$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money?

Again, I don't find it funny, just sad.
Why would that fact be sad and not funny

Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site?

I don't think that a lot of dowsers are prepared for the procedures that have to be followed in order to take the pre-test. They can't create a proper test protocol that would create results that would differ from guessing. For example, they tell Randi that they can tell which cup the coin is under, but they only want two cups to choose from.
Why is it not on the web site as you claim it to be proof

I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test?

Some of the televised testing you're referring to occurred before the JREF was founded and the million dollar challenge was introduced that included the pre-test. Later tests were performed at the request of television studios and individual shows, and Randi waived the pre-test under these circumstances.

Since 1964. How can the statement that NO ONE has taken the test for the big bucks be true

Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation
You'll have to ask Randi about that.

What Challenge are you talking about...Randi's challenge has no formal rules. Nothing but a statement that we will disscuss this after you file an application.

have been telling you this for months. Randi lets the potential candidate define his or her own test, so no one can accuse Randi of creating impossible-to-pass tests. Then, when the applicant fails their own test, they can't blame Randi.

That seems to be impossible for a million bucks

When do you expect someone to pass one of the pre-test.

I expect that when someone actually has the abilities they claim, they will pass the pre-test.

Sooooo, go ahead and ignore this and tell me that I've never answered your questions again. At this point, no one expects anything more than this juvenile, boorish behavior from you anyway.

True to form...Art

I think it's sad that no one has actually been able put together a testing procedure that would give them a better-than-chance outcome, and have given up. Actually it seems to me that most people want the million, but realize that they will actually be stringently tested and give up at that point, realizing that their "talent" is little more than a trick they do to amuse themselves, and don't want to be publicly embarrassed.

No one has taken the test for the million in the sense that no one has completed the application and passed the pre-testing process. Although I assume you only said this:
I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test?
Some of the televised testing you're referring to occurred before the JREF was founded and the million dollar challenge was introduced that included the pre-test. Later tests were performed at the request of television studios and individual shows, and Randi waived the pre-test under these circumstances.
Since 1964.
How can the statement that NO ONE has taken the test for the big bucks be true .

as a way to try and prove me wrong about something, when it's only a case of semantics in response to your own questions. Another example of the juvenile behavior I pointed out earlier...

Although I will say that you actually read and responded to an entire post this time, rather than choosing one sentence and repeating it out of context in your next post. Kudos!

If you're trying to catch me saying something incorrect, or to make it look like I said something wrong by twisting my words in your responses, you might as well give up. I am very careful with what I post and how I say it and I'll never tell someone they're wrong unless I can prove it. You should take a lesson from that.

No one has taken the test for the million in the sense that no one has completed the application and passed the pre-testing process. Although I assume you only said this:
I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test?
Some of the televised testing you're referring to occurred before the JREF was founded and the million dollar challenge was introduced that included the pre-test. Later tests were performed at the request of television studios and individual shows, and Randi waived the pre-test under these circumstances.
Since 1964.
How can the statement that NO ONE has taken the test for the big bucks be true .
as a way to try and prove me wrong about something, when it's only a case of semantics in response to your own questions. Another example of the juvenile behavior I pointed out earlier...
How can someone appear on TV taking the test for the big bucks if NO ONE has ever taken it. The web site clearly states this fact....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test?

AF is correct... there are two situations. One, is that the pre-test was added at some point -- I don't know when -- as a way for Randi to provide a level of convenience to claimants. Claimants are now pre-tested by a volunteer local to them, so they don't need to travel all the way to Ft. Lauderdale unless they pass the pre-test. So far, no one has passed one of those pre-tests.

The other case is that Randi does waive the pre-test requirement, usually during media events or for high-profile cases. When you see him on TV testing someone for the $1 million, there was no pre-test... that is the real test they are doing.

You don't have to take my word on this... call Randi and ask him.

- Carl

The real question, is whether you will just ignore this response, and keep making the same false statements over and over and over...

Af, I don't take part in this argument...I do not mean to favor any side in the post I am about to make, but concerning this:

"Actually it seems to me that most people want the million, but realize that they will actually be stringently tested and give up at that point, realizing that their "talent" is little more than a trick they do to amuse themselves, and don't want to be publicly embarrassed."

Do you have evidence of someone thinking this way? I ask this sincerely, has this been recorded? Has a dowser after "giving up" on a test, wrote down their thoughts concerning why they "gave up". Or is this just another assumption, stated as a fact, from your point of view? I ask that you answer directly and restrain yourself from leading people astray from the facts.

Some guy wants dowsing to work as good a metal detector. I also use an MD. You can hunt an area, and miss some object that you or the next person find the next day. I have also dowsed some objects, and missed some.
But my reply is dealing with signals. MD's detect only a few inches in the ground, yet if you operate 2 of them close together, say 8 or 10 feet apart, they interfere with one another, so are they transmitting some signals? If a signal can alter an MD's preformance, why would not a transmitted signal interfere with a dowser?
JW, (and others) you don't need to read these if bothers you so bad.

Sandsted said:
Af, I don't take part in this argument...I do not mean to favor any side in the post I am about to make, but concerning this:

"Actually it seems to me that most people want the million, but realize that they will actually be stringently tested and give up at that point, realizing that their "talent" is little more than a trick they do to amuse themselves, and don't want to be publicly embarrassed."

Do you have evidence of someone thinking this way? I ask this sincerely, has this been recorded? Has a dowser after "giving up" on a test, wrote down their thoughts concerning why they "gave up". Or is this just another assumption, stated as a fact, from your point of view? I ask that you answer directly and restrain yourself from leading people astray from the facts.

Sandy, read the post carefully. Like I told Art, I am very careful when I create a post and I choose my words delicately.

Of course I have no evidence that a dowser gave up, but this can be inferred from the forum on Randi's site, where dowsers will come into the site to vie for the million, and then are never heard from again once they learn what has to be done to qualify for the challenge. This typically happens when they learn the percentage of success they are expected to produce.

Now, I have no way of knowing what these dowsers were thinking, nor could I ever get one of them to admit that they gave up, so this is why I wrote:
af1733 said:
Actually it seems to me that most people want the million, but realize that they will actually be stringently tested and give up at that point,
rather than, "I know that most people want the million..."
It was an opinion and I phrased it as such. But you can see why I can draw such a conclusion, even if it only based on circumstantial evidence.

musstag said:
But my reply is dealing with signals. MD's detect only a few inches in the ground, yet if you operate 2 of them close together, say 8 or 10 feet apart, they interfere with one another, so are they transmitting some signals? If a signal can alter an MD's preformance, why would not a transmitted signal interfere with a dowser?
If you own a metal detector, how can you ask if a metal detector emits a signal? Of course a metal detector emits a signal. This is the foundation on which metal detectors are based. It emits a signal which rebounds off a buried object and is received by the metal detector coil. The detector reads the changes of the signal and indicates the possible composition of the buried object based on the changes of this signal.
The difference with metal detectors and dowsing rods is that rods do not emit a signal. I'm not going to claim that rods can't receive a signal of some sort, but it seems any signal it received would be akin to a filling in your tooth picking up a radio signal.
Of course, a radio station is transmitting at many thousands or even hundreds of thousands of watts of power, yet a filling will rarely pick up a signal from a radio station unless you happen to be very close to a transmitter.
A buried object might transmit some sort of signal (though I doubt it) but if it does, the signal would be minute, tiny, and certainly not enough to pick it up without powerful receiving equipment placed very near it.

"rather than, "I know that most people want the million..."
It was an opinion and I phrased it as such. But you can see why I can draw such a conclusion, even if it only based on circumstantial evidence."

Alright, that's good then...but I don't think it's wise to infer things about people.

I guess this is not the thread to try and learn about what causes what dowsers say happens, But AF1733, your last post is the type of respones that steps in that direction. Some of you are very knowlegable and if you could put aside your harshness, we might identify some core issues. Maye we have already, and its enough for you, but to dowsers, its not enough.
Anyhow, The MD puts out a signal farther than what will detect coins, and of course it interfers with another MD, whose purpose is NOT to analize that signal, but that farther reaching signals does affect it.
And I have heard that some people with fillings and braces have at times heard things that might be caused by them being close to a radio station.
And yes, the L-rods by themselves don't reaction to that same radio signal, unless a person is holding them. Just as the braces are touching a persons body.
I guess what i'm saying, these events i've listed could be considered mutatuions of physics, based on facts as presently accepted. Well, I got some L-rods to go twist, if I see a coin on the ground.... I may have to fall back on eyesight, because I heard that today 3 planets will be in some sort of alginment with the earth...., :>)

musstag said:
And I have heard that some people with fillings and braces have at times heard things that might be caused by them being close to a radio station.

That was an episode of Gilligan's Island. :D

- Carl

I know of a women that claims to have had that problem...but it wasn't braces or fillings...it was something to do with her skull. But anyway, she wouldn't let us go by this radio station because of something like that.

Anyway, that's what she claimed.

Hey musstag...I don't have any problems with Metal Detector people except on the forums. When I meet someone in the field I stay out of their search area unless they want to talk. When I meet with friends on a stream there may be some metal detectors, high bankers, dredgers, or a mini-vac. We all do our thing, help each other, and have a lot of fun. At the end of the day we talk about what we learned about the area. I keep hearing the words " If Dowsing works so good how come I'm still digging up coins." or how come there are still treasure out there" ....I guess the answer to that is."because no one has located it yet." One of my friends jokes about this and my reply is "how come your still digging pull tabs after 40 years." Pretty simple answer "because they are there....Art


Heres where the excuses start

You guys seem to read and understand information different than most of us....I will put this as simple as I can so you will not have to twist and spin it.....1964-2006----no-one has been allowed to take the test for $1,000,000. What's the odds on this happening?

Art -- it's not that "no one has been allowed to take the challenge." Read the faq again, read the "challenges" page of the JREF forum. No one has even passed the preliminary test! If you don't pass the prelim, you don't go on to the finals.

IT STATES ON RANDI'S WEB SITE THAT NO ONE HAS TAKEN RANDI'S CHALLENGE. How come I have saw people FAIL Randi's Challenge on NATIONAL TV? Are these just commercials to get people put money into his foundation?

This is what I'm taking about. You wander around with two sticks and then say that you've only dug a few hot rocks, and that every other hole contained gold (or silver or whatever, no one really cares.) Simply a case of self-delusion and inaccurate record keeping.

Have you ever read Randi's web site? NO-ONE has ever Qualified to take Randi's $ 1,000,000. There has to be 1000's of so called Para-normal applicants out there. I have saw at least three TV specials where people failed Randi's challenge. Are these a made for TV scam?

Art -- Have YOU ever read the JREF site? I mean really READ it and not just glanced at it! Randi's CHALLENGE (not test) is a two-step challenge. Once a testing protocol has been agreed upon, there is a preliminary testing phase. Of those who did agree to the protocol (a small percentage of those who applied) none have successfully passed the first test. That is, no one (NO one) has been able to do what they say they can do.

That's the Million Dollar question. Why are these people on TV if according to the web site no one has qualified to take the challenge? Another one is how come no one has qualified to take the challenge?

Can you tell me how many people have taken the preliminary test in the last 10 years? Can you tell me what the requirements are to be qualified for the preliminary test? The only thing that is clear is that for $6.00 I can get an application...Art

You'd have to ask JREF, but there have been several hundred formal applications, and probably 100 or prelim tests.

But most of the time it seems like all we discuss is some stupid contest that will only prove if ONE PERSON can Dowse or not. These contest will not answer the question that you are seeking or provide any answer to the big question in your mind ...DOES DOWSING WORK...Art

Yes, that's what the challenge is for... to see if ONE person can dowse or not. So far, not even one person has been able to do it.

Gee guy's.... There is no testing required. Just make a set of dowsing rods and give it a try. It will either work or it will not. The only one that knows if they can dowse or not is you. A simple set of dowsing rods made from free coat hangers will prove if you can dowse. Is is to simple for any one to understand?...Art

Gee....Started to make Dowsers aware of the challenge....Like this is the first time we have disccussed this. One good thing about this thread' it made me look into Randi's Challenge. The challenge has been run for 42 years. l010 people have filed applications. Out of those 1010 people a few have taken the preliminary test. All have failed. No one has taken the money test but Randi is on TV giving people the $1,000,000 test. Is this called a hoax or publicity stunt? How is this possible if no one has taken the final test/ Out of all the people in the world an average of 20 people a year place applications for the challenge. I think I will be like the millions of other people and just say "NO" to Randi.

hey SWR....Can you tell where on Randi's web site any dowser has failed. Maybe in filing paper work...Read the Web site before you accuse me or other dowsers of being fakes. The people who file application to take a shot at the $1,000,000 are 000000000000000000000000000000000 for 1010. Those are good odds? Why would any one want to invest the time and money to file an application. You guys thought you were funny until we read Randi's information. You guys can apologize to us any time your ready. ...Art

How many dowsers have applied and failed? What an interesting question, Art! What insight could this information possibly give you? Here's a newsflash, Art. It dowsn't matter how many dowsers have applied and failed, and do you know why?
100% of the dowsers who have applied have failed. Be that number 10 or 100 or 1000, every stinkin' one of them failed.

Wow, Art, this is incredible... you're continuing to deny that Randi has ever tested anyone?
Why don't you just phone Randi and ask him?

And after one test what have you proved. That one person can dowse or not. Except that fact...Art

What Challenge are you talking about...Randi's challenge has no formal rules. Nothing but a statement that we will disscuss this after you file an application. Read his Web Site...It is full of B/S. When do you expect someone to pass one of the pre-test. You would have been holding your breath for 42 years...Art

Again, Art, you are wrong. Randi specifically asks how you intend to prove your ability. Once they have this, it will be reviewed and if the odds of you passing your challenge are greater than can be produced by strictly guessing, they accept the challenge.

And You know this ...How...Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money? Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site? I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test? Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation. I have a lot of questions about this so called Challenge.

And again, if you don't like my answers, then go ask Randi.

Some of the televised testing you're referring to occurred before the JREF was founded and the million dollar challenge was introduced that included the pre-test. Later tests were performed at the request of television studios and individual shows, and Randi waived the pre-test under these circumstances.

Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation.

You'll have to ask Randi about that

AF is correct... there are two situations. One, is that the pre-test was added at some point -- I don't know when -- as a way for Randi to provide a level of convenience to claimants. Claimants are now pre-tested by a volunteer local to them, so they don't need to travel all the way to Ft. Lauderdale unless they pass the pre-test. So far, no one has passed one of those pre-tests.

The other case is that Randi does waive the pre-test requirement, usually during media events or for high-profile cases. When you see him on TV testing someone for the $1 million, there was no pre-test... that is the real test they are doing.

You don't have to take my word on this... call Randi and ask him.

I guess I should ask Randi


1.3. How many applicants have there been for the Challenge?
Between 1964 and 1982, Randi declared that over 650 people had applied [3]. Between 1997 and February 15, 2005, there had been a total of 360 official, notarized applications.
1.4. How many people have passed the preliminary test?
None. Most applicants never agree to a proper test protocol, so most are never tested.
1.5. How many people have passed the formal test?
No one has ever taken the formal test, as one must first pass the preliminary test.
No one has taken the formal test for the $1000000 .....Dowsers 0-----Randi 0

Re: $1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.
« Reply #81 on: Aug 06, 2006, 01:09:49 PM »
So far, not a single, solitary person has taken my challenge. I've had a few people interested, and thought for sure I would be heading out to Reno to test Bob Yocum, but he has apparently withdrawn. Now, I personally think the test I propose is fair, and if any of these LRLs (or even just plain ol' dowsing) Really Worked, it should be pretty easy to win my money. But I'm also open-minded, and perfectly willing to let folks propose their own test, and work from there. In fact, I completely agreed to the test Bob Yocum proposed.

No one has taken Carls challenge......Dowsers 0......Carl 0

I was at Yokums challenge test...Carl was not. I think this would have been a fair test of his equipment

Lets see 618 post...July 28 to December 10............What a waste of time....To prove what.....That Randi's Challenge would prove nothing....It would prove nothing except that ONE Dowser could not or could find a few targets under a test condition. Was all the name calling worth it to you guy's......Art

Af, I've gotten my photos of mooring stones and holes and so I thought I'd post a couple of them.

The first one is an interesting stone. This stone has never moved from its spot. This mooring stone hole was spotted about 10 years ago and the business behind it has photos of this spot from the early 1900s. (This is in Alexandria by the way) This stone was left there...no one before ten years ago ever really noticed the hole. The woman that lives to the left of it has lived there for about 60 years and has never noticed the hole, although she did say the stone has always been there.

This is a mooring stone, used to moore a ship. With dowsing, I found a ship. It was left there to rot. Beneath the street there is about a 45 foot ship that turns slightly across the street and sort of looks like it is going into the garage across the street backwards.

Anyway, I checked my uncle's records and my findings are exactly the same. He wrote out where it is in the last decade.

Anyway, the second photo is a close up of a mooring hole. This stone is at the KRS park south of Alex. You can see the line where ice has broken the stone. Anyway, this stone does not have a ship by it. This stone was moved to the top of the hill, I've never checked if there is anything down there. Near it there is a 125 foot ship from the 1360s, in the opposite direction there is a smaller 45 (approximately) foot ship that I have not dated, but know it is not from 1360.

Anyway, these are the mooring stones I speak of.


  • Small mooring stone.JPG
    Small mooring stone.JPG
    55.4 KB · Views: 303
  • Small mooring hole.JPG
    Small mooring hole.JPG
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Hey Sandsted.........Nice photos....Always interesting to me when dowsers are more interested in History than how much money they can make....Art

Sandsted said:
Af, I've gotten my photos of mooring stones and holes and so I thought I'd post a couple of them.

The first one is an interesting stone. This stone has never moved from its spot. This mooring stone hole was spotted about 10 years ago and the business behind it has photos of this spot from the early 1900s. (This is in Alexandria by the way) This stone was left there...no one before ten years ago ever really noticed the hole. The woman that lives to the left of it has lived there for about 60 years and has never noticed the hole, although she did say the stone has always been there.

This is a mooring stone, used to moore a ship. With dowsing, I found a ship. It was left there to rot. Beneath the street there is about a 45 foot ship that turns slightly across the street and sort of looks like it is going into the garage across the street backwards.

Anyway, I checked my uncle's records and my findings are exactly the same. He wrote out where it is in the last decade.

Anyway, the second photo is a close up of a mooring hole. This stone is at the KRS park south of Alex. You can see the line where ice has broken the stone. Anyway, this stone does not have a ship by it. This stone was moved to the top of the hill, I've never checked if there is anything down there. Near it there is a 125 foot ship from the 1360s, in the opposite direction there is a smaller 45 (approximately) foot ship that I have not dated, but know it is not from 1360.

Anyway, these are the mooring stones I speak of.
Is that a picture of the same stone from two angles, or two different stones? The rock looks similar; do you know if the Vikings looked for one certain composition when they were searching for a mooring location? Maybe the hardest rock they knew about, or was it just up to what was handy?

No they are two different stones.

In selection of a stone, the hardness of a stone I don't believe really matters. But almost all that I've seen are granite. The size of the stone greatly matters as they have to be of considerable weight to hold the ship in place. I also know of an anchor stone my uncle found (I don't have a photo of it at hand, but I've probably talked about it before on here) this is the only anchor stone I've ever seen. It weighs probably about 150-200 pounds. It has a very large grove about 6 inches wide and about 3 inches deep. The stone is not native to North America and I can't remember, but it has been determined where it was taken from. Apart of Norway I believe...but can't remember at this time.

Anyway, that stone is very interesting I do not know of any others. Of course there were others, but to my knowledge they are very rarely found. Mooring stones were on land at all times, I suppose anchor stones are lost to the sea. But I'm sure more have been found, but again they are never studied or written about. Many of the artifacts I speak of I know because I know several "Viking researchers" such as Orval Friedrich, whose books you can order online.

Anyway, he has done extensive research on artifacts that would have otherwise never been known outside of the family that found them.

I believe the reason all these artifacts are suppressed as they are is do to the Kensington Rune Stone. Lack of knowledge concerning runes and the Old Swedish language led researchers to believe that the stone was a hoax or fake. Many of them made several obvious mistakes that they shouldn't have and many of them straight out lied concerning the stone. But anyway, people felt the stone was a fake and therefore the idea of Vikings or Europeans being here that long ago was laughed at, no one would take any other evidence seriously since the KRS was "proved to be of modern origin."

Anyway, I came into possession of a book this weekend. "The Dowsing Rod Kit" Compiled by Sig Lonegren.

Anyway, I was flittering through the book and one chapter caught my eye.

"The science and psychology of dowsing." written by Serena Roney-Dougal

She writes about the topic concerning sensitivity to the earth. How "considerable research over the past decade has shown quite clearly that the human body is highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, although we are not consciously aware of their various effects on us. Our body itself is electric, and there is an electric field around the body which can actually be seen-using Kirlian photography, a method in which the extremely high voltage (40,000 volts) of the Kirlian machine reacts with the body's electricity to produce what is called a corona discharge."

She goes on to talk about how court cases have surfaced dealing with health problems caused by living under power lines and who have been badly affected by the electric fields. Magnetic fields are also used to help heal torn ligaments and even bone fractures.

But later on she speaks of the study I spoke of earlier. This is what she wrote:

"In Britain, experiments with blindfolded students have demonstrated that humans too have a magnetic sense of direction. The blindfolded students are taken on a twisting-turning coach ride for several miles, with the coach windows blacked out so they cannot even feel the warmth of the sun on their faces. At the end they are taken out, spun around and asked to point to where they have come from. Most people are capable of doing this with reasonable accuracy, provided they just 'give up and guess'. However, if magnets are placed within the blindfold, all sense of direction is lost. So it appears that our sense of direction is in some way linked to our sensitivity to the EMF. Another experiment suggests that young children do not have this magnetic sense of direction, but that it starts at puberty.

This sensitivity is a subliminal one. In other words, we do not consciously know we have a magnetic sense of direction, but at some unconscious level our bodies know. Research into subliminal perception has shown that our bodies are extremely sensitive to all sorts of stimuli-things that our bodies receive through sight, hearing, touch and so on-that we are not consciously aware of, and that these subliminal stimuli affect our behavior, our moods and our thoughts."

She goes on to say, "When you try to open up to the effects of subliminal stimuli, or of psychic ones for that matter, the first most important factor to take on board is your attitude. For example, if you truly believe that you can dowse for water, or that you do have a magnetic sense of direction, or can find a lost object through clairvoyance, then you are far more likely to be successful than if you doubt your ability. The second most important fact is to be relaxed: if you try to hard, get tense and worked up, then you are unlikely to succeed. And the third most important thing to remember about the psychology of becoming aware of subliminal stimuli, is not to invest too much ego in the task: if it means too much to you, if you have to prove yourself, then you are bound to fail."

Now I know Captain Trips or Carl would be quite glad to attack the statement "...if you truly believe that you can dowse..." but I will explain it a bit more in advanced...just for you guys. I've said it before, from my expieriences...the statement, "A closed mind is not going to learn anything." is very true. Dowsing is dependent on your attitude. Dowsing is not an external art. It is not like flying a plane. You might believe that no one can fly planes (no one can dowse) and you don't believe you can either. You get in the plane and tell yourself you can't and make no effort to do so...will you fly (dowse)? Of course not. As you have pointed out before, I can tell myself there's gold on the floor and get a reaction above it. It is the same as you telling yourself that you can't get a reaction and that it is all fake...you will therefore not get a reaction. Your attitude is important, this book is not implying that if you believe hard enough with all your heart and soul that it will happen. What it means is that one must suspend disbelief and just work on the goal...the goal is to dowse.

And then she goes on to explain how you can try to detect the Earth's magnetic fields by blindfolding yourself, having someone spin you around where you can't see any light and then have a rod and have it point to the magnetic north. Then when it does have the person record it by placing an object on the floor, then do it repeatedly to check your accuracy.

She later goes on to explain how all rocks in the Earth have a magnetic field, induced at the time when they were formed. But she explains how the body is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields. A very slight change in electrical skin resistance in the hands causes slight changes in sweating.

I haven't yet read it, but I guess the pineal gland is an important factor in dowsing.

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