🥇 BANNER 1789 GW Cuff Buttons! Colonial button bonanza.


Hero Member
Jan 8, 2009
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T2 LTD 13" Detech
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Relic Hunting
Well today was a day of legend. We hit up a spot that Arty is very familiar with and has done good in the past. With a recent deep plow and some nice days of rain this old tired field sprung life again. The day started off well with an indian head in an adjacent field but when we got into this particular field we were like a bunch of kids in a candy store. Button after button just came flowing out of the ground. Most of them were so shallow I just used my pro pointer and my hand to dig them up. This was the case with the FIRST most cherished and coveted of all buttons popped out of the ground and saw day light after 223 years in the ground. A small beautifully patina'd GW Cuff button. Number 13 on J Harold Cobbs catalog I believe. Small Wreath Copper variety as I don't see any stars. After cheers and coming down from the clouds we started hunting again. Not even 30 minutes later I was yelling over to Arty again saying"I found the other button in the pair!" In equally great shape! Needless to say these will be nearly impossible to top and have been on my wishlist for sometime.It was also on Arty's wish list to find one and see his post for a very amazing coincidence finding one for himself! I found over 26 buttons, some beautiful cufflinks, a silver piece of a shoe buckle,some indians a horse decorative shield piece and a flint. I had a blast today thanks again Arty and Mom:headbang::headbang:










Upvote 3
That's AWESOME !!!
banner banner

A day of legend indeed! The GW's are gorgeous. Nice set of cufflinks too :icon_thumleft:

Banner? Banner!

I have three of the exact same buttons -- all from one site, only a few feet apart.(NJ) I researched and read about a GW order of silver-plated "vest buttons." Size matches.

Wonderful heart stopping finds! That deep plow really helps but it's becoming a thing of the past. Get it while it's good!

I have three of the exact same buttons -- all from one site, only a few feet apart.(NJ) I researched and read about a GW order ofi silver-plated "vest buttons." Size matches.

Hey Tiger do you have pictures you could post?

Awesome finds my friend !! History is out there and here is proof. I love it !!! Way to go :occasion14:

As said many times before Congrats on some awesome buttons and a great day of digging :notworthy:


wow Jim what an incredible hunt!! congrats!

Well Done guys !!! With that terrific sandy soil I'd be out there day AND night while you're able! ...... what a great place to find another '93 Jim, aye? Mucho Congrats !!!

Lucky dogs!!! Hey lend me mom for a hunt LOL.

Congrats on a well deserved banner!

Super nice! Congrats!!!!!

Well done, congrates on the banner! You have to like invites like that......cheers!

WOW !!!

That is a truly amazing day, not only for you, but the whole group !!!


I'm sure you three can't wait to hit that field again..

You know more will be coming out of there :)

Congrats on the great finds!

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