$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Sandsted said:
SWR I tried to use the quote button! I attempted! It didn't work for me so I dismissed it as delusion and self-deception on your part!

Seriously I tried once...and it didn't work and I don't remember why but I've just decided to quote the old fashion way.
I don't know, I have to give it to Sandy on this one..... :D

No offense, SWR. ;)

Alright...humor...hold on...I got it!

Why did the mushroom go to the party?!

Cause he was a FUN-Gi!!!!!! :D

=xupz link=]
Why is it then you don't see dowsers themselves running experimental designs to verify their own claims to others?
Am I particularly dense or isn't that among the main arguments /discussions in here?

Most dowsers that I know are constantly experimenting, one of the reasons that we have soo many different theories as to how it works.

When I was experimenting to see if there was any base or substance to it, I used hypnosis extensively, the same as for the other para-normal experiments that I engaged in, since it tended to hyper sensitize the subjects to the test involved and accelerated /stabilized the tests. Some of the results were dramatically effected as compared to the normal waking state. Perhaps I may get into this later.

Tropical Tramp]

I feel there are confusions regarding this thread. The title of this thread as I understand is:

Re: $1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Since there is only one org. or individual that offers 1 million dollars, let me quote again about his offer:

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

Does the thread title in consonance with Mr. Randi's challenge?
If it is so, then there is no common ground for discussion...since the thread title negates the offer...

If it is not, then who will pay for dowsers?

My observation,


If it is not, then who will pay for dowsers?
Money is not my focus...The fact is I like to make money. More money means I can make more trips to find more gold. Dowsing is a good hobby and the fact that most of the time it pays for itself makes it more fun.

Most dowsers that I know are constantly experimenting, one of the reasons that we have soo many different theories as to how it works.

Realde...That is the way I work. I test everyones theories and if I like part of the theory it becomes part of my theory. I don't change my methods very often but when I find something that works better I use it.....Art

=RealdeTayopaHow "quant" of you to attempt to trivialize statistics. ;)
"quant" is slang for someone good at mathematics ;D


Sorry, I forgot to thank you for the compliment XU

Tropical Tramp

angel_09 said:
I feel there are confusions regarding this thread. The title of this thread as I understand is:

Re: $1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Since there is only one org. or individual that offers 1 million dollars, let me quote again about his offer:

At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

Does the thread title in consonance with Mr. Randi's challenge?
If it is so, then there is no common ground for discussion...since the thread title negates the offer...

If it is not, then who will pay for dowsers?

My observation,

I'm not sure you understand, Angel. Randi is offering the $1,000,000 prize for dowsers because he considers dowsing to fall into the category of paranormal, since science cannot explain why it would work. There is no contradiction there.

hmmmm, I just had an interesting thought.

Let me get this straight, Randi is offering a million dollars if someone can prove something exists (like dowsing) that is paranormal (which by definition must be "not explainable by science")?


Get in here and take up the anti downsing side, they need HELP. I am getting a bit eer ah hmm well with constant repetition of an obviously seriously flawed series of tests and simple parroting. They need a new Guru. .

I need new blood with open intelligence and mind to cross sabres with and you do have a certain bit of logic to your thinking in spite of your being an obnoxious, slovenly, cop out, treasure hunting junk car salesman with a superior IQ.

(possibly over weight also?)

Tropical Tramp

yer old buddy

Sandsted said:
hmmmm, I just had an interesting thought.

Let me get this straight, Randi is offering a million dollars if someone can prove something exists (like dowsing) that is paranormal (which by definition must be "not explainable by science")?
In Randi's eyes, if someone can come into a controlled environment and dowse to a degree of success that exceeds 70% or so, then in his mind it is proven to be an actual event, and he'll pay out the million.

That wasn't my question Af. My question was,

"Let me get this straight, Randi is offering a million dollars if someone can prove something exists (like dowsing) that is paranormal (which by definition must be "not explainable by science")?"

Can't you answer a simple question? ;)

Sandsted said:
That wasn't my question Af. My question was,

"Let me get this straight, Randi is offering a million dollars if someone can prove something exists (like dowsing) that is paranormal (which by definition must be "not explainable by science")?"

Can't you answer a simple question? ;)

Your question is answered as yes.

BUT, let me cast the runes and predict the future:
You're going to tell me that science has explained dowsing as being caused by the ideomotor effect. So dowsing has been explained by science, right?

Dowsers don't accept that reasoning, so Randi is offering the reward to anyone that can show repeatable successful results by dowsing for targets. Don't argue semantics with me, you're really not clever enough.

Hmmm af, that was kind of a rude post.

But your cast was wrong. First of all rune casting doesn't work like that...but that's right, you don't study subjects you so strongly feel the need to debate.

My question was, "Let me get this straight, Randi is offering a million dollars if someone can prove something exists (like dowsing) that is paranormal (which by definition must be "not explainable by science")?"

Dreams are something are paranormal. Because they haven't been explained by science...I believe I can prove dreams exist...I'm going to go get a million dollars...unless you'd like to revise your statements.

Sandsted said:
Dreams are something are paranormal. Because they haven't been explained by science...I believe I can prove dreams exist...I'm going to go get a million dollars...unless you'd like to revise your statements.
And how would you prove this?

af1733 said:
You're going to tell me that science has explained dowsing as being caused by the ideomotor effect. So dowsing has been explained by science, right?

I'm going to get picky here. No one has said that dowsing works through the ideomotor effect. Dowsing rods MOVE by the ideomotor effect, I think we've managed to (mostly) agree on this fact. However, that does not explain how DOWSING works, only the mechanism by which the rods move. Dowsing is getting a reading from those moving rods, usually by watching when/where they cross. And science has NO explanation for the way dowsing generates results. (Assuming it even does so.)

Please don't confuse the tools with the actual phenomenon.

Well...you know that might be kind of difficult. But thought isn't explained by science either. And I have proven thought by being able have one....and write it down as I am doing here.

Do I get a million dollars now?

"I'm going to get picky here. No one has said that dowsing works through the ideomotor effect. Dowsing rods MOVE by the ideomotor effect, I think we've managed to (mostly) agree on this fact. However, that does not explain how DOWSING works, only the mechanism by which the rods move. Dowsing is getting a reading from those moving rods, usually by watching when/where they cross. And science has NO explanation for the way dowsing generates results. (Assuming it even does so.)"

Okay there's a little bit I must discuss. CT is right, Af is kind of wrong in his judgments. I never stated science had proved anything. But even though you have a theory of how dowsing works (as do I) neither have been proven. Oh and...another problem with stating how people dowse when you don't yourself, you don't watch the rods. You focus on what your searching and your point focus. You have more of a feel when the rods move, at one point you even feel the twitching in the wrist. You...feel it in your wrist, through your wrist, and you can feel that this causes the rod to move. That's a common misconception, that dowsers "see" the rods move and then know that to be a reaction.

Sandsted said:
...and...another problem with stating how people dowse when you don't yourself, you don't watch the rods. You focus on what your searching and your point focus. You have more of a feel when the rods move, at one point you even feel the twitching in the wrist. You...feel it in your wrist, through your wrist, and you can feel that this causes the rod to move. That's a common misconception, that dowsers "see" the rods move and then know that to be a reaction.

I stand corrected, and willingly admit my ignorance on this one fact.

Well it's a common thought, I thought (when first learning dowsing) that you watch the rods. But through continued dowsing you find you can focus on watching the rods. That takes away from your focus of what you're looking for. And you find that it is more of a feel...to dowsing.

But that's something you find through dowsing, and to my knowledge it isn't written in any book.

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