1700s belt buckle? ID? Banner item?


Bronze Member
May 4, 2008
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1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

So was out detecting with my best detecting friend Bob. We found a secret spot sshhh.

These two items were in the same hole together and were at least 12" down. Bob can verify it for you. You can stick your arm in and it'd be past your elbow!!

So anyways, there were 2 large roots about the size of a nickle that were crossed over in an X pattern.
Sadly the only thing we could do is chop because the item was underneath it.

Pulled out this beautiful belt buckle, it rings solid Silver on our machines, so I don't know if it might be plated?
For as deep as it was and in a field with lots of old history we think it could be 1700's. Maybe a pilgrim buckle? I am hoping someone can ID this better.

The wrench is broken a bit and is real bad condition but it is old no doubt. Has a S pattern to it. Any help?

OH and the buckle latch piece moves and works perfectly, you could put it on and wear it with no problems.


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

During the American Revolutionary War, the Convention Army was imprisoned in Charlottesville between 1779 and 1781 at the Albemarle Barracks .Albemarle Barracks was located northwest of downtown Charlottesville, around "Ivy Farms." No remains of the encampment site are left. What is believed to be the site is now private property, Barracks Farm. Drive west of Charlottesville on Barracks Road to Barracks Farm Road. The Albemarle County Historical Society erected a marker in 1982 on Ivy Farm Drive - a couple of hundred yards from where this road separates from Barracks Farm Road (north side of the road in a residential front yard). The spot marks the location of several graves found when the land was developed for residential use.Check out bowens mill :o


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

I have set-up several pooltables in that neighborhood and will drive by there tommorow. If I can locate the marker I will take some pics to show you. Thanks for helping relichunters and myself . Bowens Mill? That does not sound familiar to me. Is that the same area?

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

You will have to study the map,when you get to ivy farms.This is it the (red x on the map).An then you will know where you are on the old map from the 1700s ,to compare...Goodluck,the rest is up to relichunters.Also some area that has (GOLD MINE )CLOSE BY :wink:


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

White Feather said:
:icon_study: Okay gang, the second item looks like an old transmission wrench. Some wrenches like this were used on very old farm equipment. I have one in storage from my days as a teen mechanic that came from my grandfathers tool box. My Grandfather died in 1960 at the age of 60. The old wrench I have dates to the late 20's or early 30's. :BangHead:

Thanks for the info white feather

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

If I might also suggest the Library of Virginia in Richmond.  They have every map of Virginia, going back to the Herman Boye maps of the 1820s of the Valley--and some maps even earlier than that!  They also have every Civil War map you could think of, if CW relics are more your speed.  If they want to try and charge you a pretty penny for copies of them, take your digital camera in (Without The Flash!!) and take some photos so that they're already in digital format.  I grew up in Southwestern Virginia.  :wink:

Best Wishes,


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?



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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

ok, I know where the gold mine area is in fluvanna county,about 30 miles s.e. from here. roughly between scottsville and fork union,close to buckingham county. Thanks again relicdude. I will post the pics of the ivy farm area tommorow for you to see for helping us locate that good site. I am just about 10 minutes from there in Ivy va.

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Good news!You know your area alot better then me.I have never been there. Keep us posted on the relics and gold..The one map i posted i did a flip on it so you could read it.It could be train tracks showing the mills and taverns,it was like this.


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Well not 1700's but still a great find, I really like it!

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Here are the pics. I did not see any historical marker anywhere. I have been in that neighborhood many times over the years and dont ever remember seeing one. Maybe the home was sold and the new owner didn't want it in the yard. I believe the graves were inside this stone wall. I will ask the homeowner for permission when I get back from NJ.


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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Roadquest said:
I have no dog in this hunt, But, just my 2 cents worth.

If BuckleBoy, gives you an ID on a relic. You have very likely got

the correct identification.

I'll second that motion Roadquest!!!!

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Roadquest said:
I have no dog in this hunt, But, just my 2 cents worth.

If BuckleBoy, gives you an ID on a relic. You have very likely got

the correct identification.


wheres your dog?

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Relichunters, Hello!! Great find and cool buckle :)!! Of course I'd say we all like older things, however, I personally really love to find cool things like your buckle!! When an item is odd and/or cool, it doesn't matter to me how old it is, I'm happy!! About depth: In my experience, for what it's worth, I have also, as Utah Hunter stated, found Indian head pennies, Barber dimes, V nickles etc... at 0"-3" and in the same totally undisturbed area (within 2') by man, have dug Lincoln memorials at 6"-8" :-\, how that happens, couldn't say. I've thought about the ground freezing pushing the older coins to the top while allowing newer coins to sink, but have found the same situation in climes where the ground doesn't freeze! The only explanation I've ever heard that even sounded close to plausible was what a really wise, old (90 year old) friend of mine suggested, (bear in mind he was three-quarters Cherokee, and therefore in, my opinion, many times more knowledgeable about nature and it's cycles than I'll ever be, being raised in the "old ways"). His opinion was that how deep undisturbed items were in the ground depended on the phase the moon was in when they were dropped!!?? To me this does sound at least reasonable, since science has shown the direct effect of the moon on gravity. Of course, as I said, "for what it's worth". But, that doesn't account for the roots!! One of the great detector mysteries, I suppose!! Anyway, sorry to ramble, again, I'd be proud to own that cool buckle!! Great hunting and good luck!! Regards, Richard.

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Re: 1700's belt buckle? ID? Banner item?

Just my experience with VDI numbers tell me that they work pretty well with "solid" items that have no holes, loops, etc. Items that have open area tend to show up with VDI numbers that may or may not indicate the metal type. Aluminum is a pretty good example. I get different VDI numbers based on the "shape" of the aluminum - round part of pull tab, flat piece of cut aluminum, crushed can, etc. show up all over the VDI range.

Just what I find in trying to determine metal type with objects of different shapes and styles before I dig it. I'm going to dig a solid repeatable signal anyway so I don't really worry too much about it.


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