangle on the nose (to me anyway) says dig down. and by Angels reckoning there should be another indicator within 3 - 5 feet depth.

Zobex ... What is your opinion on turtle markers ???

Well consider what the turtle means to the Jap culture prior to the WW2. It is the mother, bringer of life from sea to land, lives in the reigon between water and land. Good luck (and taste good).

So the site is wet, that figures, it's near water. Is a general guide but not an absolute marker. I have seen two turtles that were made of cement. One on a shore line and it was pure cement, but fully the beach also had a cement ramp under the sand that was built like a landing ramp. The island was remote, private and small. No treasure at the turtle but was found some 1000 meters inland (not my find, we just provided the security/guns). The other was inside a cave and I believe I posted earlier, against my advise (which turned out to be wrong :P, it contained 2 75kg bars inside. BUT the hunters did not realize that the set of cut stone stairs in the tunnel that preceeded the turtle were markers of something bigger farther in. The turtle must have been as a pre deposit for early wealth and operating expenses.

At first I was somewhat skeptical of this rock but it definatly looks to be enhanced by man. Those insert rocks that look like eyes and the third on the side I doubt were inserted by man. It appears to be a limestone type of rock and natural inclusions of small harder stones is not uncommon. It looks like some man has taken a natural rock they found and used it markings to enhance into a code marker. Maybe the took limestone rock and crushed it to powder, made decoy cement and then smeared it on another rock, then embedded the stones as eyes etc. Would have to examine it in person to tell.

I don't think it is an "x marks the spot" marker. Maybe a guide marker. A lot of work to still do to decide if yes or no on this site. BUT I would definately record and log all I did see here.

My 2 peso worth.

your inbox is full , i want to send you pm soon Ed


to: all TH i need some advice,or comment about these question, recently one of my crew was approch by a native fisherman (diver with spear) he was telling him that he saw some kind of cement vault wrapped with chain under water(salt water) around 8-12 meter depth ,so i send my men to investigate ,i don't have a report yet. now my question is are these could be part of Japs. treasure? i have read the gold warrior(book)by seagrave,and some other author's book, but i don't recall that the treasure was hiding this way need some info. guy's thanks Ed by the way my nail's turn out to be a silver (.8 oz)so it could be a pointer am i right guy again thanks ,and happy holiday to all



There are 3 types of au holder we encounter/research...
1) Reburried treasures:
These are the treasures taken from sunken japs ships in the North... recovered/hauled by Marcos men in 1970's...they hide it into several caves sites....The Colonel...instructed that the cave site be guarded by native chieftain as guardian (swear to death the secrecy of these gold hoard)...now, the Colonel and the native chieftain guardian had died....only the son of the Colonel and the son of the native guardian are alive. The two sons were instructed by their old folks(before they died) to meet each other and arrange hauling, to be given the treasure to Filipino people...and only to the honest President.
The treasure hoard is 100% confirmed bcoz when the Colonel was still alive in 1980's, he was able to give his last delivery to Marcos a thousand of 75 kilos (fully documented) in cooperation with the natives. The remaining stockpile is still intact . few thousand pcs gold bars...
Problem: Logistics and budget...The colonel son is in our side...the native chieftain is still in Sierra to be relocated....as usual budget is needed so that the two trustee would meet.

2) Treasure cave jungle :
Accidentally found by natives, these are NOT stupid people....they are just cautious and carefull...bcoz 2 of his family members had already been killed when they to sell these gold bars...unfortunately he was able to contact wrong person....These are 100 % confirmed bcoz our neighbor in province was able to buy 3 pcs 6 kilos gold bar.... at $50 per 6 kilo gold bar ONLY !....the native au holder is highly mobile...
Problem: Logistics and budget to relocate this highly mobile native.

3) Treasure cave lowland:
Accidentally found...100% sureball bcoz the native seller sold 12 kg. for $600 only...Latest info his son was kidnapped...and harassed by his own townfolks for his treasure cave....the old man is highly mobile. According to his 8 year old son who frequently visited the cave/tunnel....it had a several stockpile, jars of precious stones..and the tunnel hallway had electrical lightings....
Problem: Budget....to relocate and traced the highly mobile native au seller.

These are the "hauling type of treasures"...with proper budget and logistics..is DOABLE....oks? ;D.....
... and by the way they are NOT STUPID PEOPLE....they are simply ignorant and harassed people...by an ill-motive lowlander/outsider like you...ok?


Hi Gboy,

If you feel you are afraid in disclosing informations regarding your treasure site, don't post information neither any pictures; with that, you can assure all informations are all intact within your circle. Giving hint of any sort in this forum without any intention of sharing it is like telling others you have cake but you don't want to share it. But if you will not inform the t.h. community, then they know nothing about it.


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