From Armada Espanola by Duro:
"1641-por huracan reinante en el mes septiembre naufrago la almiranta de la flota de nueva espana en el bajo de los abrojos; cinco naos mas embarrancaron o zozobraron en la costa de la florida, y otras dos en la isla de cuba, perecio mucha gente.
La nao nuestra senora de ayuda, de 230 toncladas, se perdio en los arrecifes de la isla santa catalina."
Translation: "1641-Hurricane month prevailing in September wreck the flagship of the fleet of New Spain under the thorns more embarrancaron or five ships capsized off the coast of Florida, and two on the island of Cuba, many people perished .
The galleon Our Lady of Help, 230 toncladas, was lost on the reefs of Santa Catalina Island."
To my knowledge there are two islands called "de la Isla Santa Catalina" in the area in question:
One is on the south side of Hispaniola, well off the coast...
The other? In Georgia:
"Isla de la Santa Catalina"... english translation: St. Catherine's Island.
You decide.

Most writers have assumed the Isla de la Santa Catalina in question is the one in Los Angeles County and the nao a Manila galleon...
I am not so sure.