Hi to all,
Regarding prayer, I'm with it and not agaianst it... but my experience with this is a bit hilarious...
This is a true story....
I was very young then, working with a group of treasure hunters. We are doing the prayers before and after work(same as you guys doing it) It seems that everybody are really serious about what they are asking to God. they even promised building church for God's sake, giving money to the poor etc...ect.... (to the best of my perception and knowledge). One day, the man who do the detection told us before we started the job..." We are near to our target, maybe a day or two..." Everybody is happy, Me as a young boy then, assume that we will gather and conduct our prayer to thank God because we are almost there. But contrary to what I'm expecting, everybody starts to remove their mask. Instead of praying, one by one reveals their plan, as follows:
1. I will buy a big house.
2. I will buy an airplane and will go to U>S> of A.
3. I will "buy" this actress.
4. I will buy this and that....you name it they will buy it....

To make the story short, the site we are digging collapsed the next day. That was my first lesson in trasure hunting. Do not believe in what you hear.
My first rule was established.
Do not say it, just do it...



About live pointer:

This is a true story:

My group approached me telling that "we have a live pointer". I asked " Are you sure?" "one hundred one percent sure..."
To cut the story short, we proceed to the place where the 'live pointer' lives. He was asked by my first companion.."are you really sure you know where they burried the gold? (a really direct question) "Of course I do!" he replied. "Can you show us any marker or proof that will lead to the gold?"
He didn't replied, instead went outside the house and said" did you see the moon?" We were puzzled why the moon, but since most of us are neophite, we go along with him, thinking that this will give specific moonrays to a particular place. "On the side of the moon" he said, "is the bullion of gold bars"!!
We look to each other and the same thinking flashed to our minds... But one of my friend asked " but how are we going to reach the moon, it's too far? we need to have apollo 7 to reach it?" The man look sarcastically to him and said.." it is not a problem we will built one, the cost will be justified to the amount of gold we will get there..."
This is where my second lesson came from.
My second rule:

Do not take too much "nuts" when doing treasure hunting...



Treasure hunters,

.....And so....nobody can analyze or solve the problem of "vanishing" treasure which happen in ACTUAL TREASURE scenario? (assuming that it had 100% treasure, and do all the homework, preparation...etc...)...Why it still vanish?
...he,he,he...where are the well-experience treasure hunters here?... ;D
....If nobody can solve a simple treasure problem scenario...usually normal and had happened in most treasure sites...he,he,he...how can you recover the real "treasure"...

Anyway...if nobody else can explain or experience these treasure scenario....I will explian it later.....o ano sirit na kayo lahat?


Hi to all,

This is a true story: About Ogre, Kapre and ghost....

A group of hunters came to me and ask for my help; financial and technical know how (according to them). Of course i have to interview the leader about the feasibility of the project. he informwed me that it is a very easy job. It will only take 2 nights to finish it and good result will be attained. The question light up in my mind... Why night? are they afraid to somebody? are we filfering it from other owner? ... anyway, I let them explain the scheme of their project:

"we will do it at night, around eleven PM. We will hide in the bush and wait for him to come" the leader told me. "Who is "him" that will come?" I asked... "He is the one who knows the secret about the hidden treasure". I was abit apprehensive at that time, since it might be against the law, taking somebody against his will just to have the information he have. " Isn't it dangerous and he might go to authorities" I asked nervously... "Don't worry, he will not go to the police." "Why?" I asked "because he's an Ogre. and he comes out only at 12 Oclock midnight. If he appears, we will get him and tie him, and asked him where is the treasur he is guarding." "and if he didn't tell us the place?" I asked with a smile on my lips... "Well, we will not free him until morning". he told me triumphantly.......

To make the story short, I told them I'm not yet ready at that time, will inform them if anybody will be interested to join them....in capturing ogre or kapre who will lead them to treasure...

Just PM me and I'll give their address...



Hi all,

For the last 9 years, ever since my first detector, a tesoro sidewinder, i have been searching this field, two live pointers(still alive) pointed to a field where the japs burried a jar being carried by 4 japs, the bamboo pole was used to sling the jar, and the bamboo was bending with the weight. I have isolated the place, only one problem, the tamarind tree they burried it under is long gone, so i have no point of reference, the two pointers are in their 70s and where young and at a distance when observing the japanese, all they could see was the tip of the shovel throwing dirt from the bottom of the pit, so the hole is probably 8ft deep assuming the japs height was 5'5". A 5 galon jar at eight ft is out of range of many conventional detectors(i have 4, modesty aside)...my point is, its not that easy despite all the info and technology, even though i have narrowed down the search area to 200sqm, its still like looking for a needle in a haystack...locals tell me the spirits move or shift it, but i dont believe in that kind of spirituality, i know its out there, just a matter of time and technology. Its very hard to find treasure, but you will never find it if you stop looking. AMEN?


=tagasilayHi all,
HOLA, Positive side, the jar is not at 8 ft, but much less. Perhaps even 4 - 5' or less.

A picnic wth a twin box detector.

El slightly tarnished Tropical Tramp


Hello all!

the past posts in this page is definiteky entertaining! i can's wait to hear gboy's explanation of his vanishing drum. i need to be asurred that alchohol or drugs are not the reasons for it's disappearnace - it's all in the mind...maybe. i remember in my first post giving my opinion that everything of value in this world needs corresponding effort to get. wealth need labor and capital to create, assuming that it is being created in the legal way. i believe that an unprepared mind could get crazy at the sight of a pile of gold or any treasure for that matter. let us continue posting our thoughts in this thread, this way, we will find out, and know more who we really are. wishing the best for all!!!

my kindest regards,



Hi all,

For the last 9 years, ever since my first detector, a tesoro sidewinder, i have been searching this field, two live pointers(still alive) pointed to a field where the japs burried a jar being carried by 4 japs, the bamboo pole was used to sling the jar, and the bamboo was bending with the weight. I have isolated the place, only one problem, the tamarind tree they burried it under is long gone, so i have no point of reference, the two pointers are in their 70s and where young and at a distance when observing the japanese, all they could see was the tip of the shovel throwing dirt from the bottom of the pit, so the hole is probably 8ft deep assuming the japs height was 5'5". A 5 galon jar at eight ft is out of range of many conventional detectors(i have 4, modesty aside)...my point is, its not that easy despite all the info and technology, even though i have narrowed down the search area to 200sqm, its still like looking for a needle in a haystack...locals tell me the spirits move or shift it, but i dont believe in that kind of spirituality, i know its out there, just a matter of time and technology. Its very hard to find treasure, but you will never find it if you stop looking. AMEN?

Hi Tagasilay,
Just food for your thought. It is possible that your estimate based on the live pointer's account is true... during that time. But still you have to consider soil weathering:
1. If the soil in that area has 1/2 inch added every year, then the total depth of your target will be plus 2.66 feet. Say for example it is 6 feet (estimate) plus 2.66 ft. then your total depth will be 8.66 ft. If it is this deep, then most probably it is still there.
2. If the soil has been eroded by 1/2 inch yearly, then the depth will be 6 - 2.66 ft. thus giving you a depth of 3.34 ft. If the object is this shallow, there is a possibility that others have taken it.

My point is, try to evaluate situation, and do not afraid to use non conventional methods. If I will be in your position, I will use survey dowsing. Tell you the truth, In my hunting, I'm incorporating dowsing to determine the exact location of the object. The only thing is until now, I wasn't able to determine the depth. It is the reason why I purchased a two box unit.

Good luck



Treasure hunter,

....Ok..since nobody can explain it.....enough for the suspense....actually the vanishing treasure is just one of the Japs treasure tricks...specially designed for amateur or beginner treasure hunter....it is most common in several Japs treasure sites bcoz its the simpliest way to divert toward the real treasure cache....it is called Japs treasure DECOY !!.... ;D

Some treasure cache (iron box / drum / concrete vault) had empty treasure or only full of mud,soil, rocks or ordinary metal....it is usually put above or near the actual treasure cache.....so that when you recover these empty treasure box or drum....you will be discouraged/dismay and abandoned the diggings.....precisely that what the japs wanted...discouraged or divert away your attention from their treasure.

If you remember in my previous post that our team recovered a ref size concrete with 2 tons of gold (later stolen in Sierra Madre).....it had a drum DECOY also, only full of iron metal, thats why it was heavy, we thought that was the real thing....in fact that was our first target...we later realized that there must be other treasure concrete ....it indeed had...

Our treasure asset (former ww2 intel chief) told us the treasure location in N.Vizcaya of 5 buried drums....4 is full of gold, one is just a decoy.........true enough other treasure group recovered the decoy drum and they abandoned the project... .succeeding treasure group recovered the treasure drum full of gold triangular coins and 1 kilos gold bars.......the remaining 3 drums...he,he,he...it will be for our team. next time...

In early 1990's my treasure hunter friends recover an empty iron chest full of mud/rocks only....during that time am just a beginner....we thought we were just...enchanted by dwarfs or elemental spirits thats why the gold was vanished....thru the years i realized...possibly it was just a decoy.....

The vanishing concrete vault....actually fall into another or 2nd level empty chamber...it was designed so that when the concrete vault was spotted...after a few hours...the sand trap will collapse and the concrete vault will fall or slide into deeper chamber....
I had a Jap map of the structural ground formation or design.....it indeed had an empty space below the concrete vault....as if the concrete vault was just a cover of the pit...one wrong move or sand trap...the concrete vault will fall into deeper pit....

SO THATS THE SECRET OF VANISHING TREASURE...just a DECOY...one of Japs treasure tricks...... :o


Hi Angel ang Gboy,

Thanks for the insight on soil accumulation and the decoy theory, i have recovered empty drums myself, id better recheck some of my sights. WW2 drums are more solid and robust in construction as compared to our newer ones. Whats the brand of your two box angel? i have a tf900, no offense to your dowsing method but i just cant make myself relly on something that has no power source(ie batterry) as mentioned in my previous posts, if it works for you, i wish you all the luck and success. HH

God bless,



Hi Tagasilay,
My two box is TM-808. I have also two other which have 10" dia. coil and a ground resistivity meter.

Just want to make some correction about equipment without power. It is not true that dowsing has no power. It has power. It comes from our body. Our body can produce thousands of volts at low current. How it works is a bit complicated, and it will take time explaining it.
Anyway, In my experience, it has given me an ample amount of AU using this method.

BTW, have you ever seen a radio that runs without battery? I used to assembled this type of radio when I was young. It has four components: silicon diode, earphone, grounding and aerial antennae.



Hi Armando,

We have similar two-box's since discovery used to subcontract for whites and basically its the same unit. For as long as there is a scientific basis for dowsing as far as power source, then it will not run contrary to my religious beliefs, but if there is a supernatural connection then i will have nothing to do with it. Of course we could not discuss dowsing in this forum, it should be discussed in the geophysical or alternative techniques forum. At the moment i just hope the rains add conductivity to the ground and the twobox might be within range. We have similar equiptment, i also have a vlf with an 10 inch coil. A good friend of mine has a pendullum(correct ba ang spelling?) He finds things his wife misplaces with it. These dowsing rods cost more than top of the line pulse machines in the market, between both, id rather put my money on the pulse machines, surprisingly, manufacturer ratings for the pulse are a close match to the twobox as far as range relative to target size ie 20ft for a car size object etc. I sure would be happy to read about your scientific explanation of dowsing if you post it at the geophisics forum. Im sure it would stir up a hornets nest.HH

God bless,



Hi Tagasilay,
Everything I believe about dowsing is based purely on scientific research. I dont'believe about spirits, medium or whatsoever. It is also contrary to my religion.
Regarding to my research and explanation about dowsing, it was posted in dowsing forum. If you will have time to check it out, you will find all my arguments, reasons and everything about dowsing;scientifically explained.
I checked and compared TM808 and TF900, basing the field reports of both equipment. And to be honest, it seems TF 900 is far more better (based on my evaluation) than TM808. Anyway, no regrets, this is the best I can have for the moment, I will only bear with depth shortcomings against TF900.
By the way, There are many dowsing tools that I don't agree, not because I don't like them but because no scientific and logical explanation. There is only one type that I'm using, since it conforms the scientific principle and working with me.




Hi Angel,

Thanks for your insights, will try to check the forum, is your post about dowsing here in treasurenet? if so what was the date so i could scroll back. I never read the posts on dowsing but im interested on what you wrote.HH

God bless,



Hi Tagasilay,
If you will go to dowsing forum, some of my topics are still there. Ex. How and why dowsing works, dated 29 Sept. 2005. Just scan this topic and you will find pros and cons intellectual arguments that will give you insight if this dowsing instruments really works. Most of the guys who contributed their knowledge are really good, both sides.




Hi Angel,

I reviewed the dowsing forum, had fun reading the whole thread. Many interesting arguments. At the moment i remain neutral with all respects to both sides of the arguments. Now back to cache hunting, my season starts january when the rains begin to tapper off, sometimes i get to go out when i deem a site servicable by the twobox and 10inch coil detector. Will keep you guys posted.HH

God bless,



good day to all!

can a thermal camera be useful to cave exploration? does the difference between the ambient temperature of a "clean cave"/tunnel and the metals around or chemicals around will yield a promising signature? so as to avoid this traps?




This is what we call thermography. By using thermographic camera, radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum can be detected and can produce images of signature radiation. In thermography, it is possible to "see" one's environment with or without visible illimunation. Since all matter have latent heat, and with application or increase of temperature, this body of matter will emit a certain amount of radiation, where with the aid of a thermographic camera, anyone can differentiate an object to any adjacent object having a different temperature signature.



Well this post is not exactly Jap war Treasure but may also be. You always have someone come up to you saying they or their friend or what not has found a site or something. Here is another;

In 1998 a friend brought a friend to see me and retell a story that the friend of the friend had been given by his Father. The story went that his father was an orchid collector and and one day while climbing trees looking for orchids in the tall tree area he was surprised to find a big airplane stuck in the top of the trees. It was all tangled up in branches in crown of the big trees. When he tried to get inside he could not for the nose glass was to hard to break with his hands and the tools he had with him. The father was now dead and the son knew only the general area of the big trees.

Well I like stories like this so we went to the area of big trees. The problem was this was also an area of poisonous snakes and this was mosquito and snake season. After near three days I had enough of sleeping in ropes smeared with oil and grease to keep snakes away and the mosquito clothing was so hot. But like a movie, one of the tribals climbing trees found it. A B-24. It had skimmed into the tree tops and come to rest in a tangle of branches. Now 50 years later it was all intergrown into the tree tops but not in that bad of shape. It looked to have been shot up but by this point in time it was already tore up. To shorten up the story, inside was the crew, they had apparently chosen to wait for help as it was some near 90-100 feet in the air.

I wanted to protect my options on salvaging the aircraft and still have the men recovered to identification. Now this is the USG. First, Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) in Hawaii said they were too busy with recovering Vietnam remains to spend time on WW2 remains and that it would be at least 2 or more years before they could consider the site. I explained there were bones. They responded, find the tags and mail them to us. (screw that). Next, the USAF stated that all aircraft, including salvage from WW2 no matter what country it is found in, is the property of the USG and that they would not let me salvage it, though it had been rotting in the jungle for 50 years.

To both of them I said, it will stay where it is. Let it all rest in peace. I did get one unsolicited phone call from a Col. in Mortuary Affairs. He had one question and he blurted it out fast. "Is there any gold bars inside???" I answered " Now now - - -". He cussed and slammed the phone on me.



Zobex said:
Well this post is not exactly Jap war Treasure but may also be. You always have someone come up to you saying they or their friend or what not has found a site or something. Here is another;

In 1998 a friend brought a friend to see me and retell a story that the friend of the friend had been given by his Father. The story went that his father was an orchid collector and and one day while climbing trees looking for orchids in the tall tree area he was surprised to find a big airplane stuck in the top of the trees. It was all tangled up in branches in crown of the big trees. When he tried to get inside he could not for the nose glass was to hard to break with his hands and the tools he had with him. The father was now dead and the son knew only the general area of the big trees.

Well I like stories like this so we went to the area of big trees. The problem was this was also an area of poisonous snakes and this was mosquito and snake season. After near three days I had enough of sleeping in ropes smeared with oil and grease to keep snakes away and the mosquito clothing was so hot. But like a movie, one of the tribals climbing trees found it. A B-24. It had skimmed into the tree tops and come to rest in a tangle of branches. Now 50 years later it was all intergrown into the tree tops but not in that bad of shape. It looked to have been shot up but by this point in time it was already tore up. To shorten up the story, inside was the crew, they had apparently chosen to wait for help as it was some near 90-100 feet in the air.

I wanted to protect my options on salvaging the aircraft and still have the men recovered to identification. Now this is the USG. First, Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) in Hawaii said they were too busy with recovering Vietnam remains to spend time on WW2 remains and that it would be at least 2 or more years before they could consider the site. I explained there were bones. They responded, find the tags and mail them to us. (screw that). Next, the USAF stated that all aircraft, including salvage from WW2 no matter what country it is found in, is the property of the USG and that they would not let me salvage it, though it had been rotting in the jungle for 50 years.

To both of them I said, it will stay where it is. Let it all rest in peace. I did get one unsolicited phone call from a Col. in Mortuary Affairs. He had one question and he blurted it out fast. "Is there any gold bars inside???" I answered " Now now - - -". He cussed and slammed the phone on me.


Great Story Zobex.
Your Correct in that
"this post is not exactly Jap war Treasure"

you should re post it here:


Because I have a Hunch, This may Turn this thread off Subject.

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