🥇 BANNER 1789 GW Cuff Buttons! Colonial button bonanza.


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Jan 8, 2009
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T2 LTD 13" Detech
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Relic Hunting
Well today was a day of legend. We hit up a spot that Arty is very familiar with and has done good in the past. With a recent deep plow and some nice days of rain this old tired field sprung life again. The day started off well with an indian head in an adjacent field but when we got into this particular field we were like a bunch of kids in a candy store. Button after button just came flowing out of the ground. Most of them were so shallow I just used my pro pointer and my hand to dig them up. This was the case with the FIRST most cherished and coveted of all buttons popped out of the ground and saw day light after 223 years in the ground. A small beautifully patina'd GW Cuff button. Number 13 on J Harold Cobbs catalog I believe. Small Wreath Copper variety as I don't see any stars. After cheers and coming down from the clouds we started hunting again. Not even 30 minutes later I was yelling over to Arty again saying"I found the other button in the pair!" In equally great shape! Needless to say these will be nearly impossible to top and have been on my wishlist for sometime.It was also on Arty's wish list to find one and see his post for a very amazing coincidence finding one for himself! I found over 26 buttons, some beautiful cufflinks, a silver piece of a shoe buckle,some indians a horse decorative shield piece and a flint. I had a blast today thanks again Arty and Mom:headbang::headbang:










Upvote 3
Thank you Art it wouldn't be possible without your hardwork and research. I believe these are not cuff buttons but vest buttons and theres 8+ to a vest...If thats not motivation I dont know what is!

Nice! it is quite a feeling when you unearth objects that have been lost for so long, feels to me like you are bringing them back to life again, would't it be nice to travell back to see the whole story?
Good pics, thanks for posting.

What a great save and a awesome find , sure would like to feel what you did when you first realized what you had found, Congrats....

FANTASTIC FINDS! Major congrats on the George W's and for making the BANNER! :icon_thumleft: Breezie

Ubelieveable finds.:leprechaun-hat:

Congrates, KILLER finds!

Thanks everybody I would have never thought I would EVER find 1 GW button let alone 2. And the rarity on this style and size is just icing on the cake! R4 Rarity with 12-25 known? Probably more like 30-40 known but still 2/40 is not bad at all. And the condition is just a dream. Thanks again for the kind words, this just shows that they are still out there to find.

Unbelievable hunt Jim that you will think about for the rest of your life. Congrats on the well deserved Banner. HH, Quindy.

Now that is stuff of legends!! Well done!! :occasion14::occasion14: (Yup! That's two beers for this one)

By the by, here's my two remaining GW vest buttons. Light angle makes them look two different colors in photo but the one on the left is true tone.


By the by, this is a photo of the still silvered GW button I dug a few years back -- and now being heavily bid upon by a couple buyers. It's not the most complex GW button (by far) but rarity and condition play into the collector value. I believe many GW buttons -- seemingly raw brass -- were once lightly silver plated. Why "lightly?" It was a simple time factor back then. These buttons were rushed out for the inauguration ceremonies. Back in the day, heavy plating took tons of time. The number of buttons ordered for the ceremony was huge. A silver dip was the best the many button producers could do. Also, these were not looked upon as timeless mementos but more like campaign buttons of today, thus many were thrown away when the silvering wore off.

A big congratulations on your GW Cuff Button finds Jim! :occasion14:
As somebody already mentioned, I bet there's more where that came from!



Man! What I'd give.....But I doubt that one of those will ever be found in Whitfield county Ga. Cool finds HH

WOW !! Great finds , super pictures !

Congratulations Jim on a Grand Slam Find! In great shape too!

Wow, what an outstanding hunt the three of you had, great photos and you will all remember this day for along time to come as they don't get any better than this.

Congratulations on a once in a lifetime find!

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