104 degree temp from Pfizer Vaccine

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Back a month ago or so I was at the county courthouse standing in line to pay my property tax. It was a long line.

There was a nurses station there, about mid way, giving flu shots (not specific to what flu). I got the shot.....

And my right shoulder is still pretty sore, a month later. At this point I'd really rather that I didn't get that shot.

Back a month ago or so I was at the county courthouse standing in line to pay my property tax. It was a long line.

There was a nurses station there, about mid way, giving flu shots (not specific to what flu). I got the shot.....

And my right shoulder is still pretty sore, a month later. At this point I'd really rather that I didn't get that shot.

Some guys will do almost anything to have a pretty gal pinch them.

Back a month ago or so I was at the county courthouse standing in line to pay my property tax. It was a long line.

There was a nurses station there, about mid way, giving flu shots (not specific to what flu). I got the shot.....

And my right shoulder is still pretty sore, a month later. At this point I'd really rather that I didn't get that shot.

Often times it's not the shot itself that would cause your symptoms, but rather an idiot who does not know how to administer a shot properly. Some soreness for a few days is normal and you could even turn black and blue in some cases, but sore a month tells me she didn't know what she was doing.

GoDeep said:

In pertinent part, "The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine uses a modified, weakened cold virus , thus delivering the spike protein and and causing an immune response to the corona virus".

Yeah, about that. The Astra Zeneca product has not been approved yet. The product that has been approved is the Pfizer covid vaccine.

Y'all remember Pfizer? They invented rogaine. Rogaine started out as a blood pressure medication with the side effect of excessive hair growth. But it wouldnt sell so they sold it as a hair growth medication with the side effect of lowering blood pressure...

Yeah, about that. The Astra Zeneca product has not been approved yet. The product that has been approved is the Pfizer covid vaccine.

Y'all remember Pfizer? They invented rogaine. Rogaine started out as a blood pressure medication with the side effect of excessive hair growth. But it wouldnt sell so they sold it as a hair growth medication with the side effect of lowering blood pressure...

Not exactly. None have gone through the approval process. That requires more trials and analyses. Pfizer was the first to gain emergency use authorization. Emergency use authorization requires a less rigorous process than FDA approval in exchange for speed.

Turns out, the outgoing regime is allowing millions of doses of the Pfizer vaccine to sit and rot in warehouses, refusing to tell Pfizer where to send them.

If the goal was to kill as many people as possible, this entire gov't response would be a model.

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I am not going to get involved in an extended discussion. My problem with Go-Deep is his hubris turns me off, even if he is 100% correct. and I don't know that he is.

Me too....give it a break GoDeep....and no, I read about 2 sentences of your posts and move on because of your condescending tone to anyone and everyone who does not agree with you !! Just about every thread relating to covid your onboard screaming at everyone that dosent agree with you. We all know how you feel about covid by now. Give it a break !! So sorry so many people don't agree with you, but if you were a bit more polite you may get better responses from others. No one has to abide or agree with the GoDeep strategy of covid prevention!! You come across as rude to many of us with your condescending tone and your i know better than you attitude. You don't know any more than anyone else and your not the only person who can quote numbers and studies that make you sound smarter than you are. I think you should cower in place and hang up your detector for the next couple years until it safe to poke your head out the door.....frankly my dear I don't give a damn about your stupid concerns for all us dumb arses that are living our normal lives as best we can. Stay at home, cower in place, don't go out, where your mask 24/7, do whatever you feel you need to survive....perhaps by chance your situation may be different than mine, and your approach to survival different as well. I appreciate advice given with sincerity for ones well being, not being baited into a verbal dispute over what you think is best for me....you know nothing about my circumstances and situation regarding the pandemic in my immediate area. You sound scared and vulnerable....im not either of those so my approach is different. Im not going to follow your approach and many others won't either that fact is certain. So move on and realize that all your ranting and I know more than you speeches aren't gonna change any minds. Not really sure your trying to do any good at all.....you've proven time and time again that you just prefer to argue how right you are.....alright you win your right were all gonna die....eventually!!

I wish you the best of luck in this pandemic....may you and your loved ones prosper and thrive thru these difficult times.
I say that with the utmost sincerity to a fellow treasure hunter and american...God bless you GoDeep !!

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20201219_080118.webp I see no concern in your response to Goldie locks.....in fact your assuming things you know nothing about.....you are basing your whole response on your own presumptions without knowing what Goldie locks actually thinks !! So wrong to do that !! So where is the concern for the person with the 104 temp....there is none....you just want to call someone ignorant for not agreeing with your reasoning !! Frankly it's disgusting and has nothing to do with covid....you just like belittling those who don't agree with ya !!

As an aside, I see Nancy Pelosi and members of congress were getting their vaccines yesterday. So heck with the old, infirm, first responders and all that. And now they are going to give it to "people of color" before the people in nursing homes, doctors, nurses or first responders, regardless of their color. Due to racial equality or some such thing. And its the people in the nursing homes who have had about 40% of the deaths from it!

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I'm not going to weigh in on the various debates that have taken place between forum members here (about the vaccine, about seat belts).
I want to add four data points from my immediate family. They're just four data points, but they will factor into my decision to take the vaccine as soon as I'm allowed:
- My sister in law is a veterinarian and she chose to participate in the Moderna trial. She had no side effects.
- My sister in law's daughter went off to her freshman year at college in the fall; she got Covid-19. No major medical issues, but it presented my sister in law with a real-world chance to test the vaccine. My sister in law did not get Covid-19 (at least no symptoms at all; I don't know all the details of the clinical trial testing).

- My brother is a front-line doctor in Los Angeles. We've been hoping since March that he would avoid becoming sick, and somehow he did. He never got sick. He was in the very first group to get the vaccine as soon as it was available, a few days ago. I hope he's now a Covid-fighting Superman in the hospital. They need him.

- My wife and daughter have Type 1 diabetes. On top of that my daughter has disabilities that put her at further risk of complications. Hopefully they will be offered the vaccine in earlier groups, but who knows. What I do know is that they'll take it as soon as they're allowed. The benefits outweigh the risks, in our assessment. (But my daughter is 15 and doesn't turn 16 until May, and they won't give it to a 15 year old, so...she'll have to wait).

Thankfully I'm a healthy 49 year old who has avoided Covid so far, and I'll need to continue avoiding it because I know I'll be one of the last to be offered the vaccine. (And that's the right thing to do, in my opinion). But when they offer it I'll take it. No doubt in my mind. Oh, and my son (who's been in some of my videos with me) will also be taking the vaccine. Technically he's 17.5 so not an adult and we could make him take it, but we are leaving it up to him to decide. Without hesitation he wants the vaccine.

- Brian

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The roll out will be interesting to say the least. Most of the reg.public will be getting the shot sometime in 2021/2/3 as there's only so many to go around.
So the one's that don't want because of fear of what the side effects, just have to stand at the back of the line and wait.
It doesn't mean that one is for or against - they'll just wait.

I'll wait, I have no problem letting the first responders that go out to the nursing homes get totally vaccinated and everyone that needs to be out there.
I don't need to be out there at all so I don't need to be lining up anytime soon.
If a person really doesn't need one-let the one's that are out and about because of employment or service get them first.
I feel it would be selfish of me taking the shots away from someone that needs it more than me-even though I am in a very high risk group category already. :dontknow:

The roll out will be interesting to say the least. Most of the reg.public will be getting the shot sometime in 2021/2/3 as there's only so many to go around.
So the one's that don't want because of fear of what the side effects, just have to stand at the back of the line and wait.
It doesn't mean that one is for or against - they'll just wait.

I'll wait, I have no problem letting the first responders that go out to the nursing homes get totally vaccinated and everyone that needs to be out there.
I don't need to be out there at all so I don't need to be lining up anytime soon.
If a person really doesn't need one-let the one's that are out and about because of employment or service get them first.
I feel it would be selfish of me taking the shots away from someone that needs it more than me-even though I am in a very high risk group category already. :dontknow:
Agree... I am in the "high-risk group", yet! I was tested NEGATIVE; give it to another person at REAL risk!

Agree... I am in the "high-risk group", yet! I was tested NEGATIVE; give it to another person at REAL risk!

I agree as well. Although I'll be over 66 by the time any vaccine is available, I hope it will have been offered to those folks more deserving. I'm not encouraged that standing aside, however, will put someone who needs it more, closer to the front of the line when those decisions are being made by politicians and not public health experts.

ditto ! I haven't had any Fear & I'm probably Considered in the High Risk Group.
I Have no Issue Sitting Back to get it Last or never.

Exception, Guarantee Me I Never have to wear a Mask again, 30 Days After the Shot !
I'll go Ask for it :coffee2:

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Way worse than people know. Population control. Secret ingredients added to modify genes. Not even a vaccine. Effects don't show up for years.

Finally...there is someone left who isn't wearing rose colored glasses.

Smoke and mirrors.
Both covid and the vaccine.

Why can't you people turn your attention away from that and onto why we NEED a Space force.

I know why.
I even know the why behind the why.

GoDeep ?
You're barely scraping the surface!
You remind me of Dave44.
I've never fought a better opponent when it came to horizontal fracking.

Hey OP, you remind me of RJC..

My elderly mother was in fantastic health prior to that vaccine.
Now her heart is shot.

What's funny about this thread and the other 30 or so that I have been reading...
I was told specifically by the Boss that I cannot make a Covid post.
What are all these ?

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