Found another old homesite that pre-dates the 1874 maps for my area and recovered these relics! A beautiful little 1840-O Seated Liberty half dime was my favorite find of the day, but had it not been extremely worn, the spanish silver would have probably been haha. I assume it is a spanish half...
Anyone help on an ID of this piece? Did it in electrolysis about 4 days and sealed it. Wasn’t sure if it was a gun part, or just farm trash. Found at a late 1700s site that I’ve found other CW relics on as well. Any help?
Updates are at the bottom of this original post. 👇👇👇
While scanning the lidar of previous permissions one day I happened to see this tiny depression(red circle) I knew it was a long shot but I hoped it could be an old house site. I made the trek yesterday.
This old road which can be seen...
I found what appears to be cast iron with Pennies inside. I found it using my Garrett ace 250 and when I put the coil towards the top hole it registers as a penny clvery consistently. Unfortunately it seems to be encased in cast iron all around so I don't know what's inside. It doesn't rattle at...
Hello I’m new to relic hunting, but very intrigued. I work on a couple large heavily graded and excavated job sites, close to creeks and a large river. Could someone help me with identifying any of these, most likely my imagination and they’re just rocks. Thabks
Hi everyone,
I have 8 buckles here, 1 small bell, a ring and (probably) a sewing tool. My question is wether you guys have any idea what these items are worth, how old they are and what the buckles are for (schoulder type, shoe buckle, ..), what they served for back in the day. There is one with...
So my brother and I went back out yesterday to our honey hole and tried a few settings on our detectors and marched along the 100 acre property. We stayed mainly in the area we believed that they camped at based off of reports from the archives and maps as well. We have been getting some super...
Hi there everybody, been awhile since I?ve posted. And I have a bunch of finds I need to identify. And have always been blown away from the knowledge of this community. All these finds are from the same abandoned village. It was a bustling community when it was the main road between towns from...
Hi, I'm new here! I'm a house historian/preservationist by trade and a major history nerd. I was just given my first detector as a gift, as I've been talking about wanting one...I've been into hunting bottles and other relics for some time now, I'm mostly interested in the detector as a way to...
I figured I post some of the display cases that I have put together in the past few months. These are all from different sites from across the Western Territories.
I am moving away from the Riker cases as I find they take up too much room and are rather boring to look at.
I just changed my...
Hi everybody. First thank you to everyone who has emailed and written us about our recent finds. River and I have come across a very special site in the mountains of Washington State which is producing incredible finds every time we are there. We’ve decided to put together a three part video...
Hey all! Rookie on the forum and new to creek walking/river hunting. Pretty much look for whatever catches my eye. Here are this weekend's spoils. Hunting the Sangamon River in Illinois.
Are the bones just Cow and...
I recently purchased this grouping of artifacts from a guy who was teling me that they were found over the years on his farms in Hanover and New Kent County, Virginia. I have no reason to refute his claim other than the fact that after much research I have been unable to find any similar stone...
I return to the Family Homesite this time to Sift through the dirt looking for Family artifacts.
Filmed in the Fall of 2019 we uncover a Chauffeur's pin that belonged to my Great Aunt Kathryn's husband William Ernest Thrower.
The pin dates back to 1935-36 # 51927 from California. a little bit...
Ok so we have determined that any mineral on a claim (gold, silver, metals, and gemstones) are off-limits. But what about relic hunting?
The reason I ask is because I am finding old homesteads and cabins on public lands (via google earth) that are very remote but are sitting on gold claims...
The Yocums settled on the James River in Stone County, Mo. in the 1830's. Ozark Folklore says the 4 Yocum Brothers made their own Silver Dollars from Silver mined by the Delaware Indians. I found this Half Dollar size of solid Silver on Yocum's land yesterday. I also found several 1830's flat...
Hey everyone, first post here, very recently started the life, and I found these 2 today on a hunt near castleton on the hudson around where 1600s dutch settlers landed. The one that looks like a doorbell ringer is heavy, maybe lead or steel? The little circle thing is copper im pretty sure from...
Here are a few relics I cannot identify--need expert opinions--THANKS!<br>
1. Brass half of horse bit-Union, Confederate, or civilian?<br>
2. Spur-Union, Confederate, or civilian?<br>
3. Brass plate with star-small screw down cover?<br>4. Brass buckle-Confederate or civilian?<br>
5. Brass...
Check out my new video of all my finds in 2018 metal detecting and bottle digging. This is the best year I've ever had. I love watching treasure hunting videos, so if you subscribe, I'll subscribe back. Thank you! The video quality looks better on phones than on the pc for some reason.
Well, hello all.
I just wanted to let TNers know a little about me.
I'm from South Carolina originaly ...A Town Called Manning in Clarndon County to be Specific, about 60 miles from Columbia, SC. My Mom got me a Bounty Hunter Metal Detector ( Just had buttons no digital read out) in the...
How long did it take you in an estimate of hours did it take you to find your first civil war bullet?
Or any other civil war relic?
I am using an Nox 800 and have adjusted my tone breaks to make bullets ring out loud and clear.
How much research do you do of areas near civil war battle...
Hello just found these out in the yard. The little small piece next to my finger is heavy like lead. One of the pieces looks like it possibly could be a piece of a sword? And a piece of a pan?
Hi folks. I returned to the early Vermont homestead for the second time this spring as all the snow of the past slew of Nor'Easters has finally melted here in the Champlain Valley. Spent about 6 hours there on Thursday and uncovered some more nice relics. Finds include an 1833 Matron LC, a...
**Cleaned the button since posting this thread. Definitely NOT colonial, word BEST on back of button.**
I dug this pretty little button today. Since learned word BEST on back. I also dug a few other buttons and a 1901 Indian Head...
Button, flattened shank and words SUPER FINE STRONG visible. I am thinking circa 1840. any ideas??????
Buckle. No idea about age. Thinking mid 1800s also, but, who knows.
*Indian Head dug in a separate location and a day earlier.
Indian head penny. No...
Was out today relic hunting a farm field in Virginia. Colonial, revolutionary war, and civil war artifacts/relics are possible in this area.
You know the story, I was about to pack it in and reluctantly come home empty (save a few modern bullets and big iron)...
I haven't had much luck finding new places to hunt lately and hadn't even bothered putting much effort into hunting lately since most of my places have dried up. And to be quite honest I was a little burnt out because of it, but today my wife told me I needed to go because she could tell I was...
I got into metal detecting when I lived in Latvia in Europe. You could walk across a field and find coins from the 1500’s with ease, Viking jewelry, world war 2 relics. I would love some advise on where to go here to find SOMETHING interesting. All I seem to find is new pennies at the park...
Is your park hunted out ? Tot-lots boring ? Well dust off that Metal Detector you got for the Christmas of 1999 and put it to work ! You guys and gals that work Central , Coastal and possibly North County too.... I have Permissions in historic areas ripe with artifacts and possibly...
Hey guys. So I posted some pictures of the relics and coins on found on a new field on Todays Finds and it became my most liked and commented post so far. I happened to bring my camera that day and I filmed the good finds as soon as they came out of the ground. So here's the video. You may find...
Hello guys. I found a new field in the woods and it was one of the best I've ever been on so far. Here are the good stuff from the "new" field: a complete pocket watch( my first!), a 1912 Newfoundland 5 cent!, a 1913 Newfoundland large cent, a lamp part(?), and a few odds and ends. Super happy...
New Upload!!! This week I met up with a zeb (kentucky dirt diggers) and we contuine to pull awesome coins and amazing relics this is one episode you dont want to miss! If you enjoyed the video click the like button and if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel!!! Thank you in...
Just wanted to share, since the weather has been nice I've been out detecting as much as I can. Here are a few things that have turned up. I always forget to take a picture in the hole... Next time.. Thanks for viewing! If your in North Alabama and want to get together for a hunt, I have some...