
  1. Awesome variety of Native American artifacts from central Virginia!

    Hey guys Here are some of the finds from, what we believe, was a Native American campsite situated along a travel route in Amelia Virginia. You can see a quick video of them here: Forgot to include this one in the original pic: All of these finds...
  2. Help me identify this relic!

    I found this odd brass relic near Charlotte, NC. i have no clue what it could be. Anybody have any ideas?
  3. Dug up some antique bicycle parts, a large cent, and some other awesome relics!

    Thought bout posting my most recent video on here. Hoped you guys enjoyed. :)
  4. Medieval Copper Piece?

    So about a week ago I found a Medieval Copper Ring in the woods while metal detecting and I also found a small (Probably Copper) Piece that I can't tell how old it is and what it is: The woods I detected is known for medieval and even older remains. So if this is Medieval or older please let...
  5. Identification On Medieval Ring Needed!

    I have posted this ring on the forum before but I didn't get any good answer so I'm posting this again. I found this ring while Metal Detecting. Here are the photos: I Strongly believe that this is Medieval cause I have researched the area and found a couple of Ancient Monuments around the...
  6. WEEKEND REPORT: Metal Detecting 101 - We Searched the Oldestest Yards in Town AWESOME

    Hello Fellow Detectorists! Last week the Relic Rangers searched some of the oldest yards in town and recovered some great historical treasures! This episode has it all, from tokens to vintage toys, old coins and big silver AND oh yes - GOLD! Witness the extraction of Mercs, Buff's, V's, War...
  7. I need information about my buckle

    So, a week ago I found my first buckle, a quite large and heavy (46.5 g) buckle: It wasn't quite deep because of the very hard soil. I think the pin in the buckle is made out of iron and the buckle itself is made out of copper or bronze. I also think it's of a horse strap. I'm not familiar...
  8. BUTTON??? Identification help!

    Hey! Found this relic in the middle of a field in south Louisiana close to New Orleans. A 1775 real was also found in this field. It is very heavy, and hit by a plow a number of times. Would love as much help and info identifying this piece as you all can give. My first thought was...
  9. WW2 ID

    Does anyone know what this is? I'm 99% sure it's from World War 2. I found it at sandbridge beach Virginia (in VA beach). P.S. It's made of copper if you didn't already figure it out. (Not sure why my pics are sideways.)
  10. First find with AT Pro - need help identifying

    Hello everyone, this is my first post. Recently bought a Garrett AT Pro to do some relic hunting. My first find was this strange piece. It's very heavy, probably lead and looks pretty old. I found it in the US Virgin Islands next to the ruins of an old stone wall. I was thinking it might be...
  11. Share your Expertise. What is The Best First Detector?

    Hi Everyone :), I just started MD as a hobby. I've been reading a lot on the topic and have decided to invest in my first detector. I'm primarily interested in relic hunting and heard a lot about the Fisher 1266x. I know its an older model, but would anyone still recommend a used 1266x in 2017...
  12. New Member Needs Help Identifying Creek Finds

    Hello, I am recently retired and have just begun to learn about Native American artifacts. My family owns a large piece of property in St. Charles, MO. It has a large creek and smaller creeks running through it, and it is well-known/believed that Native Americans once lived on the property...
  13. NJ stream gives up A TON of bullets and two strange mystery objects!!

    Been having unusually warm weather over the weekend in NJ so I decided to throw on the waders and see what this old stream near me had to offer. I don't normally have luck in streams due to the thick silt that tends to build up but this one had large boulders in it which proved to be way more...
  14. Can anyone ID this bullet!

    4 rings clay plug hollowed point with wood plug in nose.
  15. ✅ SOLVED Blank belt plate

    I dug this (?) Belt plate about a year ago, but have yet to find another example with no designs or markings. I was just curious if anyone else might recognize it?
  16. Clueless needs some clues

    Hi All of the items were found on my own property . I know the penny is a penny and it actually tells you how old it is. Yay. Can someone help me with the other items .. What they are and an estimate of age???[:dontknow:
  17. Cannon Ball Found In Park?

    So, here's one for the Cannonballguy, I was out detecting in my hometown in NH and I dug this large ball of iron from the town park(town was settled in 1760). I thought it was curious, but didn't think much of it until I read a thread about a possible canister shot find here on T-Net. Needless...
  18. Aluminum Artifact found in Boca Raton Surf Bottom Sand 05-03-16

    When this item sounded off on my Infinium LS, it nearly blew my headphones off! Was about 16" deep in 3' of salt water. One of the most unusual "What's It's" I've ever found. It measures 8-1/2"L x 2-1/8"W x 1"T at the widest point. It's also slightly curved over its length. Any ideas? Thanks...
  19. 200 yrs old? Pirate? Native? Or religious? Any hidden meaning? Treasure map?

    Hello, I have something real special, Purchased at a fleamarket in quebec. It was literaly tangled with a bunch of stuff and i had to cut some other peices to get it loose from the pile. I need help finding out its purpose and significance. Please take a look at the photos ,its worth it! I...
  20. My best coin EVER, but i need YOUR help!

    Hello treasure hunters! I recently dug my best coin ever. My question for you is, what would you do with it? Would you send it for grading? What would you expect back? What would you be happy getting if you sold it? Ive read a lot of post on here about sending in dug coins, not to do it...
  21. Newfoundland Regiment Button

    Dug up this Newfoundland Regiment button. That's a first for me! :icon_thumright:
  22. WTB: Confederate Relics!!

    Not sure if this is the right place to post, however, I'm a private collector in NY and am interested in Confederate weapons and accoutrements, both dug and non-dug. Please pm me should you have anything you're willing to part with! Thank you. -George
  23. Virginia Info.

    Hello All, I was wondering if anyone would share information they have compiled regarding Virginia. Battle Sites, Legends, Facts, Maps, Diaries, newspaper clippings etc (any information... is still information. I reside right outside Washington D.C and I am new to uncovering history, any info...
  24. Victorian stove and early 1900s school desk parts! IRON RELICS!!!

    Victorian stove and early 1900's school desk parts! IRON RELICS!!! Searched a nearby wooded area and came across a small iron dump. In this dump, I found parts to an Victorian era stove and parts to a early 1900's school desk! :hello2: There were even parts to an old bed frame and a tricycle...
  25. Im Charley

    I'm Charley Hi, I decided to dedicated year to travelling and hopefully finding some relics and treasure. I'm setting up base in Costa Rica ans can travel anywhere in central or south America.
  26. Relic Restorers wanted for TV.

    Hey guys, I am new here, in fact this is my first post so let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Myke Clarkson and I am a television producer (development executive) for a production company that is looking into several different treasure realms. So any good ideas on that front, please hit...
  27. Wyatt Earp Badge

    Found this neat "Wyatt Marshal Earp" badge while metal detecting. 8-)
  28. Silver Plated and Very Ornate

    Wow. What a find this was. It is the most beautiful relic I have dug up yet.:love4: Too bad I'm not exactly sure what it is.
  29. Electrolysis + Woodworking = Awesome

    Found this cobbler hammer that was all rusted up and junked up...electrolysis and then made a handle for it out of Brazilian Rosewood. One of my favorites so far. Lots of time and effort went into this but I think the results were definitely worth it. Original photos pre electrolysis can be...
  30. What is this bronze thingy ?

    I don't recall where I found this piece of bronze. Either California High Desert So. Cal. or Superior AZ. By the the look of the patina and odd shaped tool it has a pin on one end like a clevis and half round on other. Any ideas.
  31. My coolest find ever!! 1918 Dort radiator emblem

    Hey Group I'm Matt and I'm new here but I have been in the detecting hobby for about a year now. I go once or twice a month and I have been fortunate enough to dig up a gold bar "2.5 oz", old coins, musket ram rod near a skirmish site, civil war bullets, wagon wheel and more. But out of all...
  32. 💵 FOR SALE Nautilus DMC II-B-A

    I am posting several machines for the family of a club member who passed away 3 weeks ago. The first machine is a Nautilus DMC II-B-A. As fellow forum member Poppa just sold an almost identical machine (his was a II-B and this one is a II-B-A) his words are echoed here. This machine is for...

    I just found these rare religious medals... Any input on rarity is welcome.
  34. My Pals Arrowhead Hunt gets metal !

    My pal was out arrowhead hunting and he found some "Roundness" on top of the soil ! Here it is, definitely the oldest one I have ever seen from out here. Almost looks like it was made from a coin bet he thought it was a coin till he read "Dog Tag" on it :laughing7: Still its looks like an...
  35. Brass Copper pipe, sword hilt? candle holder?

    :laughing7:??? Hello fellow tnet girlfriend and I were walking in a local park here in Pinellas County Florida when she happened to stumble upon this...thing. It looks to be made of brass or copper. Pipe? Sword hilt? Any ideas? Please and Thank you-----James aka L0STANDF0UND PS...
  36. 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" INDIAN SPEARPOINT

    Bought this at a Garage Sale out in the country about 15 years ago for $75. I would like to know if the story the guy told me is true about finding them all during the building of Del Webb's Sun City in Georgetown, TX. The centerpiece SPEARPOINT is 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" and no chips or impefections...

    I bought this wooden case of Arrowheads at a Garage Sale out in the country almost 15 years ago. It has a centerpiece SPEARPOINT that is 8 1/4" x 2 1/8" and in perfect condition; no chips and symetry are great. I have no clue what "type" it is, or how old it is, or if the story he...
  38. a few relics make the hunt better !

    Had a very strong signal and got the clock movement housing and next to it was a car ignition switch cylinder also, go figure ! The round brass item looks like it could have had several uses. Started the hunt late today because of the heat and humidity so my hunt was even shorter than usual...
  39. Prisoner Shackles???

    Found these chains at the site of an old courthouse/jailhouse near where I'm from. The police jury ceased all operations at the courthouse in 1880. The building was torn down and removed sometime around 1904. From everything that I've seen on the internet these could very well be prisoner...
  40. need some help identifying some relics!

    Hey all, I found these items within ten feet of a cut stone foundation in the middle of the woods. Usually I can identify things within a day or two of digging them, but these two "coin looking" objects have me stumped. I found them within 3 feet of each other about 4 inches in the ground. If...
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