104 degree temp from Pfizer Vaccine

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I don't wear a seat belt for various reasons and won't !

One reason Shortly after they Implemented the Seat Belt law , they Removed the Helmet Law :dontknow:

It's Not about Individual safety It's who you are and what you like to drive.

of course I don't speed , I don't want to wreck , but don't tell me I can't run my own life.

if you see me coming your direction there are usually 3 ways you can run if you feAR I'M A WALKING TALKING VIRUS :laughing7:

If you'd quit driving so erratically at 25 m.p.h. , I could dodge you better!

I find it somewhat amusing that those who yell most about being pro "law and order" are the same ones that wish to impose their interpretations of what constitutes law and order for others to follow but they themselves feel free to pick & choose what they are willing to obey.

I have no problem with you not wearing a seatbelt. I assume that you would sign a form on which you agree to refuse any publicly funded attempt to render aid or transportation to a hospital if you need it because you were injured for failing to wear a seatbelt or helmet.

My 90 year old father refuses to wear a seatbelt. And he is not allowed in my vehicle on the road.

thank your 90 year old father for me :coffee2:

Seriously Though ! I Do respect your Right to Feel the way you do, I Just expect the Same :icon_thumleft:

Seriously Though ! I Do respect your Right to Feel the way you do, I Just expect the Same :icon_thumleft:

We can have a civil discussion. Well, we can until I'm banned again for stating my opinion, which is your right as a moderator. So I say thank you for showing restraint, now and in the past.

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I think the court does when it cashes his checks for the fines.

seat belt laws here in pa aren't that strict. you must commit a moving violation before the seat belt law is used.

I Got caught up in a police Road block once. I watched the people in front of me quickly putting theirs on :laughing7:
I didn't. when I pulled up to the trooper He mentioned the Seat belt .
As close as I can remember, I said "Ya Know, If I Get broad sided & the car lands in the drivers Seat, I want to be shoved to the right.
I don't believe in them. I could have quickly put it on like the cars in Front did :laughing7:, But I don't feel I need to. '

His only words were "I can't let ya go unless you put it on"

So I said " Fine ! But ya know as Soon as I Get though this Line it's Coming Back off " :laughing7: He said "That's ok "

We can have a civil discussion. Well, we can until I'm banned again for stating my opinion, which is your right as a moderator. So I say thank you for showing restraint, now and in the past.

Your Fine as FAR As I'm concerned :coffee2:

The irony of the past 6 months:

"I won't wear a mask, it's my right to freedom/liberty not to"

"If you're afraid of getting the virus from me, stay home, it's my right to freedom/liberty to go about as i please"

It shouldn't be lost upon the reader, that they have no problem asking/telling YOU to sacrifice YOUR freedom/liberty to facilitate theirs, but no way in the heck will they sacrifice theirs to protect others.

When segments of society start feeling that liberty/freedom is their absolute right, trumping others under the same umbrella, society starts to falter...

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seat belt laws here in pa aren't that strict. you must commit a moving violation before the seat belt law is used.

I Got caught up in a police Road block once. I watched the people in front of me quickly putting theirs on :laughing7:
I didn't. when I pulled up to the trooper He mentioned the Seat belt .
As close as I can remember, I said "Ya Know, If I Get broad sided & the car lands in the drivers Seat, I want to be shoved to the right.
I don't believe in them. I could have quickly put it on like the cars in Front did :laughing7:, But I don't feel I need to. '

His only words were "I can't let ya go unless you put it on"

So I said " Fine ! But ya know as Soon as I Get though this Line it's Coming Back off " :laughing7: He said "That's ok "

Good story. I once got a warning ticket for "failure to wear a seat belt" when I was actually wearing one. The officer actually objected to a bumper sticker on my pickup that expressed opposition to a fracked gas refinery and export facility being built in our neighborhood. He couldn't find any equipment infraction and I wasn't speeding, so he gave me a written warning - even though I was wearing a seat belt. In 50 years of driving, I've only been stopped a few times and never received a ticket - until that bumper sticker (the company partially funded the police dept) and then I was stopped every day. After a few weeks of their nonsense, I removed the bumper sticker because I was sick of having my time wasted by them. And of course, the stops ended.

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The irony of the past 6 months:

"I won't wear a mask, it's my right to freedom/liberty"

"If you're afraid of getting the virus from me, stay home, it's my right to freedom/liberty to go about as i please"

It shouldn't be lost upon the reader, that they have no problem with YOU sacrificing YOUR freedom/liberty to facilitate theirs, but no way in he heck will they sacrifice theirs to protect others.

In PA Governor Wolf Made all these Rules , masks, space, no large crowds.

so of course he's following these rules too :coffee2: Right ?

so much for precautions :laughing7:

Good story. I once got a warning ticket for "failure to wear a seat belt" when I was actually wearing one. The officer actually objected to a bumper sticker on my pickup that expressed opposition to a fracked gas refinery and export facility being built in our neighborhood. He couldn't find any equipment infraction and I wasn't speeding, so he gave me a written warning - even though I was wearing a seat belt. In 50 years of driving, I've only been stopped a few times and never received a ticket - until that bumper sticker (the company partially funded the police dept) and then I was stopped every day. After a few weeks of their nonsense, I removed the bumper sticker because I was sick of having my time wasted by them. And of course, the stops ended.

Last Ticket I remember , I got I was 21 (I'm 65) I ran to Lykens State store for a bottle.
was on a hurry Back to celebrate being old enough & Got a $35.00 Fine for speeding. No points

Last Ticket I remember , I got I was 21 (I'm 65) I ran to Lykens State store for a bottle.
was on a hurry Back to celebrate being old enough & Got a $35.00 Fine for speeding. No points

We're the same age. I will turn 66 in Feb. I joke that I drive like an old man, but its not a great joke anymore...

June 14 for Me

Maybe we should have a large close dinner in a restaurant with no masks just like our leaders do? They aren't open? Why are they open for them? Sorry, but I despise hypocrites.

GoDeep said:
You are completely missing and mis-representing how vaccines work. A vaccine works by imitating an infection in the body, which produces “memory” T-lymphocytes, as well as B-lymphocytes, so that when your body encounters the real virus, it defeats it, so yeah, technically you "get it", but it is defeated right away, thats how vaccines work my friend.

If you think this is like the measles, mumps, or flu vaccines then it is you who is misrepresenting the facts.

Measles, flu, and mumps vaccines use deceased or weakened viruses to stimulate the immune system. But this is a different kind of vaccine from those. This vaccine uses a segment of synthetically manufactured RNA that invades individual ribosomes in individual cells to stimulate the immune system.

We have an inkling of the short term side effects. We are completely in the dark when it comes to the long term side effects. One of these long term potential side effects is an un-anticipated and potential fatal auto-immune response that might not occur until long after the vaccination is done. This has happened with other, unapproved vaccines.

So go ahead Guinea Pig. Thanks for the data, I guess. :thumbsup:

If you think this is like the measles, mumps, or flu vaccines then it is you who is misrepresenting the facts.

Measles, flu, and mumps vaccines use deceased or weakened viruses to stimulate the immune system. But this is a different kind of vaccine from those. This vaccine uses a segment of synthetically manufactured RNA that invades individual ribosomes in individual cells to stimulate the immune system.

Duckshot, back for another beating. You're what, 0 for 3 now?

I see you pretty much copied and pasted the first link you came up with, but in your search for a "gotcha" moment, you didn't dig deeper to find that different Covid manufacturers are using different methods, and yes they are based on genetic material mRNA but you are wrong in that , some are indeed using a "weakened virus to stimulate the immune system":

In pertinent part, "The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine uses a modified, weakened cold virus , thus delivering the spike protein and and causing an immune response to the corona virus".

And "Other COVID-19 vaccine candidates being supported by the U.S. government target the spike protein via a different carrier virus or tiny particle"

And as before, you'll deflect and parse out some little error to argue, but you're missing the forest through the trees again, as the point was never the exact nitty gritty of how vaccines were made(and neither of us are experts) and the reader could care less. Back on mute for you.

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Such a big ego for such a tiny little man. :laughing7:

Anyone can easily use their Google to determine that Duckshot did not copy and paste anything. GoDeep is the one using the quotation marks- And without the common courtesy of citation I might add.

Duckshot, back for another beating. You're what, 0 for 3 now?

I see you pretty much copied and pasted the first link you came up with, but in your search for a "gotcha" moment, you didn't dig deeper to find that different Covid manufacturers are using different methods, and yes they are based on genetic material mRNA but you are wrong in that , some are indeed using a "weekend virus to stimulate the immune system":

In pertinent part, "The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine uses a modified, weakened cold virus , thus delivering the spike protein and and causing an immune response to the corona virus".

And "Other COVID-19 vaccine candidates being supported by the U.S. government target the spike protein via a different carrier virus or tiny particle"

And as before, you'll deflect and parse out some little error to argue, but you're missing the forest through the trees again, as the point was never the exact nitty gritty of how vaccines were made(and neither of us are experts) and the reader could care less. Back on mute for you.

Back to quoting GoDeep so he does not change his post after I reply....

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