Remember also that Treasure does not wash in, it washes out. The dunes (illegal to TH) are full of treasure from the wrecks and a good storm erodes them washing their contents down onto the beach. It also strips sand off of the beach exposing things already there. North of the inlet at "Chucks, Aquarina and Roundhouse" the best time is with the waves washing in around your feet. Risky, you bet! Worthwhile, absolutely! Don't forget the winter storms also, a good "Northeaster" can be as productive as a hurricane. Each of us has to decide how much risk we're willing to take. May I make a suggestion, stop limiting yourself. Instead of thinking about finding ...."a silver reale"...., think about finding that blanket of gold escudos or gold and emerald jewelry (a true TH'er is a 100% Anyway, the best of luck to you.
I'm afraid that I don't understand the logic here. Like I said I am a newbie and don't know a whole lot about the physics of the ocean, compared to most of you. Considering gravity and the slope of a beach, how is it possible that the goodies can get all the way up into the dunes from a shipwreck? I find it hard to believe that they can even move more than 20 feet from where they originally went down, even after 291 years. Gold sinks quickly and gets embedded into the sand where it first went down, doesn't it? Are you talking about a cache of buried pirate treasure, left in the dunes, or loose pieces migrating all the way to the dunes from the 1715 Fleet? Somebody please explain to me the physics of the ocean and how it gets from the shipwreck all the way to the dunes, without getting lodged somewhere further out? "Treasure does not wash in, it washes out" makes absolutely no sense to me. It had to wash in at some point or it wouldn't be on the beach at all.

But like I said, I'm no expert, so please try to explain it to me. Thanks, SS