1700s Irish / 1903 IH / Flying Eagle / Ornate Keyhole Cover and Cool Thimble


Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2013
Nova Scotia
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This is a combined 3 hunts....8 hrs total.

Out yesterday morning for the low water ...wind outta the Nortwest 40 knots -4c and snow...miserable. Went to a new spot but not much luck but I did pick up the nice thimble....my first ornate thimble. Was few musket balls there that indicated some age. Went home for some hot dinner and back out to try where I found 20+ coins last year in hopes that the frost moved a few around....was too much snow in most of that spot but still managed to pull out the 1903 Indian Head in nice shape and the key hole cover.

Then back out for the low water again this morning -2c little bit of wind and light snow......Ed decided not to go today so I went back to the spot where I got my US Half Dollar....thought maybe there might be a decent find there somewhere....went very slow and thorough.

And the spot gave up 4 coppers :

2 blanks
1 1766-86 Irish half penny
1 flying eagle

The flying eagle is encrusted and very hard to get off. These coins are usually in very bad shape when dug...I,ve dug 2 before anf they are horrible shape...barely recognizable ....this one seems to be very good shape on the flying eagle side...would really like to save it.


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Upvote 10
Tough to see, but to make an educated guess I think it's 1775. It's not a 66 or 69 bust, so that most likely rules out those years. So it's 1770s or 80s, and I believe I can see the top of the 7. Beside the 7 looks like a 3, but 1773 is a fairly rare counterfeit, and there's a few different varieties, but I can check it against at least one.... because by coincidence I dug one. Also... Anyone who has looked at enough dug coppers knows 3s often look like 5s and vice versa, so the logical and most probable date would be 1775.

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Hey, great finds, I love the thimble it has real character. :thumbsup:
Be careful with that F/E they are rare and that one looks fragile. Maybe ask Rick for some help with that, he is good at cleaning old coppers.
Glad to see you got out today, I had to work:-[. I am so sick of this winter I am going back down south next week. Heading to Florida for some Meg Tooth diving and when I get back this snow had better be gone!
Good luck buddy and if I can get out this weekend I will scoop up Rick and head your way.



I like the thimble also..pretty neat I think.

The encrustation on the FE is just like cement...I picked some of it off but the rest is welded right to it...it was so thick when I foind it it would only give a faint signal. It is actually big grains of sand and tiny rocks but underneath it is in good shape on the eagle side.
Getting that much off it is getting scratched....should be able to see the date well if the detail is the same on the rest.

MEG TOOTH...megalodon ?

That would a way too cool trip if so.

Hell, would be a way too cool trip if you just drove to Florida had 1 beer and turned around and drove back...at least you would clear of this crap white stuff....unreal.

Think we are coming up your way Friday to go for a hunt with Rick on the shore...

If you think you will be good to go for a hunt Saturday instead of Friday...let me and Rick know...and I will change plans for Saturday instead ?

The Irish George is in decent shape ! It's hit or miss in the salt as far as finds go ! Sometimes there not too bad sometimes there in horrible condition ! Salt crud can be hard to get off ! MaineRelic

Tough to see, but to make an educated guess I think it's 1775. It's not a 66 or 69 bust, so that most likely rules out those years. So it's 1770s or 80s, and I believe I can see the top of the 7. Beside the 7 looks like a 3, but 1773 is a fairly rare counterfeit, and there's a few different varieties, but I can check it against at least one.... because by coincidence I dug one. Also... Anyone who has looked at enough dug coppers knows 3s often look like 5s and vice versa, so the logical and most probable date would be 1775.


Knew I could count on you to give a accurate ID on that coin !!

I,m happy to have a 1700s coin so 1775 sounds good to me !!!!...my 2nd Irish coin....1st one was lot better shape and much bigger coin. I,ll post a pic of it shortly here..maybe you can ID that also.


Knew I could count on you to give a accurate ID on that coin !!

I,m happy to have a 1700s coin so 1775 sounds good to me !!!!...my 2nd Irish coin....1st one was lot better shape and much bigger coin. I,ll post a pic of it shortly here..maybe you can ID that also.

Sounds like an 1805 or 1822 One Penny. There's also penny tokens with harps on them too. Yeah throw it on.

Tough to see, but to make an educated guess I think it's 1775. It's not a 66 or 69 bust, so that most likely rules out those years. So it's 1770s or 80s, and I believe I can see the top of the 7. Beside the 7 looks like a 3, but 1773 is a fairly rare counterfeit, and there's a few different varieties, but I can check it against at least one.... because by coincidence I dug one. Also... Anyone who has looked at enough dug coppers knows 3s often look like 5s and vice versa, so the logical and most probable date would be 1775.

2014-04-02 19.48.06.jpg2014-04-02 19.48.46.jpg

The othe IRISH coin I found last year.

The Irish George is in decent shape ! It's hit or miss in the salt as far as finds go ! Sometimes there not too bad sometimes there in horrible condition ! Salt crud can be hard to get off ! MaineRelic

Hi MaineRelic

We get about 30- 40% coppers that are identifiable ...the othe 60-70% are complete blanks....then the odd time one will come out in great shape...no rhyme or reason to it.


I like the thimble also..pretty neat I think.

The encrustation on the FE is just like cement...I picked some of it off but the rest is welded right to it...it was so thick when I foind it it would only give a faint signal. It is actually big grains of sand and tiny rocks but underneath it is in good shape on the eagle side.
Getting that much off it is getting scratched....should be able to see the date well if the detail is the same on the rest.

MEG TOOTH...megalodon ?

That would a way too cool trip if so.

Hell, would be a way too cool trip if you just drove to Florida had 1 beer and turned around and drove back...at least you would clear of this crap white stuff....unreal.

Think we are coming up your way Friday to go for a hunt with Rick on the shore...

If you think you will be good to go for a hunt Saturday instead of Friday...let me and Rick know...and I will change plans for Saturday instead ?
Yup, Megalodon Shark teeth, that's the goal. Last trip I did I got 5 of them, definitely the oldest thing I have found other then a rock. These shark teeth could be up to 50 millon years old.
I don't know about Sat. but maybe Sunday. I have to get all my stuff organized for the trip and get the "honey-do" list whittled down some what as well.
Don't change your plans for me, If I get out it will be on Sunday.
Good luck,

Nice job brother! I love those Irish half pennies. My first. 1700s coin was one of those. Found it between the top 2 stones in a foundation. Always scan the foundation itself, it was common for folks to hide money up high between stones or above the front door. I'm so damn excited for this weekend I can't even stand it. :-) home owners showed up for Jersey today and they're psyched so things are great right now. Couple old coins would top it all off

Nice job brother! I love those Irish half pennies. My first. 1700s coin was one of those. Found it between the top 2 stones in a foundation. Always scan the foundation itself, it was common for folks to hide money up high between stones or above the front door. I'm so damn excited for this weekend I can't even stand it. :-) home owners showed up for Jersey today and they're psyched so things are great right now. Couple old coins would top it all off

TY Ahab

Most of the foundations I been around are usually full of hot rocks here...making it almost impossible to look with my detector.

You better take a spare shovel in case you run into some frozen ground..remember what you did with the last one :laughing7:

Will wait for your post of those old coins your gonna sniff out !

Yup, Megalodon Shark teeth, that's the goal. Last trip I did I got 5 of them, definitely the oldest thing I have found other then a rock. These shark teeth could be up to 50 millon years old.
I don't know about Sat. but maybe Sunday. I have to get all my stuff organized for the trip and get the "honey-do" list whittled down some what as well.
Don't change your plans for me, If I get out it will be on Sunday.
Good luck,

Wow..that would be so cool....if you are able to ,maybe you could bring one with you if we make it out detecting on Sunday.

Don,t know how fragile they are..but would be so cool to actually hold one.

Good finds.

Getting tired of saying I'm tired of winter.

My thoughts on the FE ¢ is, it's not corroded, you can soak in HP for ever without any worry, but being that it is some sort of salt water build up, I'm not sure HP will remove it....it won't hurt to try.

This may be a candidate for the "freeze / thaw" method of cleaning ??? Where the build up is thick...and not really "dirt" If the HP don't help, I would give this a try.....what you got to loose ?

Good finds.

Getting tired of saying I'm tired of winter.

My thoughts on the FE ¢ is, it's not corroded, you can soak in HP for ever without any worry, but being that it is some sort of salt water build up, I'm not sure HP will remove it....it won't hurt to try.

This may be a candidate for the "freeze / thaw" method of cleaning ??? Where the build up is thick...and not really "dirt" If the HP don't help, I would give this a try.....what you got to loose ?

TY Rick

Will give it a try when I get back fom hunting......will let you know how it works.

TY Rick Will give it a try when I get back fom hunting......will let you know how it works.
Good luck today. You have fun while I'm working :-)

He'll be back to fishing soon enough, and you know what they say..... Payback is a byatch minus regiment buttons.

HAHA.... I,ll still get some hunting in...will be fishing every other day...hehe.

But dunno if I will ever find another button....ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The shore sites are pretty beat right now.

Tried 2 new spots....zippo...nadda..nothing.....and.... it snowed some more yesterday and flurries this morning.

He'll be back to fishing soon enough, and you know what they say..... Payback is a byatch minus regiment buttons.
Good call IP...and won't I let him hear about it :-)
Just gotta find some good stuff to brag about!

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