1967 class ring found (found owner but sadd ending)


Sr. Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Golden Thread
Arlington Texas
got a 10k yellow GOLD (got to love that word) class ring 1967 ??
no stone but is says Bates Avenue High School and 1967 on both sides..
initials in the inside of the ring is A.D.
did a goolge and cant find any info on a Bates Avenue High school...
found it tonight at the same area as a 1945 walker i found this summer.
dont see how i missed it..

Ocala,Fl? 8)


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Nice finds, Sorry to hear you couldn't keep them. More good treasure will come your way. Those finds would have went in the back door pocket unless they were watching every hole I dug. Keep your head up. More will come.

HH Jeremy

morris said:
the School called me today this my was Adam Davis Killed in Vietnam war 1974.
both mom and dad have passed away and the city and or state sold everything off.
this ring was part of that sale who ever got it from the sale lost it..
this is a Sad ending.. :'(

Ocala,Fl 8)

Sorry to hear about that Morris... That is a nice ring though... Perhaps you can track down if this fella had any known siblings???... And return the ring to them just a thought...

When I was a kid, my Great Grand Mother would always tell me that it was the thought, as much as the action, that counted. Whoever is toting up kharma points knows what you tried to do.
A lot of folks would have shoved that ring in a pouch or pocket and never given a thought to the one who lost it.
You said this had a sad ending? I'm not sure it is. You just showed everybody on this forum what kind of honest guy you are and what kind of ambassador you are for our addiction.
Wherever Adam Davis is, he knows what you did.
Good job!
grizzly bare

My respect is yours for attempting to return it in the first place.

Oddly, there is no Adam Davis listed on the Wall. Not in '74 or any other year. I wonder if the information they gave you is accurate, or if Mr. Davis slipped though the cracks...

Calico Jack said:
My respect is yours for attempting to return it in the first place.

Oddly, there is no Adam Davis listed on the Wall.? Not in '74 or any other year.? I wonder if the information they gave you is accurate, or if Mr. Davis slipped though the cracks...

I am not sure I am only going by what the lady at the school told me I dont think she would lie about it?
but it killed my day.. I was soo looking forward in returning it to the owner...


grizzly bare said:
When I was a kid, my Great Grand Mother would always tell me that it was the thought, as much as the action, that counted. Whoever is toting up kharma points knows what you tried to do.
A lot of folks would have shoved that ring in a pouch or pocket and never given a thought to the one who lost it.
You said this had a sad ending? I'm not sure it is. You just showed everybody on this forum what kind of honest guy you are and what kind of ambassador you are for our addiction.
Wherever Adam Davis is, he knows what you did.
Good job!
grizzly bare


Thank you, I was sure looking for to returning the ring to the owner it would have been my first return in 3 years...


Mr. Morbid said:
morris said:
the School called me today this my was Adam Davis Killed in Vietnam war 1974.
both mom and dad have passed away and the city and or state sold everything off.
this ring was part of that sale who ever got it from the sale lost it..
this is a Sad ending..? :'(

Ocala,Fl? 8)

Sorry to hear about that Morris... That is a nice ring though... Perhaps you can track down if this fella had any known siblings???... And return the ring to them just a thought...

the lady I talked to said there was no kids ... this was just a bad ending..


that is a very sad story.he would only have been in his early 20s when he was killed.i wonder if it would be possible to track down one of his Vietnam buddies? it would probably take a ton of research but it might make someone even happier than it would have made Adam.......at any rate.......you did a good thing by trying to find him.knowing the story behind this man makes the ring a whole lot more valuable.

Calico Jack said:
My respect is yours for attempting to return it in the first place.

Oddly, there is no Adam Davis listed on the Wall. Not in '74 or any other year. I wonder if the information they gave you is accurate, or if Mr. Davis slipped though the cracks...

you did the right thin looking for the owner, but like Calico pointed out there was no Adam Davis in 1974 acutally there was no Adam Davis from Eutis Florida or any where in Flordia killed in Vietnam and no Adam Davis for any state I could find. as Calico said odd.

morris said:
Mr. Morbid said:
morris said:
the School called me today this my was Adam Davis Killed in Vietnam war 1974.
both mom and dad have passed away and the city and or state sold everything off.
this ring was part of that sale who ever got it from the sale lost it..
this is a Sad ending.. :'(

Ocala,Fl 8)

Sorry to hear about that Morris... That is a nice ring though... Perhaps you can track down if this fella had any known siblings???... And return the ring to them just a thought...

the lady I talked to said there was no kids ... this was just a bad ending..


Morris I do know one thing you can do... But this method might wine up with the ring in the garbage... What you might consider doing is track down where Mr. Davis is buried and leave the ring at his grave site... If in fact he is buried in Florida... OR you can just go to the grave site and say a lil prayer... It is a sad story whats even sadder is that this fella more than likely lost his life in Vietnam... One of my other pass times is Grave Hunting what I do is I track down the grave sites of notable citizens from the major city where I'm from... I take pics of the grave site and post them on www.findagrave.com hence the name Mr. Morbid... Its a morbid hobby but has to do with History which I'm very passionate about... Metal Detecting also has to do with history which is one of the reasons I decided to get into it...

Mr. Morbids idea sounds real good. If you could find the grave, you could talk to the caretaker there and see if you would be able to bury it a few inches under the ground. I sure they would let you. You also might try the VFW in the town where he lived and see if they would want it for a display case they may have. Great find and a great attemp to return it. You are a credit to the profession....Lance

comfyinvermont said:
If you could find the grave, you could talk to the caretaker there and see if you would be able to bury it a few inches under the ground.

I actually thought about that idea a while ago as well while smoking a cigar out back... But that was after I posted the post about the grave site... I do like this idea a lot better... That way the ring will forever be with its former owner... Your idea about the VFW also sounds good...

The town is only 49 miles away the next time i get time on my hands or going to the area I'll go see what I can do to find out more about Adam Davis for right now it is in safe keeping in my box.
IF his grave is there I have no idea what I may do at that time maybe take it to the loca VFW my dad was in Korean war I talk to my dad and he said that would be the best thing to do just about all VWF's have a show case for the local people that was in a war..
BUT before I do that I am going to the school office and see the list of students and make sure that this ring was his...

Ocala,Fl 8)

? ? ? ? ? I did some checking myself and found no Adam Davis listed as KIA in "Nam at any time . I will check some other places and see if he was MIA and presumed killed . BTW , did you get a middle name from the school ?

paratrooper said:
? ? ? ? ? I did some checking myself and found no Adam Davis listed as KIA in "Nam at any time . I will check some other places and see if he was MIA and presumed killed . BTW , did you get a middle name from the school ?

No sir I did not get a middle name but next week (friday) I am going over to that area and plan on stopping by the school office and see this list for my salf. I got a good feeling that he was not killed on Nam if he is not on the wall or on any other list. this was so long ago he may have just been kill in a accident and people say he was killed in Nam. OR for some ungodly reason she made up this story just to blow it off but there was a woman in the office the told her when i was on the phone with her that said he is died and is his mom and dad have passed on.. i may check the local papers too when i get other there. time to go hit the River... HH...

Ocala,Fl 8)


sounds like info floating around may be wrong on someones part.

If school is telling you he died in Nam and his name is not on wall something is up. (Could be the school information

or could be wall informantion, it has happened and names are added).

As for your efforts in finding out, OUTSTANDING.

Do keep us posted when you find out more.

have a good un.............

i'm reading this for the second time and am still getting chills--it would be great if you could find out something more-- i actually started to try and do some research myself, but got nowhere-- to all those that did find out stuff(like his name not being listed as kia) i applaud you--something about this makes me want to know more--i agree w/ everyone that you have done more than most people would do w/ such a find--and it sounds like many good things will come to you--karma is as karma does--good luck and i hope you find out more about this mystery

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