Hi so me and a friend were metal detecting out in a field when i cam across this rock it was going crazy it rang up from a 88 to a 163 on my metal detector.... He had found a ring so we split ring for him weird rock for me.. i have no idea what it is though it is flat but its made of layers...
I usually make stone spheres, but once in a while I'll work with glass. I ran by a demo of some high gloss resin at Lowes the other day and thought I'd give an idea I had a shot using some recycled glass chunk rock I had lying around. I used a 4" culinary arts silicon mold for this one, but...
Howdy all!
I'm new to the site but been doing this since i was 8. lol I recently hit a Sweet Vein with Gold Sulfate (silver combined) and a Ton of copper, molydemium, and some of the weirdest Schist ive ever seen. The formation is surrounded by sandstone limestone and Manhattan schist...
Hi All!
I was doing a little digging in the back yard which is about 80% white quartz.
I live right along Rock creek in Maryland.
It Looks Like Gold To Me!
But I would like to get an expert opinion.
I wish the pictures were better but this is what I got.
Large rock found in woods, meteorite? Coral? SOLVED
Here is a large rock I found in the woods in Rhode Island. It weighes 15 pounds exactly and feels like a coral consistancy. I have a few pics to show actual size. I also scratched it with a white porcelain tile that someone gave me to test for...
I found this stone as part of a foundation of an old home site in South Central Virginia. I believe it may be some type of Indian carving. Does anyone know what it might be?
Hi~I found this in 2002 in the garden spot that once was used to grow various crops of tobacco, corn, hay, etc. Field has been in use over 200 years. It is completely round, smooth, weighs one oz. Sounds like a rock when tapped against something. Color is white-grey. One idea was thought the...