10th Annual Treasure Hunter's Cookout April 28 2018

please don't forget to bring that book i bought from you
and give it to Bill Black to auction off at the raffle.
Don't believe I will be able to make it to this years cookout
Thanks lynn

Uh Oh...This doesn't sound good...

please don't forget to bring that book i bought from you
and give it to Bill Black to auction off at the raffle.
Don't believe I will be able to make it to this years cookout
Thanks lynn

I’m so sorry you won’t make it to the cookout, I was looking forward to meeting and thanking you.
I just had a conversation with Lobo and an update of Ysabel. Funds are needed immediately to get her to to Poland.

Thank you so much for the donation, it is much appreciated and needed.

please note -- the now famous treasure wreck researcher TV personality - of Caribbean pirate treasures / travel channel --Lost Treasure of Amelia Island episode--- Mr Ivan Salis (aka that fat b a s t a r d )--plans to attend the event (health and other events allowing )-- * I made res at the Hampton Inn Vero Beach (the one by I 95) for 4 / 27 - 4 /28 hope to see you folks there --wife sadly not up to the trip-- even after I upgraded to a much much better hotel this time ...plan to be at the at the hotel around 3 ish on the 27th ... and spend the day of the 28th at the cookout --driving home afterwards .... I will be bringing a lovely very nice high grade 1921 morgan silver dollar neck coin in a silver bezel with silver chain to sell off to help raise money for dell winters up keep --as well as a nice bottle of wild turkey 101 rye --(bottled in bond) as well ---maybe I can find some other goodies as well --see what I can fish up --plus wanting to chat about the 1641 patache -- 5 leagues offshore (13 to 15 miles) thus out of the 12 mile us limit --thus no state or govt permits needed being its in open seas and its pre 1750 as well the date the Spain agreed to to win the juno / la gagla case

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Pretty sure state waters only goes out three miles on the Atlantic side....unless something has changed..

please note -- the now famous treasure wreck researcher TV personality - of Caribbean pirate treasures / travel channel --Lost Treasure of Amelia Island episode--- Mr Ivan Salis (aka that fat b a s t a r d )--plans to attend the event (health and other events allowing )-- * I made res at the Hampton Inn Vero Beach for 4 / 27 - 4 /28 hope to see you folks there --wife sadly not up to the trip-- even after I upgraded to a much much better hotel this time ...plan to be at the at the hotel around 3 ish on the 27th ... and spend the day of the 28th at the cookout --driving home afterwards .... I will be bringing a lovely very nice high grade 1921 morgan silver dollar neck coin in a silver bezel with silver chain to sell off to help raise money for dell winters up keep --as well as a nice bottle of wild turkey 101 rye --(bottled in bond) as well ---maybe I can find some other goodies as well --see what I can fish up --plus wanting to chat about the 1641 patache -- 5 leagues offshore (13 to 15 miles) thus out of the 12 mile us limit --thus no state or govt permits needed being its in open seas and its pre 1750 as well the date the Spain agreed to to win the juno / la gagla case

Nice to see tv stars who don't forget the little people LOL.

See you there. Looking forward to another interesting conversation.

Pretty sure state waters only goes out three miles on the Atlantic side....unless something has changed..
Since the Abandoned shipwreck legislation, the feds gave the states rights out to ten miles or something to that effect. I'm not really up on this stuff since I don't care.

I'm looking for volunteers to help with parking, holding the raffle, distributing raffle tickets, and help in general. Is anybody out there good behind a microphone? I really need someone to welcome everybody and make announcements. Thanks!

I'm looking for volunteers to help with parking, holding the raffle, distributing raffle tickets, and help in general. Is anybody out there good behind a microphone? I really need someone to welcome everybody and make announcements. Thanks!

I’ll be glad to sell tickets!

Am I correct there will be a raffle (auction?) to benefit Dell Winters? I have a couple of books I'd like to donate - masterpieces by F.L. Coffman.

Would someone please be so kind as to tell me where to send them? I'd like to get them in the mail ASAP. PM is fine if the address is confidential - these days I certainly understand why it would be!

Ivan - I tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is stuffed.

Thank you!

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Thanks Old Bookaroo! My address is John Redman, 3 Aloe St. Alva, FL 33920. A portion will go to Dell.

Thank you, Sir! They will go out either today (if the welcome rains let up a bit) or tomorrow.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

cleared a bit of room in my box

state limit is 3 miles but us federal territorial claims go to 12 miles --at 13 miles you are in "open waters" own by no one

Actually it differ from east and west coast of Florida.


I'm looking for volunteers to help with parking, holding the raffle, distributing raffle tickets, and help in general. Is anybody out there good behind a microphone? I really need someone to welcome everybody and make announcements. Thanks!
Sal Guttuso has admitted that he is a highly trained auctioneer and will be able to do most of the emcee work. Anything else, I bet I can find someone to talk...

Daryl, where are you? I've tried to call you 4times now???

john I got a bottle of something "special" a bottle of custom spirits that I crafted up just for you ...I am a rather gifted mixologist ==I think you will most likely love it

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Yes,this looks like
A great time! Gonna try for a hotel tomorrow. We stayed on Patrick AFB last year and really enjoyed it.

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