Tropical Tamp - you crack me up - I like your style! *L*
as for the multi-alias, multi-posters in here.....
The word delusional comes to mind & i just saw a
bumper sticker on my way in. It said,
"I am somewhat delusional myself but
occasionally i really enjoy listening to a
professional" *w*


[=Ocean7 .....
i really enjoy listening to a
professional" *w*
sheehs, well I certainly can fit that description, sniffff, I still seem to think that I can balance the Mexican debt. however--! hehhe'
Tropical Tramp


gboy said:

Regarding the thermal/Infrared camera in exploring Japs tunnels?...BEWARE...YOU MAY NEVER LIKE IT...WHAT YOU WILL SEE.... :-X

In late 1990's....our team explored one of the Japs tunnels in Montalban town. Since flashlight batteries doesn't last long....my treasure hunter friend turn on the infrared camera as our only source of vision while walking inside the tunnel...infront of the line is the infrared camera man and the next are 5 members holding each others shoulder walking like blindman inside tunnel...while grouping and walking blindly...one of my friend are joking that there are ghost in these tunnel...we just ignored him...

Suddenly while grouping and walking almost blindly inside the tunnel...we heard very clear moaning and marching sound....suddenly the lead man with infrared camera...saw something and shouted at the top of his voice...JAPS SOLDIERS GHOST !!!....ALL HELL BROKE LOSE.. :o.....just imagine 6 of you...blindly running and shouting inside very dark tunnel...all of us got...bruises and bumps when we get out of the tunnel...

When we reviewed the tape of the camera....it is indeed very clear the moaning and marching sound....and white cloud walking formation (Japs ghost)....

Since then....every time we enter japs tunnel...we pray, carry lots of lights (candles,flashlight, lamps, etc)....and never again joke or challenge the exsistence of Japs ghost inside the tunnel...bcoz they do exist...
Hazard of the trade...::)

Those are what the Japs call a " Yurei " left to watch the treasure or protect the area from their enemies or to continue to follow orders. etc. etc.

Yurei :: Literally, "dim/hazy/faint spirit." Spirits of the dead who remain among the living for a specific purpose, usually to seek vengeance. Yurei generally appear between 2 and 3 AM.



The picture of the Old Jap that I have attached to my alias here is a most interesting man. Below I have written can you guess who I am and to date no one has been able to identify him.

Who is he?? Well the name he used from 1945 to his death in 2000 is Julio Valensuela. That is the name he purchased from the Catholic Church at the end of the war. Who was he?? He was one who got away from MacArthur, while MacArthur and his friends were busy torturing Tomoyuki Y a m a s h i t a 's DRIVER , they over looked his personal COOK and FOOD TASTER. That being Julio. He spent many years running in the islands and finally was able to stop running. I first met him in 1987 via some of Marcos leg men, from a man who was one of the original 16 guerrilla fighters under Marcos in the retreat across Battan. After Marcos was hijacked from Luzon, a lot of things fell apart. In 1987 some of the ones "left behind" whom my father had known from the 70's brought Julio to us.

There is large quantities as of last checked 1988 still in Saipan and Guam. That is why the Japs used so much Korean slave labor digging the massive tunnels in Saipan. When the USG invaded Saipan, a jap convoy of gold metal was in rout there but was forced to scuttle the ships (3 treasure transport ships) that were in rout. Julio and friends dove on it in 1988 and it was untouched then and no foreign nation patrol boats hanging around the area as spotters. The cost of such a deep water recovery were totally out of our league. Y a m a s h i t a had little to nothing to do in the gathering of bullion. His military career was short at the beginning of the war and was only called out to be sent to the Philippine theatre as a throw away, to fight to the death and cause damage to help the Emperor negotiate a better deal with the USG. The extensive tunneling and cement fortifications for burial were all engineered and built before he actually arrived in the Philippines. The pic. I show was taken in 1988 and signatured by Julio at the time he gave it to me along with a copy of his Catholic Church birth certificate and some other things.

He was a very interesting guy. To set and drink tea with him was a throwback in time and almost eire.



We read the web site. Common knowledge and misinformation.

In 1944 when the war situation was critical for Japan, General Yama#@!$%#@!a assumed the command of the Fourteenth Area Army to defend the Philippines. The U.S. Army landed on Leyte on 20 October, only ten days after Yama#@!$%#@!a's arrival at Manila. ( My Dad was part of the advance Army Ranger group that landed on Leyte on the 18th 2 days early with instructions to demo fuel depos and spot out positions. He was issued a Thompson that continued to jam on sand from the beach areas. He took pics of the area with his own personal Argus C-3 35mm camera. I have it today.) On 6 January 1945 the American Sixth Army landed at Lingayen Bay in Luzon. Yama#@!$%#@!a commanded around 262,000 troops in three defensive groups. He tried to rebuild his army but was forced to retreat from Manila to the mountains of northern Luzon. Correction, Y a m a s h t a was not in command of the Japanese Marines who remained in Luzon and committed the mass crimes. In fact of all the events that took place in the Philippines, aside from the organized retreat, he had nothing to do with.

As I pointed out, the mass deposits of "treasure" were for the major deposits, done before he arrived. It is every where from Zamboanga to Palawan. The theory that the deposits were made in the Philippines because the USG Naval forces were sinking too many Jap ships is rubbish. If the treasures that were looted from various countries geographically NORTH of the Philippines, why were the ships that were trying to transport treasure to Japan Islands sunk SOUTH of those looted countries. To go to mother Japan they would all head NORTH EAST. They were being sunk SOUTH of these countries in rout for Japan. In 1873 the samurai system was replaced by compulsory military service after Western pattern. Warlords (Kabuki-mono and the Machi-yakko) and gambling syndicates (Ya-Ku-Za which means 8-9-3 which is a non winning hand in a old Japanese card game, equal to 20 or bust in those games ) were integrated into or was the core basis of the new Japanese Army which was trained by French and Prussian (Russian) military from 1873-1876. With the raping of Asia starting with the 1905 war, the senior leaders of the new Japanese Army was the old guard of the warlords and gambling syndicates. Next, there was constant internal conflict between the old culture of the gambling syndicates YaKuZa and the new parliamentary western form . By the early 1920's Japan was becoming quite Westernized in banking, Parliament Government, commerce etc. and this was in conflict with the prevailing thought of the Japanese Army (the old Samurai structure and syndicates). The Emperor God was also in conflict with the Japanese Parliament. The Military wished to return to the era of Warlords and syndicates, since they conrolled the military forces, they collected the war booty. While much was sent back to Japan, the bulk was held inside the military complex. The Philippines was determined to be the South power base to rival the Parliamentary government of Japan island. With the wealth moved south to Military controll and with the land and labor wealth of the Philippines the Military would be in a position to dictate to the upper class of Japan and take back controll of Japan, step back in time.

THAT is why treasure that was looted from contries NORTH of the Philippines was shipped SOUTH to the Philippines rather than NORTH to Japan. It was only when it became clear that the Philippines was going to fall back to USG hands that the Japanese THEN started shipping large loads of treasure NORTH to Japan islands or its close outer holdings or expected peace treaty negotiations. A notable amount was sunk, so much so that all shipments were stopped and the remaining not hid was sent to quick deposit sites.

Don't make opinions based upon "coffee table" history books.


hi guys,
peace. i was hoping you can help me out on this. i was able to touch, weigh, lick these items but of course, with all the rumors regarding au, i became a bit doubtful. i know that most of you here are experts when it comes to finds like these. will discuss details as soon as i get your opinions on the matter. i am new on this site and hoping to get along well and understand more on matters about au finds. thank you so much.

God bless,


  • gbuddha.webp
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Welcome to TreasureNet Jack.

Awsome Buddah !

Do you know the Weight of the Bar ?

It looks Heavy.

If you can give the Weight & Dimensions, Someone here should be able to tell you if it Could be.
But Remember, There are Reasons for some to Lie to you,
So get several Opinions. You don't want someone saying it's
fake just to buy it off you cheap.
Or Because they are Jealous

Also Try putting a Scratch in the Bottom, If it is easy to Scratch, & Gold under
the top layer it may be. (But Remembr Lead is soft also, But not Gold in color)

I Hope it's Real.



HMMM AU is Gold as you know, also .999,9 is the standars of refined Gold, soo a delicate scratch on the bottom is called or, it may be a gold bar plated with something else. ???? It should weigh approx. 2,5+ kilos or 5.5+ troy#.

Tropical tramp


Thanks for the reminder....Sorry in advance, but I hope my views would not hurt...
I want to say my personal opinion on the buddha image, but be forewarned that I'm not an expert. Some of my friends were shown, not the same but similar Buddha-AU bars set too.

If I were to evaluate a Buddha image's authenticity, I'd check the
contours of its eyebrows and the position of the hands and feet which are usually meaningful as they say something about the past life of the Buddha.

I am not sure of the gold tone of the AU bar, but it looks real...only the hue could be mistaken to more alloy contents than pure gold.

But no one can tell... I'm not sure if this shiny bar is gold as well. The label says it's 24K , displayed at the Doi Gold mine.
Hope I'm allowed to upload this here...


All I can say is: these pictures of AU and budha seems to be a very convincing reproduction of originals.

this size of AU should weigh not less than 6 kilograms. Try imagining a bowling ball of 14 lbs, this piece of AU should be identical to the weight of a bowling ball. Now hold the ball on your left hand and determine the tension of your palm. Now look at the picture and see how much force the left hand is supporting. this will gives us an idea if this is really a true AU bar. If this bar weighs + or - 3.5 Kgs.. it means it is made of bronze metal. there are also other doubtful "marks" on this bar. (I hope I'm wrong)

My two cents .....



hi again guys,
thanks for your comments/opinions on my post. some asked for the weight of the bar, it is 6.2kgs. it's covered with something like alquitran/tar or something, the tribespeople there believed it was one way of avoiding au detectors and said they've discovered it like that meaning it was the japs who covered it with that thing. i've heard so much about "sumatra bars", it's such a controversial mark when it comes to gold bars, that's why i 'm asking for help from you guys. also. somebody asked if i scratched the bottom, yes i did, and it felt like i could drive a nail with my bare hands thru it. i really need your help on this guys. again thanks. attached are some more pics...

Godspeed y'all,


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diving doc said:
The sunken ships and the son of General Homma are not to be ignored, I think.

Absolutely not, that I would expect to be a very good site. The Japs over the years have purchased large areas of land. One thing you can count on. The Japs don't purchase worthless land.



jackisback said:
hi again guys,
thanks for your comments/opinions on my post. some asked for the weight of the bar, it is 6.2kgs. it's covered with something like alquitran/tar or something, the tribespeople there believed it was one way of avoiding au detectors and said they've discovered it like that meaning it was the japs who covered it with that thing. i've heard so much about "sumatra bars", it's such a controversial mark when it comes to gold bars, that's why i 'm asking for help from you guys. also. somebody asked if i scratched the bottom, yes i did, and it felt like i could drive a nail with my bare hands thru it. i really need your help on this guys. again thanks. attached are some more pics...

Godspeed y'all,
Hello!!!! Jackisback what kind of help you are looking for the item already in your hands , all you got to do is saw a piece of it say i/4 kg. sell it in pawnshop, i'm sure if it real they well ask for more in that case you know you have a real thing ( just wondering how much did you weight? ) now if you mean help by selling it all you got is buy me a plane ticket i will come right away,and sell for you to American buyer with london market price name your commision it's up to you Ed


Wow That would Look Great on my Front Porch !


angel_09 said:
All I can say is: these pictures of AU and Buddha seems to be a very convincing reproduction of originals.

this size of AU should weigh not less than 6 kilograms. Try imagining a bowling ball of 14 lbs, this piece of AU should be identical to the weight of a bowling ball. Now hold the ball on your left hand and determine the tension of your palm. Now look at the picture and see how much force the left hand is supporting. this will gives us an idea if this is really a true AU bar. If this bar weighs + or - 3.5 Kgs.. it means it is made of bronze metal. there are also other doubtful "marks" on this bar. (I hope I'm wrong)

My two cents .....


I gut feel tend to agree with Angel_09 . The map was drawn modern, if it is a redraw of an old map that would be different but the map itself is modern. I was fortunate or unfortunate in my life to have had several careers or jobs. As a geologist also so we were in mining, engineering, surveyors and cartographer (map drawers) In the 70's it was all by pen and ink on a drafting table. That map looks dead on to what we used to draw for project sites. Nothing even close to a vintage map of any kind.

The Buddha is a bronze casting and a poor one. If the Buddha was solid cast and it looks to be, then you could not balance it on your knee like that. The bar is marked 999.9. For any bar prewar 2 it was anywhere from 98% to 99.5% . To make " four nine " material takes a full chemical separation and not a fire separation. That was not done in Asia before WW2. The only four nine material was more for industrial and that was very very very limited and done in a modern environment. The color is wrong for 999.9 . Four nine material is more orange and very soft. If it was buried it would have handling marks on the sharp corners with bangs and nicks.

If I am wrong then those guys are very rich. If I am right, they can find some gringo tourist to buy it.

Later today I will post a pic of a fake platinum Chinese shoe. In truth it is a melt down of mixed coin material. They found a lot of it and thought it was Pt. . So hard I had to cut it with a dremel cut off wheel just to get a sample to chemically digest for test. Makes a good paper weight.



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thanks so much for sharing your views. somebody asked for the weight of the bars, it's 6.2kgs, if you see, they agreed that we split the bar in to two to reveal the center of the bar and show consistency of the color. what was shown here is just part of the first 18bars in the location shown to me, as for the buddha, it weighs somewhere around 18-20plus kilos. the person holding it in photo almost tripped when the buddha was handed to him,(i have video of that) there were two buddhas, the other one is bigger with removable head and has blackdiamond and precious stones inside. yes, i agree most of you here might think this is a too good to be true story, but i tell you it is. you might be wondering how i come across this....okay, i am not a guy who's into treasure hunting or even into precious metals thingy, i went to this place near the mountains for vacation and hiking, i met this old man whom i spent a little time with, his family needed help, and i was able to help him and his family. we became friends. i bought them flashlights, some clothes which are very cheap there. i didnt show this man any signs that i have money or what, like i'm just an ordinary guy. he invited me to go up the mountains one day, said he wanted to show me something....well that's it. look, i'm just sharing this story with you guys because i told you i am not really good at this..and i know some of you here are.


  • mybar.webp
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jackisback said:
thanks so much for sharing your views. somebody asked for the weight of the bars, it's 6.2kgs, if you see, they agreed that we split the bar in to two to reveal the center of the bar and show consistency of the color. what was shown here is just part of the first 18bars in the location shown to me, as for the Buddha, it weighs somewhere around 18-20plus kilos. the person holding it in photo almost tripped when the Buddha was handed to him,(i have video of that) there were two Buddhas, the other one is bigger with removable head and has blackdiamond and precious stones inside. yes, i agree most of you here might think this is a too good to be true story, but i tell you it is. you might be wondering how i come across this....okay, i am not a guy who's into treasure hunting or even into precious metals thingy, i went to this place near the mountains for vacation and hiking, i met this old man whom i spent a little time with, his family needed help, and i was able to help him and his family. we became friends. i bought them flashlights, some clothes which are very cheap there. i didn't show this man any signs that i have money or what, like i'm just an ordinary guy. he invited me to go up the mountains one day, said he wanted to show me something....well that's it. look, i'm just sharing this story with you guys because i told you i am not really good at this..and i know some of you here are.

For what it is worth, the Japs DID in some cases coat bars or Buddhas in various coatings such as tar or tar like paint. The reason was psychological. You would have troops handling gold bars and treasure all day and pretty soon some would start getting GOLD FEVER. That is a part of human nature. So the solution was to cover or paint a lot of stuff. The first time I saw a 75kg bar it was covered in tar (no was not my bar unfortunately) and they scrapped the surface with a bolo to get it off.

That Buddha still looks funny to me. A friend of mine found one just about that size in 1999 in Cotabato. But that one was much more detailed and design. It was solid and VERY hard to hold onto. In one tunnel we found a carved STONE "gold bar" complete with markings and the 5 stars on it. It was in the shape and form of a 6.2kg. I speculated and still do that it was a "plug" or mold maker for pressing into sand for sand cast gold. It was found with the skull, rice bowl, ceremonial death etc. of a few Japs. There was also yellow found in the tunnel.

If you DO have the real deal, start using the eyes in the back of your head. There are a lot of poor people in the islands and you can't blame some people who can't afford shoes in trying to hijack you or sell you out to the local Gov.. They get gold fever also.

Like I always say, start stashing it in MANY different places.

Good Luck



jackisback said:
thanks so much for sharing your views. somebody asked for the weight of the bars, it's 6.2kgs, if you see, they agreed that we split the bar in to two to reveal the center of the bar and show consistency of the color. what was shown here is just part of the first 18bars in the location shown to me, as for the buddha, it weighs somewhere around 18-20plus kilos. the person holding it in photo almost tripped when the buddha was handed to him,(i have video of that) there were two buddhas, the other one is bigger with removable head and has blackdiamond and precious stones inside. yes, i agree most of you here might think this is a too good to be true story, but i tell you it is. you might be wondering how i come across this....okay, i am not a guy who's into treasure hunting or even into precious metals thingy, i went to this place near the mountains for vacation and hiking, i met this old man whom i spent a little time with, his family needed help, and i was able to help him and his family. we became friends. i bought them flashlights, some clothes which are very cheap there. i didnt show this man any signs that i have money or what, like i'm just an ordinary guy. he invited me to go up the mountains one day, said he wanted to show me something....well that's it. look, i'm just sharing this story with you guys because i told you i am not really good at this..and i know some of you here are.

Jack I was wondering about the 2 Being Held. I didn't realize it was the same one.
It sure Looks real ! and the Buddha, WOW ! is all I can say.
I thought it looked Heavy.

Congrats ! and Thanks for the pics & Story on them.



Please Heed the advice given by ZOBEX

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