My Tesoro machines land me great stuff. Seeing that sick Cibola at a time like this with Tesoro’s business in its current state, just makes me sick. I have only ever had Tesoro’s because they have treated me so well since I bought my vaquero in 2015. I could be doing my self an injustice by not branching out, but that’s the thing about Tesoro fans, we are not opposed to other tech or brands, or using other machines ourselves, but we mostly choose to spend our money on these because we know what they can and can’t do well and they really do have a language in that “1 tone” that admittedly can be hard to understand on the lower tone machines like the V and the cibola. But none the less I have dug a lot of deep holes for tiny targets with the vaquero. But I think what I want to know most, is answer to a post earlier in this thread about c. Digger asking to buy a nice Tejón or vaquero. Why? To prove something else? I have only watched one of your videos but have you ever just taken a known good Tesoro on a long hunt in one of your better sites? Just you, no camera, no creating tests in your yard, just a raw hunt. I wouldn’t need it filmed, your word would be enough, but just take that vaquero or Tejón that you may have bought and try using it with the manual from scratch on your own. Tell me honestly that they aren’t capable. And maybe you have...

I'm just guessing here but i'd bet he was looking to buy cheap, run it through his test bed then dump it off on craigs or t net. I don't see anything wrong with fiddling around with many models if that's what floats your boat. I agree too. The Tejon is a beast. I love mine.

I'm just guessing here but i'd bet he was looking to buy cheap, run it through his test bed then dump it off on craigs or t net. I don't see anything wrong with fiddling around with many models if that's what floats your boat. I agree too. The Tejon is a beast. I love mine.

I dought that if he would have been able to get his hands on a Tejon or Vaq, that he would want to get rid of it after prancing around his test garden with it. I think he probably ended up with the Cibola, and after being banged around to much in shipping it rendered defective on arrival. This may have enraged him, causing him to lash out against Tesoro in that terrible video.

One thing for sure is the fact that Tesoro is going through some hard times right now, and they certainly didn't deserve to be the subject of that video. According to the video, the Tesoros just cant keep up with the amazing power of these new digital detectors, but here's a video that tells a different story.


Tesoro users are like the hipsters of metal detecting. There's no use in trying to convince them their choice isn't the superior one.
I jest of course.

Opinions are far too subjective, posting finds is far too dependent on location, so why not just say it's the detector you personally enjoy using. If you objectively measure technical performance it's not going to fare well against modern systems, but that doesn't matter if you enjoy using it. What you enjoy isn't dependent on the technology behind something.

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WELL, Calabash, it is now "tomorrow" and Darryl and I are going to our private amusement park, as vferrari calls it, to go "play". We have a sort of not really secret pact to share all the gold caches and the Confederate buttons and buckles. Right, like those pop up most days, right? Anyway, it rained over 6" yesterday but the amusement park sits on a rocky hill so we'll only get as dirty as wet groundhogs. Hope we get something. We don't get as many targets like we used to, however he actually cut deep in the dirt this year and we are finding stuff in areas we all walked over before. Like I say, miss it by an inch, miss it by a mile. I noticed one grassy area last year is now not grassy and the farmer cut deeper into the established lawn so we're going to hammer that area.

Tesoro users are like the hipsters of metal detecting. There's no use in trying to convince them their choice isn't the superior one.
I jest of course.

Opinions are far to subjective, posting finds is far too dependent on location, so why not just say it's the detector you personally enjoy using. If you objectively measure technical performance it's not going to fare well against modern systems, but that doesn't matter if you enjoy using it. What you enjoy isn't dependent on the technology behind something.

Man what a great analogy I see the user as a diehard 1974 Volkswagen lover

I dought that if he would have been able to get his hands on a Tejon or Vaq, that he would want to get rid of it after prancing around his test garden with it. I think he probably ended up with the Cibola, and after being banged around to much in shipping it rendered defective on arrival. This may have enraged him, causing him to lash out against Tesoro in that terrible video.

One thing for sure is the fact that Tesoro is going through some hard times right now, and they certainly didn't deserve to be the subject of that video. According to the video, the Tesoros just cant keep up with the amazing power of these new digital detectors, but here's a video that tells a different story.

Seriously? A Garrett Ace 250? Air testing? This video reeks with inexperience. Bottom line is Tesoro makes fine detectors. They have been finding the goods now for a long long time.

At the end of the day I think Calabash is trying to say that the newer machines have an edge over the old. I dont agree with every single thing he says or claims but I see what he means here. Today you need EVERY advantage possible as most places have been beaten to death by detectorists. Fact is i love my tesoros in areas with low trash. I simply cant cover ground as quickly with them as i can my multi tone, digital machines. Different tools for different jobs.

I can't believe I read this entire thread, considering it's 12 pages long. I don't remember ever reading an entire thread like this.

I do have the CTX, and an EQ800, and of course a Tejon. It's kinda funny that I'll pick up the Tejon more often than I pick up either the CTX or the EQ.

I picked up the used Tejon from Ammoman a couple years ago because Indian Steve was kicking my CTX's butt using his Tejon. I was spending too much time thinking about what I was swinging over than just getting down on my knees digging.

Sometimes simple is the best tool.

I've been tossing around the idea of purchasing an F75 due to the fact that I would like at least one digital machine with fast recovery. After watching tons of videos about different detectors I've come to the same conclusions. It's so funny watching some of these folks on YOUTUBE swinging their very expensive detectors and after getting a signal, they will spend 10 minutes playing with the settings, looking at the screen, trying to figure out what's down there, and how deep it is. I could have walked up and had the hole dug and filled in 50 seconds.

WERE DIGGING 7-8 Inches for coins/buttons/rings for God sakes, but some insist they cant do without a $10,000.00 computerized machine.. after all my study on the F75, I find that the CZ3D will do the job just as effectively, and this is a detector that's been around since 1992? Naturally I will have to go with the F75 because its lighter in weight, but I dont wont to spend all my time listening to pings/bings and studying screens when I should be digging holes.. LOL

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Man what a great analogy I see the user as a diehard 1974 Volkswagen lover

There may be some appeal to times that seemed simpler and our youth appeared to have no end. I think the antique car market relies on this nostalgia. While I enjoy the advances of my Iphone8, I admit to missing the simplicity and carefree flip phone. I still use antique (and collectable) fishing equipment, in part because it is a connection to past memories. And I also use tesoros, but not because I consider them to be "best". I simply have little interest in the endless acquisition of the latest and best technology and rapid disposal of the previous technology - whether that is in cars or tvs, etc. Sometimes, an old pair of jeans and a less modern pickup truck are "good enough".

There may be some appeal to times that seemed simpler and our youth appeared to have no end. I think the antique car market relies on this nostalgia. While I enjoy the advances of my Iphone8, I admit to missing the simplicity and carefree flip phone. I still use antique (and collectable) fishing equipment, in part because it is a connection to past memories. And I also use tesoros, but not because I consider them to be "best". I simply have little interest in the endless acquisition of the latest and best technology and rapid disposal of the previous technology - whether that is in cars or tvs, etc. Sometimes, an old pair of jeans and a less modern pickup truck are "good enough".

Hey I totally agree people that like Volkswagens are diehards they love them, they’ll last forever and they’re collectible and they’re easy to work on. Plus there are very late and you can make an extremely fast. I have no problem with that. It’s it’s just not my style.

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Hey I totally agree people that like Volkswagens are diehards they love them, they’ll last forever and they’re collectible and they’re easy to work on. Plus there are very late and you can make an extremely fast. I have no problem with that. It’s it’s just not my style.

I loved the '69 VW I had in college. In addition to its reliability (for the time) and low cost to own, it was a reasonable test for girlfriends - not only to see if they were open-minded enough to learn to drive a manual transmission and find that reverse, but also how much complaining they might do about the cold when the rudimentary - at best, heater would not work. I can understand its appeal today as a collectible car, but having been hit in a modern subaru while stopped at a traffic light by a kid going 60 in an Impala, I wouldn't want to be on the road in an old vw today. With the weight over the drive wheels, it was surprisingly good in the snow - at least in a straight line...

I loved the '69 VW I had in college. In addition to its reliability (for the time) and low cost to own, it was a reasonable test for girlfriends - not only to see if they were open-minded enough to learn to drive a manual transmission and find that reverse, but also how much complaining they might do about the cold when the rudimentary - at best, heater would not work. I can understand its appeal today as a collectible car, but having been hit in a modern subaru while stopped at a traffic light by a kid going 60 in an Impala, I wouldn't want to be on the road in an old vw today. With the weight over the drive wheels, it was surprisingly good in the snow - at least in a straight line...

Yeah the Subarus are huge up north but I was in the car business for many many years then you don’t get anything on a Subaru on trade-in down south. But once again Subaru lovers love Subarus!!! I’m telling you those old 60’s VW split window wagons and bugs bring big-time money.

And these days I don’t think these kids have the capacity to learn how to drive a stick shift LOL

Back in my swing and days I had a Porsche 911 convertible which is basically a Volkswagen but I wish I had Volkswagen repairs my oil changes were $350. I’m glad I don’t keep up with the Joneses anymore I could care less LOL. I drive a O2 Dodge pick up four-door with 195,000 miles on it and it’s paid for no stress :-)

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If your Dodge has the Cummins, its just broken in. I bought my first pickup in 1977 in grad school - a '65 Ford with 3-on-the-tree, and have only been without a pickup for a few months total since then. I'll keep my '11 Nissan Frontier 4x4 (around here that is "old") until the day when the gas gets even more degraded with ethanol. Then I'll get a diesel pickup.

If your Dodge has the Cummins, its just broken in. I bought my first pickup in 1977 in grad school - a '65 Ford with 3-on-the-tree, and have only been without a pickup for a few months total since then. I'll keep my '11 Nissan Frontier 4x4 (around here that is "old") until the day when the gas gets even more degraded with ethanol. Then I'll get a diesel pickup.

Oh I want to diesel bad LOL

WELL, Calabash, it is now "tomorrow" and Darryl and I are going to our private amusement park, as vferrari calls it, to go "play". We have a sort of not really secret pact to share all the gold caches and the Confederate buttons and buckles. Right, like those pop up most days, right? Anyway, it rained over 6" yesterday but the amusement park sits on a rocky hill so we'll only get as dirty as wet groundhogs. Hope we get something. We don't get as many targets like we used to, however he actually cut deep in the dirt this year and we are finding stuff in areas we all walked over before. Like I say, miss it by an inch, miss it by a mile. I noticed one grassy area last year is now not grassy and the farmer cut deeper into the established lawn so we're going to hammer that area.

Well I see we both had some luck... DSCN0638.webp

Tesoro users please go to the 1 min and 43 second mark and tell me what the VDI says on the Deus over the target...Notice how I used the numbers to make a dig or dont dig decision on a relic site....



I'm glad the thread is still open. Some people like to see the head to head comparisons Calabash puts together. Stop taking this video to heart as it's just about metal detectors. I for one am tired of people wanting to ban or hide something from others just because they are offended or don't agree with the other party. Contribute and tell him where you believe he is wrong. Go a step farther and publish you own comparison videos. Closing the thread because you are upset is not the proper response to the exchanging of ideas and information.

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