Well, I just got back home! What a great weekend! I can't say enough good stuff about Bill Black, my partner in this grand event! It has gone from a party to a special occasion! I need to thank all of you that helped me put this together. Without you volunteering, cooking, heavy lifting, and then helping with the funds beforehand, this party would never have happened. My sisters, Donna and India came down this year from Maryland and England, respectively, to help me at Treasure Hunter's Headquarters and I really don't know how I'm going to manage without them next year! Thanks to all of you that brought additional food, made donations, helped support this party by buying raffle tickets and made bids at the auction. Bill and I were able to make a substantial donation to the "Michael Abt Have a Heart Foundation" with funds raised on Saturday along with providing a platform for The Foundation to raise money at the event themselves. Bill and I don't keep money for ourselves and simply use the funds collected to help seed the event for the following year. Believe me, it would have been a lot easier on us had we not made any charitable donations last year because we spent every penny of the seed money and funds donated prior to the party. As it was, we were still a bit short on the ribs and a second Porta- Potty. But, the show must go on...
Ten years ago, this started as a cookout party of 35 guests to get treasure hunters who are notoriously private to get together and share a good time, maybe some secrets, maybe team up and just have an open forum. Obviously, it has grown a bit. I originally funded all the early ones out of my own pocket and with the indentured servitude of my immediate family, managed to pull them off. However, it didn't take but a few more of these annual events to realize I needed a lot more help. Just to give you perspective, imagine an outdoor Wedding Reception on the wonderful grounds at the Pennwood Motor Lodge with full access to their facilities, pool and rooms with live entertainment and the best food ever for between 300 to 500 people with no RSVP's! My volunteers are the ones that are truly responsible for the success of this party and every year they step up. You guys all know who you are and so does Bill and myself. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!