12th Annual Treasure Hunters Cookout

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The count at the last one was over 500!

Thanks for the correction, I knew there were hundreds, just wasnt sure how many. I remember when there were 50....LOL

I believe we should go ahead and have the cookout on April 25. The worst you could get from the pirates is scurvy.

When the next picnic is a go, I have some nautical graphic art posters and prints I picked up at an estate sale last year to donate for the auction or door prizes. A couple of different artists and some of the pieces have a brief history of the artist on the reverse. I think there are a few that might possibly, maybe, sorta be sought after when the time comes.
If it's alright I'll post them here for everyone to view over the next week and a half leading up to the original date of the picnic. Something to do while social distancing.

These are all Matted, in clear cellophane and ready for putting into a frame. Artwork is about 7.5" x 9.5" (Overall is about 11x14).

Maybe we can vote on which one everyone likes the most?

ps. I had to add some strategically placed "stars" since this is a family website! (Should we call her "Knickers"? As much for her cutlass as her attire. :laughing7:)
And I'm not sure if this "About the Artist" description is on the back of either of these pieces.


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Another couple of prints!
Two with fairly accurate depictions of life on the water when all/most ships sailed.
A colorful one that is a throwback to a bygone era in discovery, salvage, and recovery.

Till the next one ... Peace out, Man! And stay healthy.

ps. I'm going to have a social distancing bbq cookout next weekend and share some images. Maybe others will do the same and post some of their images.

Maybe post images of some of your finds as well, from your years of diving? Hope you do and thanks! :headbang:


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Another pair of whimsical ones for your viewing plezuere!

Since the Sebastian bbq picnic is off for this weekend, anyone else having one at home or a favorite secluded swimming hole? Starting your garden? Building a staircase or deck? Going detecting?
It sure would be nice of you to share some images of interesting artifacts this weekend in honor of the "Missing Picnic". Especially since we won't be able to enjoy each others company or past/on going glory stories this Saturday? I don't know about you but I really enjoy that aspect of getting together at the picnic.
(Don't be shy you coy little devils, spill some beans and share some images this Saturday.)

Maybe someone can come up with a contest to award a print of choice from the ones I'm posting?

Here's to Saturday!!! :occasion14:


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Another pair of whimsical ones for your viewing plezuere!

Since the Sebastian bbq picnic is off for this weekend, anyone else having one at home or a favorite secluded swimming hole? Starting your garden? Building a staircase or deck? Going detecting?
It sure would be nice of you to share some images of interesting artifacts this weekend in honor of the "Missing Picnic". Especially since we won't be able to enjoy each others company or past/on going glory stories this Saturday? I don't know about you but I really enjoy that aspect of getting together at the picnic.
(Don't be shy you coy little devils, spill some beans and share some images this Saturday.)

Maybe someone can come up with a contest to award a print of choice from the ones I'm posting?

Here's to Saturday!!! :occasion14:

Thanks Pete!

Thanks Pete!

You're welcome John but you and Bill deserve all the credit, for spearheading this each year. You two put a lot of effort into it so we can have a great time getting together.

Well here's another print with the label on the back that tells a tale as old as sailing itself of beautiful mermaids. It narrates from a diary used on a sailing journey from 1912 (I think). It must be non-fiction since it refers to mermaids. :headbang:

Also, there is an image of a model of Spanish ship that I picked up to donate as well. My friend has it at his place and sent me the image so the plaque isn't legible. I can get a better image if it is needed. I don't know sailing ships at all but do know there are sites that can help people figure this out.
Eureka!! This is the contest to win one of these prints. Simple rules. (I can post more/better images if needed.)

1)The first to ID the type of ship it is, including the nation, according to the label/plaque wins a print of their choice.
2)I'll even ship the print, within reason of course, so the winner doesn't even have to pick it up. More people can participate if they are interested since they don't need to be here in person.
3)Contest ends 6 am Eastern Standard time Sunday morning so people can add or follow along with the virtual E-picnic on Sat.

Plus Everyone who participates gets a free ice cream sandwich
wrapper through the mail if they would like one. :laughing7:

I still have a couple of more prints to add. I'll do that Friday night. Until then, enjoy and plan on attending Saturday.
ps. My picnics are pretty lame so I'm counting on some help from all you peeps out there to humor me and add something on Sat. Like youtube videos of some good music, air shows since the Vero Airshow is canceled I presume, or other pics of your goings-on. Let's see how this shapes up.
It's our turn to do some work on this picnic and show John and Bill how much we appreciate all the hard work they do every year for the real thing.

Hope to see you Here sometime on Saturday with images of your picnic!
ps. I added a bonus image that I had to add a virtual bikini to since this is a family site. The real print has no bikini!


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Last of the prints.

Woo Hoo, Cookout weekend is here!!!
You guys and gals ready for the e-cookout tomorrow? Let us know what you're bringing. Brisket, corn dogs, peacock bass, white lightning, appleJack.

It's awful quiet out there. Even if everyone is blowing holes already on their leases you have to come up for new tanks sometime? Post a few of what you're seeing.
Everyone will thank you, I'm pretty sure.
(ps. No, I'm not "on" anything, just trying to liven up the isolation a little. Hope you'll join the fun.)

No guesses on the sailing ship model?


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:icon_thumleft: Thanks AARC. :occasion14:
Hope you and others will have nice weather today and add a little something as the day goes on.

The time is upon us to have the cookout !:clock: Time to crack the :whip2: and get this :occasion16: started.

All of you :icon_jokercolor:'s, :icon_pirat:'s and :icon_sunny: individuals, dust off those Grills and join the e-xperience. (OMG, The excitement is palpable. :laughing7:).


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Here's a little Reggae music I found online from 1973.
:headbang: :occasion14:
(Just right click to "open the link in a new tab" and continue listening while you are online at Tnet.)

Everyone enjoying their day so far?
Here's a few pics from cloudy Florida.
I told you I throw a pretty lame picnic, but even that may have been an overstatement after today's fun and games. :tongue3:

Whatcha got to show for the day?


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Only for a short while til I was searching the bottom of the tumbler for it.

And I forgot there was an artifact sitting on my fence in one image that I found last fall.
It was a hand pump I found in the roots up under a seagrape, about 50' west of a dune. It was only about 8" down.

As I was digging it I was seeing a large odd-shaped piece metal that my mind convinced me might be part of a small anchor. It was badly blistered and rusted with a slight curve to part of it. After about 20 min. I finally got enough dirt out of the way to get a hand on it. I had to wiggle it (like pulling a tooth) till it finally popped loose. The handle and cap came up first followed by the main body. I was dirty, hot, and tired but had a nice chuckle. I left the main body behind and brought this top portion home where it sits on a fence post.
Here is the enlarged area from a previous image. And two better images of it on the fence post.


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Well, I just wanted to thank all those that commented (3) :icon_thumleft::icon_thumleft: or came by and viewed (360 or so):icon_thumright: since I shared these prints. But it looks like all of them will be available at the next cookout whenever that occurs. And the model of the ship will be available as well, so start saving your nickels and dimes!!:thumbsup:

Hope everyone got a chance to enjoy the day yesterday. We had an overcast day here but no rain, which wasn't a given since it rained most of the day Friday.
Even without the "Safer-At-home" order, the local air show that was supposed to occur the same weekend as our cookout may have been a bust with the cloud cover.

Stay safe and hope the coming season of diving brings lots of finds for you so you can share them with us. We so love to see them.

Saddened as I was when this was cancelled, I can't wait until the all clear or what ever occurs and I can venture from out of Kansas City and come to the treasure coast to meet all of these people who have made it happen.

Regrets, I just wish I had an event T-shirt as seen in the pictures!


It will happen!

Just do not know when.


Well...there's nothing like a good cancellation to take the enthusiasm out of me. John and I both moped around for a week.
We're going to get this pulled off.
I'm going to do some rib cooking practice to make sure I don't lose my touch. Just because.
I wrote this for the cookout crowd a while back. I'll post it again

Range Rovers and Hummers are just not our style
That is precisely, until we find that big pile
Of treasure and history under the sea
That awaits the bold salvors, that’s you and that’s me

Taking the riches of the New World back to their kings
Muzo emeralds, Potosi silver and precious golden things
The galleons and sloops and frigates and schooners
The carracks and brigs, (they should have left sooner)

Were provisioned and loaded and stocked to the gills
With the treasures and trade goods that came down from the hills
From China and Manila on routes across the Pacific
For two hundred fifty years, their landfall was specific

To Acapulco then overland to Veracruz
Across sands so hot they’d burn through your shoes
Sometimes down to Panama City then across to Portobelo
Precious stones, Incan gold and costly goods to tempt a fellow

Like the privateer Henry Morgan who tried to steal it all
He failed to fail but he failed to win, but made it back to Port Royal

These ships and their sailors were lost by the score
The 1622 Fleet, 1715, 1733 and many, many more.

The New World had weather that the Europeans did fear
But they were never able to learn to completely steer clear.
The sailing routes to their homelands are the same to this day
Summer hurricanes come a’hunting- God help you if you’re in their way

The Spaniards lost belongings and treasures, their wives and their lives
In numbers that gave their backers and insurers the hives
Down they went to the bottom of the sea
Or washed up on the beach for the wreckers to see

The Bay Islands of Honduras, the Corn Islands, El Bluff
All have legends and stories of shipwrecks and stuff
Out in deep waters there are reefs and shallow banks
That made good captains get jumpy and tremble their shanks

If you’re brave and well financed and just have to go see…
Set a course from Limon at about 28 degrees

And you will find these wild places where the winds screams so shrill
That you may not stop to explore, just go on to Negril

Stop at San Andreas or Providencia and fill up your tanks
Off to the Serrana, the Pedro or Serranilla Banks

Or go north to Chinchorro, Rosario or Misteriosa
Where the modern day pirates would scare Barbarossa

These places are legend, their stories our lore
If only those governments hadn't closed up the store
UNESCO and their pet Archies- the miserable whores

started hoarding those shipwrecks and all of their cargo
to leave to be buried, to rot to please their embargo

They sit on their towers and scribble their papers
for each other, no others would dare such a caper

to take from the world what should be seen by our eyes
for nothing but the greed of their union, thieves in disguise

but maybe, just maybe there will come a day
when reason and free enterprise come back into sway
and those who still can and who still have the guile
can go out to sea and return with a pile


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...... I'm going to do some rib cooking practice to make sure I don't lose my touch. Just because..........

I'll be glad to help practice eating it if you need any assistance with that? :laughing7:

And I like your way with words. Well done.

Being optimistic, can we get a date for the delayed TH cookout? 12th Annual part Deux

I know it's still early in the picnic planning and vaccine rollout but some reports I've heard say that one vaccine or another will be available to most by May or thereabouts.

That gives me hope that the picnic may be able to happen. Stay safe everyone, keep our fingers crossed and maybe we can have a "Coming Out of Covid Picnic" this year.

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