
Whats up?
You said you are banned here? Now you are ALIVE here again? :headbang:...or you just bought this forum and new owner of TREASURENET, aren't you?

Anyways, When I posted your Gold bar stockpile picture....nobody believes it.....including Angel_09, he even make a fake gold bar stockpile picture out of it, to make it appear its just computer generated gold bar stockpile. I told them it was found in one of our Mindanao suspected treas sites (LH tunnel) who was explored by my partner Cliff before in 1980'-90's, still nobody believes me.

Anyways, since you are here now...you can explain everything since you are the one who produce that gold bar stockpile picture. But since this is a public forum, we may keep SECRET about it hehehe or just let those gold critics DROOL... :tongue3:

How's Lt. O and Col. I.... are they already in fine health?

Re The railroad in maco and other areas...it was Gen. Murakami's who constructed and opened up that road and other mining areas. My partner Cliffhanger probably knows it or familiar with those areas bcoz it was his grandpa (Murakami) who constructed that areas since 1915-1945.

gboy said:

Whats up?
You said you are banned here? Now you are ALIVE here again? :headbang:...or you just bought this forum and new owner of TREASURENET, aren't you?

Anyways, When I posted your Gold bar stockpile picture....nobody believes it.....including Angel_09, he even make a fake gold bar stockpile picture out of it, to make it appear its just computer generated gold bar stockpile. I told them it was found in one of our Mindanao suspected treas sites (LH tunnel) who was explored by my partner Cliff before in 1980'-90's, still nobody believes me.

Anyways, since you are here now...you can explain everything since you are the one who produce that gold bar stockpile picture. But since this is a public forum, we may keep SECRET about it hehehe or just let those gold critics DROOL... :tongue3:

How's Lt. O and Col. I.... are they already in fine health?

Re The railroad in maco and other areas...it was Gen. Murakami's who constructed and opened up that road and other mining areas. My partner Cliffhanger probably knows it or familiar with those areas bcoz it was his grandpa (Murakami) who constructed that areas since 1915-1945.

OK GBoy, Ha Ha .

As soon as the dam judge signs off the documents I fly, I know I've been saying that for 6 weeks. I'm plugging in the GPS fix of the former RR tonight. I found it on the satellite pictures today. Lt. O is not doing well, he's in a safe house being watched over, he must be 88 years old now! I'll text you when we land. Stay out of trouble and don't get shot. If you do I am going to kick your butt.

This is a treasure LEGEND tread and that means the IJA treasures do not exist so the picture must be fake, say what ?? What is your opinion ?



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Its just alright if you are delayed, just finish first your assignment there and come here later if everything is okey. We will just be around.
Re your GPS program, we will ask some GPS dealer here (mostly Sports/electronic Shops in the malls) and ask their help to download the GPS program.

My partner Cliffhanger is busy in Sierra Madre, however he is willing to help your TH inquiries specially in Mindanao sites. The last time he meet Lt. O and Col. Ito was in 1990....20 years ago, but he lost contact bcoz we concentrated here in Luzon. It was Gen. Murakami (cliff grandpa who told him about Lt. O and Col. I ). Anyways, since you have found them, am glad you take care of them....those are valuable assets.

Zobex said:
Does anyone have any information on the railroad that ran out of the Davao Gulf from Maco to up north near Mawab on Mindanao, ????
Re these areas....I think Cliff is familiar with these areas bcoz it was his grandpa, the late Gen. Murakami constructed and opened up these roads in 1940's from Masugpo (now Tagum City) to Mawab, Nabuntaran, Monkayo, Campostela valley and help in opening the mining areas in Mt. Diwalwal, Monte Alto, Araibo, Maragusan Valley and L.H. Tunnel. Cliff is well research in that treasure areas bcoz that was his treasure playground before.

HEY !! DON'T POST THAT PHOTO AGAIN. Your TH photos and infos was supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL AND SECRET, right? Yam critics doesn't believes them anyways, so don't bother...hehehe

"This is a treasure LEGEND tread and that means the IJA treasures do not exist so the picture must be fake, say what ?? What is your opinion ?
"....althought its original....on second thought, I wanted it to be fake so that, nobody will bother us anymore hehehe ...let IJA treasure remain LEGEND, oks? ..... :laughing7:

Hi Zobex,

It seems that picture of "gold stockfile" really belongs to you...not from other people who claim it belongs to one of their projects. The thing is, it was posted in some other treasure site, and I commented that it was arranged and photograph to depict quantity, not saying that it is fake or not...and in my analysis, it was arranged to show quantity ....the same techniques done 20 years ago in selling nickel babbit in volume. Half of the photograph was with protective lines, probably not to be copied by other person... and to prove my point that this picture can be easily generated with the use of computer, manual arrangements, or any other means, I reproduced it without those interfering lines, and looks like original without further scrutiny.
Now that you posted the "original" picture without those interfering lines, I roughly show 'some' of the repetitive pictures joined together that makes that picture as it was posted. Please check it out and see it for your self. I'm not saying that you did it, maybe it also came from other source...we all don't know.
About its authenticy, no one can say it is...unless of course it is assayed, but basing pictures alone is not a prerequisites to claim that it is true gold.



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angel_09 said:
Hi Zobex,

It seems that picture of "gold stockfile" really belongs to you...not from other people who claim it belongs to one of their projects. The thing is, it was posted in some other treasure site, and I commented that it was arranged and photograph to depict quantity, not saying that it is fake or not...and in my analysis, it was arranged to show quantity ....the same techniques done 20 years ago in selling nickel babbit in volume. Half of the photograph was with protective lines, probably not to be copied by other person... and to prove my point that this picture can be easily generated with the use of computer, manual arrangements, or any other means, I reproduced it without those interfering lines, and looks like original without further scrutiny.
Now that you posted the "original" picture without those interfering lines, I roughly show 'some' of the repetitive pictures joined together that makes that picture as it was posted. Please check it out and see it for your self. I'm not saying that you did it, maybe it also came from other source...we all don't know.
About its authenticy, no one can say it is...unless of course it is assayed, but basing pictures alone is not a prerequisites to claim that it is true gold.


Angel, you have a perceptive eye. The bars are laying on their side, because, that is the FLOOR of the tunnel and the camera man is standing on the floor covered in bars using a cheap disposable camera. When a person carries a bar, they often carry it in their hands, one on each end. And in ramped edge bars they are often stacked so they ramp to the smaller side up. So, when you picket it up and carry it, it is in the more common pyramid shape. Now, when you to go to put it down, you do not set it straight down with the pyramid shape like you see in bank vaults. Why, because you get your fingers pinched!! So if you are grunt work, you just bend over and drop it the last inch or so, and, on it's side. If the bars were all perfectly in rows and displayed nice, then you know it is fake. I use disposable cameras because when the roll is shot, I smash the camera and take out the spool of film. Then destroy the camera. If you have a camera in the jungle and get caught, that is more trouble. The film can be destroyed by yanking it open to the light. If you use a digital camera with a sim card, you must remove the sim card and replace it with a dummy card in case the camera gets grabbed. The best way to destroy a sim card is to hold a cheap cigarette lighter under it and cook it.

I really have little concern if anyone has any view of the authenticity of a picture since it is not theirs. It's mine, I took the picture.



You don't have to explained to some Yam critics re gold bars stockpile and stuff bcoz they don't know you and what you have been through or accomplish re Yam treas hunting hehehe
Let them remain ignorant about Yam treas hunting, that way we will be undisturbed.


This picture belongs to Zobex bcoz he instructed me to post it in several TH forum to prove that Yam Treas exist bcoz he was not able to post it here before. Pinagbawalan siya magpost dito dati.
When Zobex mentioned that these stockpile came from LH Tunnel, I never doubted bcoz that was our treas sites before. When he mentioned Lt.O and Col. I....we never doubted bcoz my partner Cliff had meet them personally before. In fact our plan in 1990 is to let those Japs straggler surrender, so that the treasure sites will be given to us...but it didn't push through. Am glad Zobex was able to follow up and meet these japs stragglers bcoz they are the REAL JAPS hehehe.
In other words....Zobex was able to found treasure on the site that was given by the Japs... we failed to find before. Bcoz we concentrated already in Sierra.

Why don't you challenged Zobex re the existence of Yam treasure...am sure he will give you some lectures about treasure hunting and stuff hehehe.
Why would Tony Wells kick us out?...we help him make his treasure forum famous and popular already hehehe


I told you to challenge Zobex...if he is penniless hehehe...you can't aren't you?
Whatever you assets?...you multiply it by thousand...thats what he is worth...aren't you Zobex?

Since our beloved SWR d Yam critics doesn't believe your Burma gold bars hahahhaha or the existence of Yam treasures....why don't you show some pictures of burma gold bars on board the private jet...or pictures when it was in Hongkong refinary...am sure SWR d coin hunter will drooooool with envy. hahahahaha or will you still remain SECRETIVE as always?

Zobex said:
kaloy said:
jonesindy said:
I see interesting posts again in this thread, but still there is so much imagination and fiction ...from my experience, if you do not see a solid evidence at 1 meter from surface, there is not much hope...regardless of maps. Better to ask/find people nearby during 1942-1945 and ask about unusual activity by J. soldiers or K. conscripts.

Finding the "spot" is just 1% of the task. 99% is dismantling the structure. Mr. Angel 09, you belong to the "few" in this thread to whom I shared my documentation. It's been another 150-backhoe days afterwards those photographs. I am taking a rest. Nice to hear from you again Mr. Zobex...


i agree...... what's your view on a sealed jar but empty taken out at 1 meter deep?

Are you TOTALLY sure it was sealed or just stuck from setting. If just stuck from setting then it was a valuable to the person who buried it or it is a decoy. The proper way to bury a jar is to fill pack it with sand and then bury it, this reduces the odds of it being crushed. If there was a DEFINITE seal on the jar I suspect it contained the spirit of a dead. Spirits (not souls) can be captured in a container. That is why you find them in a sealed tunnel. If you bury alive a person in a vault, when dead the soul is gone immediately but the spirit can be captured. This was the purpose for mass burials alive. That left an army of tormented spirits to watch over the treasure and why, when a large deposit with dead inside is found, there are so many problems encountered. People get the soul and spirit mixed up because they don't know what they are talking about.


I said it was 'sealed' bec. they put a half-inch thick cement on top of the jar to cover its lid/mouth...or more appropriate to say that it was covered.... the jar was supported at the base with the same material as its cover......it seemed that 1/3 of the jar was filled with something that dried up in the course of time and leave a white mark on the jar. the white mark peeled like scales and some settled at the bottom... i found a piece of bone beside the jar... a bone of the hand i guess... also, there was a 7-8 inches long 1 inch wide brick inserted horizontally on the soil adjacent to the jar......

GBoy , pls let it be. This site is for exchanging ideas and information not insults. We all (hopefully) are lucky to have a free forum like this to communicate with each other. Just because someone does not have anything to share does not mean they should not listen and learn.

As for the site in the picture, let it be.


gboy said:

I told you to challenge Zobex...if he is penniless hehehe...you can't aren't you?
Whatever you assets?...you multiply it by thousand...thats what he is worth...aren't you Zobex?

Since our beloved SWR d Yam critics doesn't believe your Burma gold bars hahahhaha or the existence of Yam treasures....why don't you show some pictures of burma gold bars on board the private jet...or pictures when it was in Hongkong refinary...am sure SWR d coin hunter will drooooool with envy. hahahahaha or will you still remain SECRETIVE as always?


Okey...lets leave SWR d coin hunter alone. Anyways, he does not have treasure story in florida to share. Lets just keep the SECRET OF YAM TREASURE LEGENDS to ourselves. And let him have more "fake gold bars picture" as his collections hehehe. :notworthy:
You don't have to explain to him re those restless tunnel spirits bcoz he had not yet encounter that. Let him be ignorant about these kind of SPIRIT ADVENTURE. hehehe :dontknow:

BTW, my friend Tony Wells ( shipwreck salvager and known even in these forum) well be coming to the Philippines to salvage some spanish galleon in cooperation with Phil gov't to make it legal. He wanted to joint venture with us re our spanish galleon shipwreck.

Since you have a "treasure barge" would you like to join us? Your problem of salvaging your barge is solve. All we have to do is watch or stroll along the beach and have some "sinugba or kinilaw na isda", while waiting for Tony and his salvage team do the job. Anyways, your barge is just a hundred meters only from the shoreline, isn't it? It would gonna be fun...no need to risk our ass in diving, let the professionals do their job. Are you agreeable with that?


Oh we already found something...thats why your gold archives is already full isn't? hehehe :headbang:
I wander how many dilapidated coins, pull tabs, old jewelries or bottles you have collected already in your shallow water garbage collection...was it already sack full?...show it here :thumbsup:....


I will be silent for a while for medical reason.... :hello:


I developed a kidney stone....its like am being stab in the back...and the knife was twisted, gives me excruciating pain....you can't stand. The once athletic gboy finally had a match. According to doctor due to salty & sweet foods...and not drinking plenty of water.
Its true, bcoz while inside the Sierra Madre jungle for several years, we drink only 3 glass of water in the river, we never drink a lot for fear of bacterial contamination or amoeba....will these is the end result of it...kidney stone.
I will be silent for awhile....and have some rest day...but will be back if will get rid of my stone...arrrgggghhh.

wanted: seeker of the "RS1929" map code... I have the code and the site... But I dont know the orientation... If somebody out there knows how to orient it properly pls pm me asap... thanks


I found the structure already! are you suggesting that the "structure" is a decoy? and that the valaubles are hidden under plain dirt? you mean no real physical protection? will that be possible. i found many markers before I found the huge structure. I have talked to old folks familiar with the place during the war and was assured that there was plenty of "construction/movement" for at least 1 year at the early days of the war.

I suspect that "it was a deliberate plan to burry something". The name Yama...has nothing to do with it...so I never refer to it as Yama...is is simply a mystery that I like to solve...


Zobex said:
Zobex ~ Both on Luzon. One has several hundred Igorot skeletons, the other several hundred POW's reported to be buried alive there. Needless to say extreme paranormal activity at both sites.

OK so if this pic. is real and not faked as a game, we have seen exactly the same white light energy but in our case it was more formed into a human form. Almost killed some of the Manobo's. They froze in fear and I was not far away from that. It was with some IJA who committed Seppuku .

I see you are using a Sony video cam, I am using the Sony HDRXR350V .


Zobex ~ I wouldn't know how to fake a photo like that even if I wanted to. That particular site had so much intense paranormal activity that I tried all sorts of ways of communicating with the spirits or at least capturing them on video, infrared, audio, etc. without success, then this happened by chance in the photo. The point of sharing this, as I see their are other people here who are not aware that these things exist, is that I think an old man see'er might be effective on this site not far from Manila.....so I guess my question is.....how do I find one of these guys? Thanks ~

Does anybody know the difference between 1940's versus 1980's-1990's dynamite? (How wired, water proof versus not water proofed, etc.)

Thanks ~

Zobex said:
Zobex ~ Both on Luzon. One has several hundred Igorot skeletons, the other several hundred POW's reported to be buried alive there. Needless to say extreme paranormal activity at both sites.

OK so if this pic. is real and not faked as a game, we have seen exactly the same white light energy but in our case it was more formed into a human form. Almost killed some of the Manobo's. They froze in fear and I was not far away from that. It was with some IJA who committed Seppuku .

I see you are using a Sony video cam, I am using the Sony HDRXR350V .


Zobex ~ I wouldn't know how to fake a photo like that even if I wanted to. That particular site had so much intense paranormal activity that I tried all sorts of ways of communicating with the spirits or at least capturing them on video, infrared, audio, etc. without success, then this happened by chance in the photo. The point of sharing this, as I see their are other people here who are not aware that these things exist, is that I think an old man see'er might be effective on this site not far from Manila.....so I guess my question is.....how do I find one of these guys? Thanks ~

Well that would depend on what purpose or for what reason do you want to communicate with them ?? As a rule these are not things you want to mess with. Pending on the strength of a person (mental) you can get attached by one of these things and it will stay with you for the rest of your life. That is NOT what you want.

If it is treasure hunting in the tunnels then that is a different purpose. Simply put if you approach this like it is a game or like a movie stunt you see on TV, then you are asking for trouble. The USG has an extensive program and covert section that deals only with this. One of the original instructors for the USG Defense Intelligence Agency was Charles Whitehouse. Charles was a friend of mine and the last project he worked on was one of our tunnels on Mindanao. Charles was very good at this business and was also killed (assasinated) in 1999.

The REAL people who can do this are generally a dieing breed of Tribals in their 80's or better. If there is a REAL purpose for doing this, I suppose I could bring one from Mindanao and we could try to determine what is in the tunnel.


Is this structure cement ???? Is it cubic or irregular in shape? Was there any buried charcoal or timbering on the outside of it, or scrap steel found outside of it? Any indication of reinforcing steel bars or such ??


jonesindy said:

I found the structure already! are you suggesting that the "structure" is a decoy? and that the valaubles are hidden under plain dirt? you mean no real physical protection? will that be possible. i found many markers before I found the huge structure. I have talked to old folks familiar with the place during the war and was assured that there was plenty of "construction/movement" for at least 1 year at the early days of the war.

I suspect that "it was a deliberate plan to burry something". The name Yama...has nothing to do with it...so I never refer to it as Yama...is is simply a mystery that I like to solve...


Zobex said:
Zobex said:
Zobex ~ Both on Luzon. One has several hundred Igorot skeletons, the other several hundred POW's reported to be buried alive there. Needless to say extreme paranormal activity at both sites.

OK so if this pic. is real and not faked as a game, we have seen exactly the same white light energy but in our case it was more formed into a human form. Almost killed some of the Manobo's. They froze in fear and I was not far away from that. It was with some IJA who committed Seppuku .

I see you are using a Sony video cam, I am using the Sony HDRXR350V .


Zobex ~ I wouldn't know how to fake a photo like that even if I wanted to. That particular site had so much intense paranormal activity that I tried all sorts of ways of communicating with the spirits or at least capturing them on video, infrared, audio, etc. without success, then this happened by chance in the photo. The point of sharing this, as I see their are other people here who are not aware that these things exist, is that I think an old man see'er might be effective on this site not far from Manila.....so I guess my question is.....how do I find one of these guys? Thanks ~

Well that would depend on what purpose or for what reason do you want to communicate with them ?? As a rule these are not things you want to mess with. Pending on the strength of a person (mental) you can get attached by one of these things and it will stay with you for the rest of your life. That is NOT what you want.

If it is treasure hunting in the tunnels then that is a different purpose. Simply put if you approach this like it is a game or like a movie stunt you see on TV, then you are asking for trouble. The USG has an extensive program and covert section that deals only with this. One of the original instructors for the USG Defense Intelligence Agency was Charles Whitehouse. Charles was a friend of mine and the last project he worked on was one of our tunnels on Mindanao. Charles was very good at this business and was also killed (assasinated) in 1999.

The REAL people who can do this are generally a dieing breed of Tribals in their 80's or better. If there is a REAL purpose for doing this, I suppose I could bring one from Mindanao and we could try to determine what is in the tunnel.


Yes, it is for treasure hunting. The innocent ones that were murdered there outnumber the evil ones that murdered them by far. There are far too many examples of paranormal activity to go into here, but instances of unplugging fans and jackhammers seemed to be warning us of a booby trap, so my line of thinking is that they are trying to help us, especially since we want to give them a proper burial and memorial.

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