10th Annual Treasure Hunter's Cookout April 28 2018

Well...that was a fun weekend.
Maybe the best one in a while...you shoulda been there.
Who was there? Everyone but you.

News - Dr Lee Spence and his wife Lauren were in attendance. Sad to say Lauren fell off the boat that she and Lee are working on in Canaveral, hit her head and took in a lot of seawater. As I understand it, Doc Steve Foster (another attendee) and a couple of his crew ( maybe his sons) were able to pull Lauren out of the water and administer first aid after which she was evacuated by helo. At last report 1530 hrs 3 May 2918) she was still unconscious and being kept in a light coma to let her body heal. Please pray for her speedy recovery.

Lee messaged me about 3 pm. I posted this on FB shortly thereafter.

Hello friends of Lauren and Lee Spence,

I messaged with Dr Spence a few minutes ago and wanted to give an update on Lauren’s condition as of 1530 hrs on May 3, so as to lessen the load on Lee. This is directly copied from our conversation. Prayers please!

“ Although Lauren is still non-responsive, the outlook/news from the doctors is sounding far better than before. So please keep praying for her. She is fighting an infection right now, but the doctors do have real hope that her brain is not as damaged as first expected. With the skills God has provided them and with everyone's prayers, that hope may become the miracle that she needs. Please thank everyone for me. I am sorry I can't take time right now to personally answer the hundreds of well wishes and messages from all of our friends.



dear lord I was with them at the cook out --I gave them a signed photo pf me as a keep sake from the party --and dr lee kindly gave me a copy of his blockade runner book --most kind of him I might add -- its horrible that such a bad thing happened to such nice folks -- my prayers go to god for them

John and Bill,

I hope that the two boxes of items I sent down for the auction and raffle were of benefit to raise funds for Dell and any other worthy causes you all saw fit! I will try to put together another box or two of items for next year's Treasure Hunter's Cookout and who knows, maybe I can make it down next year.

John and Bill,

I hope that the two boxes of items I sent down for the auction and raffle were of benefit to raise funds for Dell and any other worthy causes you all saw fit! I will try to put together another box or two of items for next year's Treasure Hunter's Cookout and who knows, maybe I can make it down next year.

They did indeed. We raised a good bit for the Foundation, sent Dell a Paypal gift as well as Lubos Kordac in the Dominican Republic.
There was some contention earlier about what monies get raised for whom and what gets done with it.
I will address that here.
The Treasure Hunter's Cookout is a party. It was started by Our Fearless Leader, Aquanut, to get the treasure hunting community all in one place to meet, greet, plot, plan, buy, sell, research, learn, tell stories and partake of some food and drink in a friendly atmosphere. It has morphed into something of a party with a purpose, wherein we sometimes raise a few bucks to help out some friends. We invited the Abt family to come and do some fundraising for their foundation honoring Mel Fisher's grandson. The last year or two a good bit of money was raised by various people for Dell and Lubos Kordac. This year no one really went out of their way to set up a booth for their favorite causes. We auctioned the items people were kind enough to donate to the auction and sent the money to the folks that they earmarked it for, but here's the thing...if you want to raise more than a few hundred dollars, it is going to take more of an audience than we get at a Cookout.
I've raised a few thousand on Facebook and TNet for Dell and Lubos both and have been glad to do it, but to raise real money in amounts that could help someone who is in real financial trouble, you have to go to GoFundMe or the equivalent like Maryellen Twichell did to get Lubos' wife to cancer treatment in Poland...then put together a good story and promote the heck out of it. I do not have the time to do that. You might set up a booth at a pirate festival or hold a separate event for the treasure hunting community...you have to find new people to contribute for you can only go to the charity well with average folks so many times before the well dries up.
As always, I am willing to help out, I'm just getting a little overbooked right now. If I can help your effort, let me know and I will try...no guarantees.

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Latest update from yesterday;

To my concerned friends and friends of Lauren and Lee Spence: I messaged Lee at 2:30 PM today, 5/6/2018 and asked if he wanted me to give an update on Lauren's condtion. People...we need to take this to a new level of praying and good thoughts. Our friend Lauren is in real trouble here...and God and great doctors can lift her out of this danger and into good health, but it is going to take a lot of both,
Here is Lee's message to all:
"Lauren remains unresponsive except for basic senses. She has a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) lung infection. MRSA is difficult to treat. We are praying for a miracle and I hope others will too."

Well...that was a fun weekend.
Maybe the best one in a while...you shoulda been there.
Who was there? Everyone but you.
News - Dr Lee Spence and his wife Lauren were in attendance. Sad to say Lauren fell off the boat that she and Lee are working on in Canaveral, hit her head and took in a lot of seawater. As I understand it, Doc Steve Foster (another attendee) and a couple of his crew ( maybe his sons) were able to pull Lauren out of the water and administer first aid after which she was evacuated by helo. At last report 1530 hrs 3 May 2918) she was still unconscious and being kept in a light coma to let her body heal. Please pray for her speedy recovery.

Lee messaged me about 3 pm. I posted this on FB shortly thereafter.

Hello friends of Lauren and Lee Spence,

I messaged with Dr Spence a few minutes ago and wanted to give an update on Lauren’s condition as of 1530 hrs on May 3, so as to lessen the load on Lee. This is directly copied from our conversation. Prayers please!

“ Although Lauren is still non-responsive, the outlook/news from the doctors is sounding far better than before. So please keep praying for her. She is fighting an infection right now, but the doctors do have real hope that her brain is not as damaged as first expected. With the skills God has provided them and with everyone's prayers, that hope may become the miracle that she needs. Please thank everyone for me. I am sorry I can't take time right now to personally answer the hundreds of well wishes and messages from all of our friends.



may god assist you in your hour of need

I have had MRSA for about 10 years. During that time I have been either misdiagnosed or non treated over 90% of the time. I recently had a 2 week trip to Chile planned before the BBQ. I was going to Chile to buy Vancomycim at a Pharmacist where I didn't need a prescription. I have also been to the factory in Chile where it is manufactured. My passport didn't accompany me to Florida so I was unable to go. A few days before the BBQ I had another major attack from MRSA in my right lung. I went to the ER with extreme pain not knowing if this was the time that MRSA in my body had turned into sepsis. I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer and given a script for a strong antacid and something for nausea. What a joke. When a patient is that sick with MRSA you need to be on an IV antibiotic like Vancomycin(once a day for 10 days), Orbactiv(one time infusion good for 10 days but expensive) or a third one that I can't remember the name of right now. Failing one of those three the Dr needs to be threatened to be sued for misfeasance. They will tell you about C. diff and play the empirical game and on and on. I am currently writing a book called "Don't Die from MRSA" become your own primary and secondary care provider. If you are not a basketball player like Blake Griffith or the UFC guy(name?) your chances of getting IV instantly is almost nill. 80% of antibiotics are given to animals. The Dr needs to give you something more than Doxycycline, Cloxicyclina, Clindamycin, or Linezolid(spelling of 4 previous may be slightly wrong).
Good luck Mrs Spence and Lee and be forceful with the Dr.
Thank you for the BBQ.

Research is so much fun. I remember the day I read about a ship's crew that went ashore and bought a dog and so for Xmas dinner they had hog and dog!
Try telling a Dr what IV treatment you want when he has never heard of Orbactiv and you also give him the protocol. And they wonder why I have severe white coat syndrome! Last month when I talked to the Dr in Florida my BP was 210/90 which they panic about and start wanting to hook you up to an EKG because they think you are about to have a heart attack. If Dr's did as much research as THers do they might know something. Foreign Dr for me thanks, and can I do some research in the archives at the Vatican!!
A little off topic I know.
Just a researcher, not a Dr.

My condolences to Lee Spence whose wife, Lauren passed today. I just recently had the pleasure of meeting Lee at the cookout. A very sad day.


This is incredadbly sad. I was going to meet Lee at his boat to check it out but decided to drive home instead. My sincere condolences go to Lee and his family.

Lee Spence posted this sad announcement about 3:30 PM 5/14/18. I thank each of you for your prayers as well.
"E Lee Spence
"I want to thank everyone who prayed for Lauren and wished her recovery. Unfortunately, my beautiful wife (and the best friend anyone could possibly have) passed away. She taught me so much about life and caring. I was in love with her when we married and in the past ten years our love got deeper, we drew closer every week, and life for both of us only got better. She will always be on my mind and my heart for the rest of my life. For that I thank our Lord who she is now with."

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lee, family and friends. Lauren was a wonderful person and a very gracious host when I visited with them.

My condolences to Lee Spence whose wife, Lauren passed today. I just recently had the pleasure of meeting Lee at the cookout. A very sad day.


How tragic. Prayers and condolences for the family.

dear lord --they were sitting with me at the cook out chatting --I gave him a signed photo and he gave me a signed book --I had a great time chatting with the both of them --my god's mercy be upon her and may god comfort lee in his time of loss..

Have they announced for 2019 yet?
They have!
11th Annual Cookout Flyer.webp

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