$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

aarthrj3811 said:
Your right Captain Trips. Its all a theory. My taking a test will not change a thing. It will be reported that I am just lucky. Just a huge waste of time....Art
Is it a short term memory problem, Art?
If you accept the challenge and successfully prove yourself, through repeated tests and positive results, you will not be considered lucky.
The tests are designed to eliminate the possibility of chance.
Remember now? This is the part you take such issue with. You have to able to repeat your results, not just get it right once.


The tests are designed to eliminate the possibility of chance.
Remember now? This is the part you take such issue with. You have to able to repeat your results, not just get it right once.

Theres that chance word again. To eliminate chance you need a base line to tell what the odds of chance are. I have ask many times for what your going to base the odds on. You run around in circles. It seems that there are no facts to base it on. Thats what you want the Dowsers to do. I have told you before that when I guess about the target I am right about 2 out of 10 times. When you have tested 1000 dowsers you may be able to form an opinion about what is change. It would be stupid to base the results of a dowsing test on how many times a guy called a coin flip right.

aarthrj3811 said:

The tests are designed to eliminate the possibility of chance.
Remember now? This is the part you take such issue with. You have to able to repeat your results, not just get it right once.

Theres that chance word again. To eliminate chance you need a base line to tell what the odds of chance are. I have ask many times for what your going to base the odds on. You run around in circles. It seems that there are no facts to base it on. Thats what you want the Dowsers to do. I have told you before that when I guess about the target I am right about 2 out of 10 times. When you have tested 1000 dowsers you may be able to form an opinion about what is change. It would be stupid to base the results of a dowsing test on how many times a guy called a coin flip right.

Art, do you find it odd that you're the only one that complains about what the word "chance" means? Freakin' broken record, I swear...

You don't need 1000 dowsers to fail at a challenge before you get a "base line". It's called probability, and if you had been awake during your high school Algebra classes you would understand that.

Let's look at two examples, then you can do some independent research and you'll come to the same conclusion.

The roll of a six-sided die has the odds of coming up the number 3 one out of six tosses. That's 1/6th or approximately 16.7 percent out of 100 that you will roll a 3 on one roll. Do you disagree with this?

A coin toss is simpler to figure out, so I guess I should present that instead. A flipped coin will land on "heads" approximately half, or 50% of the time it is tossed. So, every other toss, over a period of time, will result in a "heads" flip. Do you disagree with this?

Mull over that, and when I get back from lunch I'll illuminate you on how this applies to "chance" as it is spoken of in these challenges.

OK so you dowsers take the challenge or shut the hell up!
Obviously you can talk all day long but if you can't get the thing to work over and over like a simple metal detector your full of it in my book.

Proof is proof, words are words, if 1 million doesn't make you take the test all you got is words.

I challenge you dowsers to prove it works as you say, take the test and get the $$, should be easy for you, so what the hell are you waiting for, 2 million???

JW said:
OK so you dowsers take the challenge or shut the hell up!
Obviously you can talk all day long but if you can't get the thing to work over and over like a simple metal detector your full of it in my book.

Proof is proof, words are words, if 1 million doesn't make you take the test all you got is words.

I challenge you dowsers to prove it works as you say, take the test and get the $$, should be easy for you, so what the hell are you waiting for, 2 million???

This sounds just like how I started this thread, if worded a little more strongly. But it won't happen -- they keep saying "it doesn't work that way," "I can't do it on demand," "I can't do it when there are skeptics around," or the biggie, "I don't need the money." (Yeah, right -- there is never a person so rich that they don't need/want more money! Just ask Bill Gates!) We've tried, but reading through this (and other) threads, you'll see that those who claim they can dowse successfully are, for some reason or another, unwilling to actually PROVE what they claim they can do.

And after one test what have you proved. That one peson can dowse or not. Except that fact...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
And after one test what have you proved. That one peson can dowse or not. Except that fact...Art
It proved that particular person who had convinced himself that he could dowse, could not dowse when in a controlled environment.

This means that all the time he spent dowsing before the test was only an exercise in futility and self-delusion.

And it means that other dowsers who claim to be able to locate treasure with dowsing rods should step up and prove that dowsing is real.

Not that we expect that from you, Art, so you're off the hook.

Hey AF....You assume that the dowser will fail. If he passes it he would just be lucky. If the test is crooked he would have been cheated but that would be his fault for not controlling the area. Good Luck...You may still find someone to take you so called test...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey AF....You assume that the dowser will fail. If he passes it he would just be lucky. If the test is crooked he would have been cheated but that would be his fault for not controlling the area. Good Luck...You may still find someone to take you so called test...Art

And what color is the sky in your world, Art???

Again, the challenge is designed to eliminate the possibility of a dowser guessing his way to the money.

I repeat, you cannot guess your way through the challenge.

And if you're not going to take the challenge, then why are you still chiming in on it, anyway?

Are you waiting for some demented angel to come down and tell Randi that he should give you the money on your word that you can dowse? Do you believe that if you call the test "rigged" often it, will come true?

What Challenge are you talking about...Randi's challenge has no formal rules. Nothing but a statement that we will disscuss this after you file an application. Read his Web Site...It is full of B/S. When do you expect someone to pass one of the pre-test. You would have been holding your breath for 42 years...Art

Again, Art, you are wrong. Randi specifically asks how you intend to prove your ability. Once they have this, it will be reviewed and if the odds of you passing your challenge are greater than can be produced by strictly guessing, they accept the challenge.

I.E: You claim to be able to verify that water is running through one of 5 pipes. You say that you will dowse this pipe correctly 18 out of 20 attempts. The odds of you getting these results are demonstrably greater that you could expect to achieve by guessing, and this test should be accepted.

Now, before you fly off the handle again and start calling everyone and everything fraudulent, please tell me what you find wrong with this demonstration.

Randi specifically asks how you intend to prove your ability. Once they have this, it will be reviewed and if the odds of you passing your challenge are greater than can be produced by strictly guessing, they accept the challenge.

And You know this ...How...Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money? Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site? I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test? Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation. I have a lot of questions about this so called Challenge. I have ask these same questions over and over and you can not answer them...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Randi specifically asks how you intend to prove your ability. Once they have this, it will be reviewed and if the odds of you passing your challenge are greater than can be produced by strictly guessing, they accept the challenge.

And You know this ...How...Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money? Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site? I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test? Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation. I have a lot of questions about this so called Challenge. I have ask these same questions over and over and you can not answer them...Art
I don't think it's funny at all. I think it's sad, really. Sad that all those self-deluded folks crumble when faced with a test in a controlled environment.

If you are accusing him of lying and that hundreds of dowsers have actually taken and passed his pre-test, then where are these dowsers? Why haven't they come forward to tell their story? I know I would.

I know you don't like it, Art, but no dowser has passed the screening test because no dowser could.

If you really have so many question, Randi has an open forum and an e-mail address on his website. If you don't like my answers, then ask him.

And I just have to point this out as well.....

My request:
af1733 said:
Now, before you fly off the handle again and start calling everyone and everything fraudulent, please tell me what you find wrong with this demonstration.

Art's response:
aarthrj3811 said:
And You know this ...How...Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money? Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site? I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test? Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation. I have a lot of questions about this so called Challenge. I have ask these same questions over and over and you can not answer them...Art
I'm beginning to wonder if English is a second language for you, Art.

If you are accusing him of lying and that hundreds of dowsers have actually taken and passed his pre-test, then where are these dowsers?

And You know this ...How...Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money? Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site? I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test? Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation. I have a lot of questions about this so called Challenge. I have ask these same questions over and over and you can not answer them...Art
Gee...Did I say that...I know ..It's just that you can't answer the questions. It's easier to call me names to cover up the fact that you know nothing about Randi's challenge.....Art

I've got to bring in a quote from Pulp Fiction here, Art.

"If my answers scare you, you should cease asking scary questions."(I love that show.)

I answer all your reptitious questions, Art, you just don't like/can't handle the answers....

And again, if you don't like my answers, then go ask Randi.

(We all know you won't do that, Art.)

aarthrj3811 said:
Gee Af...Thats 4 replies...Not one answer...Why should I talk to Randi? Art
You say I haven't answered your questions, so maybe you should go find another source, straight to the horse's mouth, so to speak. Despite what you think, Randi will answer each question you ask him, because he has nothing to hide.

You don't want to ask him, because you don't really want to know the answers. That much is apparent to everyone here but yourself.

But since I know will ignore most of this post, (that too is readily apparent to everyone here) I'll go back and find each of your recent questions and answer them again.

Don't you think that it is a little funny that in 42 years NO ONE has taken the test for the money?
Again, I don't find it funny, just sad.
Do you think that all these Dowsers are failing the pre-test and this is not on his web site?
I don't think that a lot of dowsers are prepared for the procedures that have to be followed in order to take the pre-test. They can't create a proper test protocol that would create results that would differ from guessing. For example, they tell Randi that they can tell which cup the coin is under, but they only want two cups to choose from.
I and every one else have saw on National TV people failing the test for the money. How can this be if NO ONE has passed the pre-test?
Some of the televised testing you're referring to occurred before the JREF was founded and the million dollar challenge was introduced that included the pre-test. Later tests were performed at the request of television studios and individual shows, and Randi waived the pre-test under these circumstances.
Are these commerical to raise money for the foundation.
You'll have to ask Randi about that.
What Challenge are you talking about...Randi's challenge has no formal rules. Nothing but a statement that we will disscuss this after you file an application.
I have been telling you this for months. Randi lets the potential candidate define his or her own test, so no one can accuse Randi of creating impossible-to-pass tests. Then, when the applicant fails their own test, they can't blame Randi.
When do you expect someone to pass one of the pre-test.
I expect that when someone actually has the abilities they claim, they will pass the pre-test.

Sooooo, go ahead and ignore this and tell me that I've never answered your questions again. At this point, no one expects anything more than this juvenile, boorish behavior from you anyway.

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