The roll out will be interesting to say the least. Most of the reg.public will be getting the shot sometime in 2021/2/3 as there's only so many to go around.
So the one's that don't want because of fear of what the side effects, just have to stand at the back of the line and wait.
It doesn't mean that one is for or against - they'll just wait.
I'll wait, I have no problem letting the first responders that go out to the nursing homes get totally vaccinated and everyone that needs to be out there.
I don't need to be out there at all so I don't need to be lining up anytime soon.
If a person really doesn't need one-let the one's that are out and about because of employment or service get them first.
I feel it would be selfish of me taking the shots away from someone that needs it more than me-even though I am in a very high risk group category already.