🥇 BANNER 1833 Slave Tag in Charleston


Bronze Member
Sep 26, 2014
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Upstate SC
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Went to Charleston to visit my sister this weekend as a late Christmas. Carolina Tom(also known as Coin Kicker) called and said him and Todd Lipe both of the Charlotte Silver Mafia were going down also. Tom asked if I could find us a place to all hunt together on Sunday. I found a place and was there at sunrise on Sunday morning. They wouldn't be at site for a couple hours so I started hunting. 30 minutes later I pulled this Tag out. I called CT/CK and sent him a picture. Come to find out they were an hour away and stopped for gas and hunting an old school. Well I think they made it to the site in record time. I stopped hunting after calling Tom hoping they would find something good. We all drove up to site about the sametime.I finally got to meet Todd. And he is a super guy to hunt with too. I dug a Large Cent and some clad. Tom got a signal and kicked it with his foot but didn't dig it. About 15 minutes later I walked by his kick mark.and got a signal. Up.pops another Large Cent. I tried to explain to Tom unlike up in Charlotte you can't kick the coins out of the ground. We didn't find much else except for a cannonball fragment.But it wasn't from lack of effort. The first pic is like it came out of ground and I'm slowly trying to clean it.


As a side note this piece of history would be lost by the end of summer as construction on some buildings are starting soon

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Upvote 101
Good Luck TBD. Wish I could make it tomorrow. Thanks again for the invite... I hope you dig another tag, a Fist-full of LC's, or that elusive C.S.A buckle.

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Incredible piece of history!

Wow, That is one of those things I have almost no hope to find up here ,but I consider it one of the holy grails of metal detecting. Absolutely beautiful condition and full of compelling history. Superb. :notworthy:

Tyler, I've been hearing about this for over a week from Carolina Tom and finally made it a point to come see...congratulations, what an interesting find!

That's the stuff that keeps me going wow again!!!

That is one awesome piece of history! Congrats on finding it and making Banner! Well deserved!
Tom is happy for Ya! The world is good!

Tyler, I've been hearing about this for over a week from Carolina Tom and finally made it a point to come see...congratulations, what an interesting find!

Thanks Kurt. You should have been with me and Todd Lipe this weekend. He killed it with his finds

That is one awesome piece of history! Congrats on finding it and making Banner! Well deserved!
Tom is happy for Ya! The world is good!

Thanks MBB. I think the world of CT but love to bust his chops

wooooowww, just beautifull pieces of history, unfortunately our US Government prefer those pieces of history lay under a new building for ever, that seem a civilian destroying the american History, at least that's what they said, there is some very old home close to my grand kid's school, and the are cleaning any old houses meaning dumping it, leaving just empty yards to come on with new buildings, and i keep my garrett ace/250 in my truck most of the time, so, one day i saw the fence open, and desired to walk in to the empty corner yard, i walked out of my truck, let my garrett rest on the side of my truck, and without knowing my wife was so scared haha, withing 2 minutes we had an undercover unit with 2 under cover officers asking me to leave, didn;t even had time to grab my plastic scoophaha, i know most of you might say i should ask for permission before trying to walk to that open fence empty yard, but i do ask for permission some were else before, and don't even get an answer, well you know the end of the history, i had to leave, this make me remind that one of the very firts american coins called disme instead of Dime, not dime but disme or dizme, was found by accident on a old building from the 17th hnds if i'm not wrong, lucky some one found it before these buildings were destroyed, but is is very sad tha our government prefer to build building on top of the american history, that letting some one find it and make possible for american's to see it, and retrieve from the soil. were it might be lost forever. some of you might disagree with my thoughts but that's the reality. at least is what i think.

Stunning find! Congratulations! I would double over if I found that beauty. Such an interesting, tangible connection to our storied past. Wow...

Stunning find! Congratulations! I would double over if I found that beauty. Such an interesting, tangible connection to our storied past. Wow...

Thanks Fugio I can't double over and Shake at the sametime. Hope you got a look at VMIairpwr07 Slave Tag. Beautiful piece too. Take time to look if you haven't seen it already.

I honestly believe that more of these do not show up on hunts is because they were highly guarded and protected by the person wearing it.
As a slave losing your tag could be devastating to your physical well being under most circumstances. Replacing the tag would cost their owner money and well… We watch history channel.

Could you imagine being a slave and having to go to your owner and tell him you lost his tax stamp? Not me brother. I am glad all of that is past history.
Very Very Cool find indeed!!

It looks much better on the IPad than my cheap phone lol. That is one piece of our history that ( like someone else said ) you'd think would show up more often on hunts. It looks copper? Or is it brass? Congrats on something Vino hasn't found yet lol.

I honestly believe that more of these do not show up on hunts is because they were highly guarded and protected by the person wearing it.
As a slave losing your tag could be devastating to your physical well being under most circumstances. Replacing the tag would cost their owner money and well… We watch history channel.

Could you imagine being a slave and having to go to your owner and tell him you lost his tax stamp? Not me brother. I am glad all of that is past history.
Very Very Cool find indeed!!

Yes there was a fine for losing and replacing Tags. Like things were not bad enough. History channel is good but hard to tell things in a hour or less. Nothing beats research and the real thing.


That's a killer find. I've dug a few old dog tags but never one for a human.

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