Silver Member
My Tesoro machines land me great stuff. Seeing that sick Cibola at a time like this with Tesoro’s business in its current state, just makes me sick. I have only ever had Tesoro’s because they have treated me so well since I bought my vaquero in 2015. I could be doing my self an injustice by not branching out, but that’s the thing about Tesoro fans, we are not opposed to other tech or brands, or using other machines ourselves, but we mostly choose to spend our money on these because we know what they can and can’t do well and they really do have a language in that “1 tone” that admittedly can be hard to understand on the lower tone machines like the V and the cibola. But none the less I have dug a lot of deep holes for tiny targets with the vaquero. But I think what I want to know most, is answer to a post earlier in this thread about c. Digger asking to buy a nice Tejón or vaquero. Why? To prove something else? I have only watched one of your videos but have you ever just taken a known good Tesoro on a long hunt in one of your better sites? Just you, no camera, no creating tests in your yard, just a raw hunt. I wouldn’t need it filmed, your word would be enough, but just take that vaquero or Tejón that you may have bought and try using it with the manual from scratch on your own. Tell me honestly that they aren’t capable. And maybe you have...
I'm just guessing here but i'd bet he was looking to buy cheap, run it through his test bed then dump it off on craigs or t net. I don't see anything wrong with fiddling around with many models if that's what floats your boat. I agree too. The Tejon is a beast. I love mine.