1 hour hunt, 925 ring and a broken detector


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
Hello to all!

A rare weeknight hunt today, had two hours to get out so I headed for the nearby elementary school to try to new/old Garrett machine in the grassy areas. (I have pillaged the woodchips there last summer and this already) This is the school that I had my photo taken that ended up on the cover of the Feb 2007 Western & Eastern Treasure Magazine. I have had a lot of good luck there too, in the chips and the grassy areas.

The ole Garrett's work well in the grassy areas too and like usual, I was hunting all metal, no disc and digging it all, because I love finding that gold! No gold today though but a nice little 925 ring was found and a sterling shield with a prayer on back, Joshua 1:9 from the bible. Some other nice goodies were found too.

The bad news, after 1 hour and 1 minute, the new/old Garrett TR machine stopped working. The batteries only have about 5 hours on them. It started pulsing funny, then made a solid signal for a minute which gradually faded into silence? I will have to get inside and try to suss it out? Bummer :'(

Oh well, an hour hunt, a beautiful day, two nice keepers, and a religous medalian plus 45 coins for a face value of $4.72. Only 7 pennies! So it was great hour!! Yes, I can hunt the grass too, not only the woodchips, and I am still fairly efficient there too. I am a swinging and digging madman out there no matter where I am at ;D

Thanks for reading, HH to all!


Here's some photos of today's finds.

about 40 or 50 pieces of trash


Todays Finds
27AUG07 T.jpg
27AUG07 F.jpg

The sterling ring
925 Ring .jpg

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Geeze Bobby, you killed it already! Drag the back up out as it has done you proud in the past and get back out there. Super sweet finds you got there, as usual. Those kids must get better allowances than the kids around here. Congrats again on the nice finds.

HI Bobby do you think you could post a pic of that Garrett i would like to see it :) AA

A BIG congrats on the silver !!!!!!!!!!! you sure loaded up on coins too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D

Hey...are you sticking your middle finger up at us in that picture! :D Great hour...bad news on the detector...

I think the detector did itself in. It found out about those 200+ coin days and knew its days were numbered ;D

Seriously, I hope it's an easy fix!

Good luck,

Sounds like a micro circuit failed. Old style transistors had their faults but they were built a lot sturdier with heavier components.

DFX-Gregg said:
Hey...are you sticking your middle finger up at us in that picture! :D Great hour...bad news on the detector...

Hi Greg
Thanks! I'll get the detector going again one way or another, no big deal.
I have my trusty ole one and five others to play with.

actually, it's my ring finger, not the middle. :)


Sorry to hear about the vintage Garrett. Hopefully you'll get it up and running soon.
I can picture you now swinging two vintage Garretts at the same time. ;D You would be deadly. ;)
Congrats on the great finds.

Boobydoo said:
DFX-Gregg said:
Hey...are you sticking your middle finger up at us in that picture! :D Great hour...bad news on the detector...

Hi Greg
Thanks! I'll get the detector going again one way or another, no big deal.
I have my trusty ole one and five others to play with.

actually, it's my ring finger, not the middle. :)


How many fingers you got..oh 5! ;D :D

sfinder said:
Sounds like the old Garrett needs to go to the doctor for a checkup. Sounds like you had a good short hunt, nonetheless.

Thanks sfinder!! I'll get it figured out hopefully.
I am really happy with the finds for sure!


Nashoba said:
First time I ever heard of someone killing a machine so quickly.
Stop overworking those things BDOO. At least turn 'em off for five minutes and give 'em a break every now and then so they live longer.

I have faith you will be back in the chips very shortly, but be nice to the detectors man!


lol, that's funny Nash. I still have the ole original trusty and soon both will be humming nicely hopefully. Thanks buddy!


RD66 said:
maybe a bad patch of batteries. ;)

That machine has a battery checker and I hit it today, Battery 1 is fully juiced, battery two is about 50% so maybe a bad battery or a bad connection. I will swap the batteries and hit the checker again and that should prove whice.

Thannks for the read and comment!


Mirage said:
I guess you rang up too many high tones in an hour. :D Good haul Bob.

Those old beasts usually suck the juice. Did you recharge your batteries and try it again?

Maybe you got what you paid for....? ::) How much do they charge for a "tune up"? White's charges about $60.


That's the risk buying a used product I guess but I am confident that one way or another, I'll get er going. Thanks Bob!! Take care buddy!


piggman1 said:
Way to go BDoo, you wore out the machine in a matter of hours. :D That's really working it. Some sweet ring you got there. Way to go!

lol, yep, at least I get two nice keepers during the "fateful" hunt ;D
Appreciate it buddy!


Bavaria Mike said:
Something else you might look at. Does that detector have the 9v battery slide mount? My old Garrett MH 5 has that battery setup, the contacts on the mount that plug into the detector corroded and deteriorated, I had to replace two of the contacts, I was really surprised to find the same contacts at work so I was lucky. Check out the detector, if that is the case, I will mail you a few contacts. HH, Mike

Thanks Mike, I'll let you know what I find out. I'll look at it again this weekend. Too busy during the week to get into it that deeply. Take care my friend!


desertfox said:
Nice finds BDoo, sorry you killed your machine. That's a real bummer, did you have your back up with you? I really like that little Aeroplane you have there! :D HH and hope you get the big "G" back up and out in the field soon.


Thanks a lot DF!!
Actually the machine that croaked was the "back up"... lol.
The airplane thing is a zipper pull, probably off a flight jacket.
Getting out tomorrow, can't wait. Hitting the last two schools in this hot area I have been covering the past few weekends.


What an hour, great job! I have all the faith you will fix that machine. But go easy on her next time :D. Keep up the great digs!

I hope so, thanks for the good wishes!


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