
  1. John Browns Pistol

    Some while back a friend of mine was plowing his field and found a very nice wooden box. Upon recovering the box it was found to contain an ancient pistol with all accessories. He researched the seriel # on the pistol and found that it had been the property of John Brown from Civil War times. He...
  2. Metal Detecting America | Episode 34

    New Upload!!! This week i found some relics hunting a 1890 farmhouse and a old faithful public park. If you enjoyed the video click the like button and if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel!!! Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy the video!!
  3. Metal detecting america | Episode 25

    New Upload!!! This week I hunt an old local park. Never give up on your old hunting grounds this area has given up some amazing finds and i am gonna keep going back! If there is anything we can do to make these videos better please leave a comment and if you enjoyed the video hit the like button...
  4. Metal detecting america episode 24

    New Upload!!! This week I hunt an old local park. Never give up on your old hunting grounds this area has given up some amazing finds and i am gonna keep going back! If there is anything we can do to make these videos better please leave a comment and if you enjoyed the video hit the like button...
  5. It's been a while since I've found one of these!

    Was able to get out yesterday to a permission that I've been to twice, but wasn't really able to hunt it then due to tall grass and stormy weather. Not much on Quantity, but Quality makes up for it! This place was really a shot in the dark! After about an hour of searching, I had a .69...
  6. I just dug my first Confederate...

    Before I post the pictures :occasion14: and the video, I wanted to share a little history about the location where I've been finding these Confederate relics. Cassville Georgia is a small town in my home county. During the Civil War it was not only the County Seat but it was one of the largest...
  7. Metal Detecting America | Episode 17

    New Upload!!!! Episode #17. This hunt was a pretty awesome hunt alot of awesome coins and relics!! Thank in advance, if you like the video please subscribe and hit the like button!!! If there is anything i can do to make these videos better for you guys leave a comment below the video!! Thanks...
  8. Age of buried farm tools?

    Hi all, New to metal detecting and to this site, but I'm super excited about my first finds. I searched an old suburb of Boston (private land with permission) known for farming as far back as the 1700s. I unearthed the following things: I'm particularly interested in what those large (and...
  9. Metal Detecting America | Episode 16

    New Upload!!!! Episode 16, This hunt was a pretty awesome hunt alot of awesome coins and relics!!! Thank you in advance, if you like the video please subscribe and hit the like button!!!! If there is anything i can do to make these videos better for you guys leave a comment below!!! Thank you...
  10. Aussie Prospecting Website

    G'day guys and gals, I have been working on our website, tweaking it up a bit, let me know what you think and any ideas. Cheers Russ The Bearded Prospectors TBP
  11. Metal Detecting America | Episode 15 I wanna say some of the clips were lost i was using a new memory card and it was a junky one and i lost almost half of the clips but it was a great hunt!!!
  12. Metal Detecting America Episode 11

    Im new to this site if i have posted this wrong please tell me if not i hope you enjoy the video!!
  13. Metal Detecting America Episode 11

    im new if i posted this wrong please comment how i am suppose to thank you!!
  14. Successful excavations!

  15. Pa Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    If someone has an idea of what year or type of coin this is I would be happy to know. I believe it to be a British Cent (Queen Victoria) coin. Please let me know. Thanks
  16. Northeastern PA Metal Detecting an Old School Property

    We went here yesterday for about 2 hours and we found two large cents a wheat penny, some old relics and a coin I believe is a Queen Victoria from the 1800's. I'm gonna post my video here from youtube and anyone has any idea of exactly what this coin is please comment. Thanks alot Our...
  17. in search of gold, successful excavations

    Enjoy your view friends:thumbsup: place like it, subscribe to the YouTube channel let's be friends
  18. 1901 Barber Quarter Found Detecting an Old 1800s Homestead in PA

    1901 Barber Quarter Found Detecting an Old 1800's Homestead in PA Yesterday me and my buddy got permission to detect this homestead that's late 1800's. So we started this site yesterday for about 3-4 hours and ended up being a good day! I found a 1901 Barber Quarter and my friend found a 1903...
  19. Northeastern PA Farmer Field Hunt with Garrett AT Pro, Silver and Large Cent

    What a great evening on this farmers field. We unearthed a Large Cent and a 1945 Silver Washington. Also some neat relic buckles.
  20. Northeastern PA Treasure Hunting on 1800s Farmstead/Homestead

    Northeastern PA Treasure Hunting on 1800's Farmstead/Homestead Yeah we worked this land for about 3-4 hours yesterday. Just got the permission to hunt it. It's totally untouched or never metal detected before. We're gonna be hitting it again today and see what else we can find. It was a...
  21. Morgan County Tennessee - Strange Stone Formation

    This stone formation was found years ago by my aunt, she insists it is Native American in origin. She said the design was carved into it but since the picture was taken with an old Polaroid its very hard to see detail. She refused to say where it was and we only know that it was about a days...
  22. How to: Display Cases

    I have a question. How do you guys display your finds? I'v been detecting for about six months now and I absolutely love it. I was always into being outdoors and I love history so much, I would do countless hours of research on the internet about certain history events, and topics, but anyways I...
  23. Newfoundland Double Whammy. "Largie" & "Smallie"

    Was out on a field/meadow today. Dug up a 1872 Newfoundland "largie" in one spot then dug a 1943 Newfoundland "smallie" in another. Today was a good day. :headbang::headbang::headbang:
  24. My favorite finds of 2015!!!(so far)

    1865 Newfoundland largie :laughing7: 1917 Newfoundland 25 cents :headbang: 1880 Newfoundland largie 8-) Well preserved picking tool. :icon_thumright: 1864 French centine :headbang: Silver plated pocket-watch back? :award_star_silver_2 1907 Newfoundland largie :icon_thumleft...
  25. Had a nice time finding some ol goodies

    Had a nice time finding some ol' goodies Saw a construction crew tearing down an old house and about three acres of property. House dated back to the 50's so I figured I'd hit it up. The construction crew just told me to stay out of the way and they'd be fine with me detecting so worked out...
  26. The axes have it or time for a cold drink !

    First Axe head found at old houses yard: Owner had story about his grandpas hobby was making firewood, gave this intact head to him for a project :headbang: Here is found Axe head number two appears broke maybe? Still seems a bit older type to me, maybe half of whats called a Broad-head Axe...
  27. Back to the relic zone !

    Got part of a fork that has really long tines today, not sure what type it would be or age, think the copper spoon is much older. Also got what appears to be a mini bullet, my second ever, if I am correct. They are super rare to find out here, given there was no civil war action in this area...
  28. Found my first ever "Fatty" IHP today and a few knick knacks !!

    Went detecting today in some brown sandy river bottoms. First and only coin find today was this 1863 copper nickel alloy IHP, my first fatty one ever! Found the IHP first then checked again and still signal same area dug some more and got this lovely square nail. Its a good guess that it would...
  29. 2/14/15 Silver Spill Hunt BiggMike & Lookindown

    Got out with Lookindown with permission to a 1918 house. Found some nice relics and a four silver coin spill. Three Mercs and a Rosie. We had a great time. Check out the video below.... Finding silver isn't easy here in central Florida but my goal this year was ten silver coins on land and...
  30. Metal Detecting a 1890s homesite CRAWLSPACE

    Metal Detecting a 1890's homesite CRAWLSPACE Went under the home in an 18 inch crawlspace and found 1800's coins!!!
  31. Cleaning clad coins- the easy way

  32. New to helena!!! Obsessed!!

    New to helena!!! Obsessed!!' Hello, My name is jason, I'm new to helena. I came from Florida and used to hunt the beaches. I am obsessed with GOLD! I never used this site as I used a different one that was all about the beaches and 1715 fleet in vero beach Florida! I'm looking for someone to...
  33. Didnt find the house, but found the tool shed

    Didn't find the house, but found the tool shed I had a much needed productive day in the woods. I went out yesterday trying to locate two old houses I found in an aerial photo from the 1930s near my house in the middle of the woods. I could not find the houses or any sign of them last night so...
  34. Antique Bottles Question Could use a little info!

    I found these glass fragments at the site of an old collapsed structure. They look hand blown to me but I don't know anything about antique bottles. I can find no record of what it was but several locals have told me that it was a hotel for gold miners that was in operation in the mid to late...
  35. Finding a Coal Mining Town from 1865-1917 and We did!

    Coke ovens, snakes, a possible grave, axeheads, an old lock, horseshoes, clock parts, and a potential gold ring was just a few of the things we found. However, the best part was doing the research and finding the town! Here are the links to 2 days of probably the best detecting I've done this...
  36. A few nice ones !

    Headed out to Mathews Co., in good old Va. tomorrow, hope for some greatness out there!
  37. Etrac Detecting - Another 1st!

    Hello All, I was lucky enough to be able to get out detecting for a 2nd day in a row as it was 45 degrees here in CT today! I cannot believe I am metal detecting in January. Well, I hit the same baseball field that I've been detecting my last few hunts and had some more luck, including a...
  38. Slave artifacts found at Georgia highway project site

    SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A Mexican coin punctured with a small hole, nails from long-decayed wooden dwellings, and broken bits of plates and bottles are among thousands of artifacts unearthed from what archaeologists suspect were once slave quarters at the site of a planned highway project in...
  39. Hello from San Francisco!

    Hello from San Francisco, CA. I'm only 19, but have been finding treasures since I was about 5. It started out with finding obsidian flakes in the Sierras, then escalated to arrowheads :) My late grandfather was mildly obsessed with Native American culture and collected baskets and arrowheads...
  40. New member from Australia!

    Hello! My name is Owen, I am an avid collector of relics and artifacts, though I have never had the chance to metal detect. I have done a fair bit of surface finding, mostly stone tools from the Pacific and Central America while I was sailing to Australia. Currently I am putting together a...
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