
  1. 🙋 WANTED War of 1812 artifacts and relics- esp. Mid-Atlantic Region

    Hello! I'm new here, and hoping this is the right place to put this, but I am looking for any War of 1812 artifacts such as buttons, musketballs, crossbelt plates, etc. from the War of 1812, especially if they're from the Maryland/Virginia area. British or American is fine. Thank you!
  2. Live Metal Detecting Radio Show...Tuesday Night...8:30 PM Eastern Time

    Tomorrow night .. Sept. 24th, 2013.....8:30 PM EASTERN TIME...The Detecting Lifestyle Radio Show ....."BACK TO THE BEACH"This show will focus on metal detecting on the beach. Discussion will center around detecting the beach in the coming fall/winter months...Strategies, things to look for ...
  3. Hello from New Orleans, Louisiana

    Newly christened treasure hunter on the river banks and in the swamps in Louisiana. I visited my brother in West Virginia a couple of weeks back and we ended up purchasing a MineLab Etrac to scour the land for valuables. We came out of the week with unidentifiable metal pieces, small copper...
  4. Searching in the Hot Sun Leads to 2 More Civil War Bullets!

    The Civil War relics keep piling up at this site I keep going to. So far,I've found 4 bullets,an Infantry button,a variety of round balls,a 2 flat buttons,and a medical surgery tool. It was like 90 degrees yesterday and was miserable but,I decided to see if I could search an area of the field I...
  5. Sweet Relic Nectars w/a Buff topper!

    The field has settled nicely from a harrowing treatment about a week ago. After the harrowing did spend several hours in all metal to find an remove the biggest iron items. If it screeched in all metal out it came! Got a few items that would have messed with some farm gear. Today I tried out...
  6. New - Treasure Hunting Texas group !

    This group welcomes all treasure hunting enthusiasts who either enjoy hunting for treasure in Texas or who are interested in doing so. treasurehuntingtexas : Treasure Hunting Texas Happy Hunting Texas ! ~Texas Jay
  7. New - Treasure Hunting Texas group !

    This group welcomes all treasure hunting enthusiasts who either enjoy hunting for treasure in Texas or who are interested in doing so. treasurehuntingtexas : Treasure Hunting Texas Happy Hunting Texas ! ~ Texas Jay
  8. Hello! Im a new hunter from Connecticut

    Hello! I'm a new hunter from Connecticut Hey there folks. My name is Anthony and I'm new to metal detecting. I'm from southern Connecticut. I would like to do some hunting down in the Stamford-Darien-New Canaan-Norwalk area. Can't anyone help me out in finding some hot spots down this way other...
  9. Are these cool or what?

    Look what I found only feet from the road at a local trail head.
  10. More Finds From Yesterday, Tennessee UNKNOWN ITEMS HELP

  11. a little help on some old coins?

    would love to know anything on these specific coins, location, worth, historical fact anything at all would be great!!
  12. Price guide

    Does anyone know of a good General price guide,Buttons,Bottles,Relics of any kind....Is Kovels any good...I'm hoping that with a price guide. I can show value of relics to land owners...So, I can keep more coins ;-)
  13. Nautilus DMC IIb Guy

    Hey folks, just joined up. A while back I found some type of buckle I couldn't id, and in my searching for what it was on the web, this site popped up and sure enough someone else had found one just like it. Just when I thought there was no way anyone had seen one of these, there were probably...
  14. Military Shovel

    Basic question, but tell me your opinion on the shovels you all use? I've already been through a cheap folding military shovel. I went back and bought the better one. That one got all bent up too. I'm now using an ace hardware shovel that works well but I really don't like the way it looks...
  15. Garret GTI 2500

    This is my first thread...!!! :hello2: Ineed of help with my (Garret GTI 2500 Deepseeker metal detector with treasureVision treasureTalk and graphic target analyzer ). I would like to know if someone has extensive knowledge about this device and whats its depth range..?? I think it can pick up...
  16. All Relics Day almost! 1 wheat, + relic first for me

    Went down to grandmas old home spot and hit the relic jackpot. As you can see the double sided axehead (first one ever for me, must have found near two dozen axeheads in my time detecting and none were double sided) is the topper of the day. Don't know how good a find it is really but they have...
  17. War of 1812 Massachusetts Button!!

    Hey everyone. Couple weeks ago I went detecting at my neighbor's house that was built in 1695. I decided to stay in a trashy area and clean it out in hopes of finding a few goodies inbetween all the trash. Well, that plan worked out great! I found an old token, toy car, pocket knife, and then...
  18. Old knife help

    hey guys,I found this old knife in a stone wall under several stones,the area that I found it in has several celler holes producing late 18th to early 19th century artifacts.any idea on a possible age of the knife or any info on it. it is approximately 9.75 inches in has since been...
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