
  1. Found Malachite?!

    I was eating at jack in the box near my house and I went for some treasure hunting again, and went searching off side from the rail road tracks near my house again and found this malachite (possibly). Question: Does it natural or used? I just found it tonight from inside the dirt/ground.
  2. Can someone help me identify this silver color rock please??

    I found this while going to a park near my house off the 'side' of the railroad tracks. I'm wondering if it is mica or some other kind of rock and if it is rare?
  3. Can you help me with rock identification? (Metamorphic)

    I'm currently taking Physical Geology course. Please help me to identify these 2 rocks: A & B. *Both rock are cracked open. I am sure that rock A is a metamorphic rock & rock B is the protolith of rock A. But what are the names of the two rocks? Overall, my questions are: 1. What is the...
  4. Possible meteorite?

    Is this a meteorite? It is magnetic. If not what do you think it is?
  5. is it a Treasure rock's sign ?

    Hello, i found this rocks in a montain in Algeria ( north of africa ) can anyone tell me please is this a rock's signs or not ? Treasure rock's signs - Imgur
  6. I found this in my old collection of rocks today

    So I collected this rock from the side of a glacial river that comes from 3 lakes in the lesser himalayas in Pakistan,Kunhar river, Naran district in Pakistan, i'd be very thankful to you to guys if you could help me identify it, :)
  7. ✅ SOLVED Unique rock? Or something else..

    I found this at the beach today and I can't figure out if it used to be part of something, is a fossil, or is just a uniquely shaped rock! It has a smooth curve, and the backside has a bit of a lip or ledge on it. Any guesses? Thanks!
  8. Can you please help ID these rocks for me?

    Hi Thanks for offering this - i have three rocks i am struggling to find what they are the first two are very very light with a little appearance of wood. any ideas? The third one is an interesting stone, is is raw Amber? My daughter is into rocks, minerals and fossils but not so good at keeping...
  9. Any help identifying this rock.

    Hi folks, this is my first post (and its from my phone) so apologies if it doesn't work. I found this rock in a piece of shale the other day and was wondering if anyone knows what it is. It is quite heavy for its size, it weighs 500 grams. Any info would be great thanks in advance.
  10. What could this be? Man-made or natural?

    Hi everyone! I discovered this tubular, small rock a few years ago and stumbled across it just recently emptying some boxes, when it struck me that I really don't know much about it. It is approximately 3cm long and 1cm in diameter. Both ends are uneven but one is smoothed/eroded/soft and...
  11. Does anyone know what rock this is?

  12. Unidentifiable rock

    I'm trying to figure out what type of rock is this. I am out on LI ,New York . It's been suggested that it looks like molten rock
  13. What Is It,??

    I hope you can view all of the pictures of this NOT JUST A ROCK TREASURE ''' That I found here in Southern Oregon. I am by no means any kind of expert when it comes to Identifying Ancient Artifacts and I'm a green horn as far as rock hounding. BUTT. I can relate to having Gold fever, mines been...
  14. unknown indian tool! please help

    Found this little guy today in cedar creek, but im having issues figuring it out. There are multiple finger grooved spots worn down from alot of use. One end pointed, the other v shaped, with a well rounded belly. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Strange Crystal in Quartzwith possible gold

    It has a bit of a reddish sheen in the light, and pretty decagonal, but very etched. Anyone have any ideas? This piece is egg sized, crystal is 2/3 size of a penny. any ideas?
  16. Anybody???

    I'm a lapidary artist and a lifelong rockhound and I cant tell if this is a fossil or a mineral formation? size approx. 1 1/4'' in.
  17. Please Identify! (Possible Meteor?)

    If you could it would be much appreciated if you can identify both of these ! And how much they are worth ? :icon_thumright: :headbang:
  18. Meteorite Identification ! (Please Help)

    Hello, I remember finding these meteorites about 3-5 years ago and only found them just now ! I both found these through my local park at seperate times and decided they looked strange so I took them to investigate further. It would be much appreciated if someone could please identify if these...
  19. Strage rock, identification help?

    As I walked past this, i thought it was a monster turtle! Anyway, i think this may just be a unique variant of what my parents always call "kettle rocks" or "widow makers" but im unsure. Y'alls input would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Found Something Very Interesting

    Im not sure what this is but I'm hopping its a meteorite. Found it in Colorado and it weighs 1.8 Pounds. Any Info would be a great help. And if anyone knows where in Colorado I can take it to get looked at
  21. ✅ SOLVED What kind of rock is it?

    I have looked in my rock and minerals book to see what it is and there are a few choices. Some pieces have small holes in them also. There is a much larger piece that is part of a stone wall in my backyard. The rocks can chip but they are rather hard. There is a nickel in the one photo for size...
  22. Green/Black rock...What is it?

    I have a rock that is green and black. The black part has an oily feel and sheen that make it look purplish. Any ideas what it is?
  23. Need Help ID

    I have searched the web trying to figure out what this is and have had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It weighs about 2-3 pounds. Pieces flake off very easily. The pieces that come off can be broken apart even further into little transparent pieces. It is very reflective...
  24. layered rock

    I found this rok about 3 years ago on a beach in Ayr, Scotland. It has a few interesting layers within the rock and I'm looking for help to identify whats going on with it!
  25. Found A Rock! Help, What is it?

    I found this rock in a creek whilst panning for gold. Can anyone tell me what it is? I think the center is garnet but I'm no geologist. It's very heavy for the size, thanks!
  26. Strange Rock Found!

    Found in father in laws yard looking for opinions and a geologist! I am in michigan
  27. Rock ID Needed...

    I found a rock in my backyard digging. I live about an hour out of Philly. It seems to be a light blue color and might be glass. Its about the size of a dice.
  28. Found Quartz - what kind?

    Hi Guys! My brother and I were outside today and found this quartz buried deep in the ground. I was using my metal detector, and it seems to pick up on it. Not sure what it is or if it's worth anything.... We've been looking at pictures all day and can't identify it. Anyone have a clue? P.S...
  29. meteor right or wrong

    still looking for clues here . . . this really seems like a strange stone, I did all the online tests, but none conclusively rule this rock out or definitively point that it is indeed a meteor. Any help would be great, we manage to chip out a piece, and did a little grinding and polishing as...

    Howdy!, I have known of these rock letters for a long time. I always assumed it was just someones initials from the year 1955. But after some research I realized there may be a chance it is more. It may be 19 SS DB HW (WH) 55 . This is why I have decided to post on this forum and hopefully find...

  32. What is this swiss-cheese/meteroite-looking pendant made out of?

    I bought a huge lot of random antiques at an auction not too long ago, and found this necklace in it. Not sure what it's made out of. Looks like it has silver and gold, or fools-gold maybe. I'm not sure if it's supposed to look like a Moral mushroom or what. Anyone have any ideas?
  33. Strange Stone Found Underneath old Tree

    I was in a deep, dry, river bed digging underneath an old Bay tree where the water had washed away much of the earth beneath the tree. I came accross this specimen, Covered in shiny black rods going in every direction. between the rods were small splotches of gold and silver color that sparkled...
  34. Garnet? Or?

    I've never seen a rock like this- although I'm also very new to rock hounding. The picture doesn't do much justice, the rock is actually very pink/ red- couldn't get the lighting right. The outside is waxy like and inside is coarse. What are your thoughts? Also, I live in Connecticut- if that...
  35. ✅ SOLVED Sand and rocks containing some sort of metal.

    Anyone ever come across this type of rocks. It's really magnificent when looking at it with your own eyes. If you zoom in on the pictures you can see it even clearer. Are the shiny elements some sort of metal?. I'd appreciate any help in identifying it. Thanks AtlasC.
  36. need help with Rock ID

    ok well first of this was my first dig. just purchased a garret 250 ace. I like it. anyhow I was working a rocky shore line.. very hard as rocks beep all the time with this thing. but this beep was different.. and kept on beeping as I hovered. this rock is really light and im assuming porous...
  37. Help Identify This Rock, Eastern KY

    Hallo! I've collected these rocks from the creek bed on our estate for the last year or so. They come out of a hardened clay bank under some falls in the creek. They really stick out for they're very odd shaped, deep red in color with some orange on some rocks. They've VERY dense and rather...
  38. I have found some various rocks, hoping for help identifying them

    Hello, this is my first post as a new member, although I have read many of the stories on here for some time now. I have some land in Eastern Ky, and that is where I found most of the rocks I am going to share pictures of. I am just trying to identify what I have found, and also share a few of...
  39. Can anyone identify this?

    Hi, I just found this site and joined. I was hoping someone could help me with identifying this rock and future finds. I found this in Northern MT. My guess would be some kind of Indian hammer, but for a little kid since its so small. It obviously used to have a strap or something tied around...
  40. Is this some sort of artifact, its quite an odd rock.

    I used to collect rocks when I was younger, but for some reason I have always held on to this little mystery for all of these years. The rock is perfectly round and it seems to me that it is in fact a rock inside of a rock! Because of the color change of the crescent and round shapes. The...
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