🥇 BANNER 1853 $1 GOLD!! Holed, Scratchy, Slightly Bent But Ill Take It!


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Feb 14, 2005
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West Michigan
🥇 Banner finds
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1853 $1 GOLD!! Holed, Scratchy, Slightly Bent But I'll Take It!

Hey all,

after 30+ yrs detecting now - dug my 2nd Gold coin in the last 9 yrs

Went back to my trusty Brothel site that I've been working since last fall tonight for a 2 hr hunt. Was checking on a few other sites out that way to see if I could get into any of them but they're not ready yet so I opted for the backup and boy am I glad I did!

Last time out I used the CTX 3030 when I found the Seated dime and 1865 Indian head

this time was the Deus's turn

found in a mix of machine gun iron - was reading like complete junk (#s jumpin from 29 to 36) and sounded like tin crap but being where I was = "dig"!!
(you can tell it was punched with a nail or the like - not "drilled")

Also worth mention:

1867 Injun in VF/XF cond. (full Liberty and nice)
1865 cruddy 2 cent piece

Huge Rimfire cartridge of some type - looks like whatever lead was in it could take down a buffalo!
Found Abe Lincoln too

Pictures tell the rest of the story... (Enjoy) and thanks for reading/lookin


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Upvote 64
Heck, I'm voting for banner BECAUSE of the hole. I don't recall seeing a holed gold coin posted before. Talk about character. There must be quite a story there somewhere.

I fully agree. ANY holed coin tells a story in my humble opinion, but a holed GOLD coin? Priceless! I have a holed large cent, and its in crappy shape, but that single coin means more to me than any other coin I have. Banner hunt, and certainly the gold coin is a banner all on its own.

A very cool find. You rock.

Congrats on the banner find very nice indeed. Liking the way it was holed from a nail, it really shows that it was around for sometime after as the hole is well worn.

Great find awesome! Congrats on making banner!
26 years and I'm still looking for my first gold coin! Lol! Slow learner!

love that gold, and that Indian head is beautiful. congrats!

Excellent recovery on the gold dollar and those other two coins would have been great on their own. First Nana, now you and at least one more will be found, everything always happens in 3's. Congratulations and you deserve banner on this. Since you found this at a brothel site I just wonder if the hole in the gold coin was intentional or the result of a shotgun pellet or small caliber round being fired at the original owner of this coin. GL & HH. wonder what else this site will give up to your skill...

Late to the party...Congrats on your banner find!

Really nice congrats

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Fantastic finds, especially the gold. Easy to lose, hard to find. And I agree, the hole makes it all the more desirable.

Wow, congrats on that golden beauty, lw! :hello2: Boy, that gives me hope. Any ideas what the Abe's head was originally? Congrats on the Banner, too! :thumbsup:


Congratz on the Banner Coin

I like Holed coins as well.

Do you know when the Oil Lamp Pieces date To .

Found a top W /wick turner yesterday ,where some CW action took place -Just wondering if I should place it with the
Civil War ear relics that I dug in that area..

Love the Condition of that IH as well.

Nick Fink's?

Nope - they won't let anyone detect there - the "wife" isn't the nicest person on the planet and won't allow anyone to dig on the property. She calls the grass strip out behind the parking lot of the bar her "yard" (nowhere near the house/not even on the same lot) and/but doesn't want anyone digging in it even though people drive acrossed it with 4x4's and create trenches a foot deep constantly!

Nice gold coin! Congrats. Old Abe looks good, too.

Great Find!:occasion14: But what a strange place for unknown person to hole it?:dontknow:

Love that old stuff

New to this game....question: what's "banner" mean? I think I kinda know but not to proud to ask.

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