
  1. Minelab Explorer ll vs Xterra-705

    Hello again TreasureNet! I don’t know which detector to get and these are my final choices I hunt for coins and jewelry 90 percent of the time. I hunt in the parks, woods, farm fields, and some beaches Overall which detector is better? And please don’t say Equinox, I can’t afford it I can get...
  2. Equinox Coil Question

    here is my limited understanding of coils. Concentric coil search pattern is cone shaped with the point being at the deepest. They are good for pinpointing deep targets. But it seems that if you have a coin at the point of the cone and trash in the wider upper coin you have a problem with...
  3. Contemplating equinox vs etrac

    I have been using an At Pro for the past 3 years but I'm thinking of moving up to a minelab. I'm looking for better discrimination and technology to try and rediscover some of my older spots. When I hunt with my friends who both have etracs I feel like they are getting the deeper targets more...
  4. Doctor Rings and Things at Santa Monica - How I Detect

    Hey everyone, Doctor Rings and Things here with another video, this time showing how I like to metal detect on the beaches. I hope you enjoy and subscribe for more! If you have any tips for me, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'd love to hear what you have to say. And if you're...
  5. coiltek vs minelab

    Hello all! So First off, I purchased a Minelab E-TRAC... it came with the Sunray Probe, Sunray sniper coil, and a Coiltek 15" All Terrain Search Coil. My question, which one is the better coil? The minelab stock coil that came on the etrac, or the Coiltek? Thanks, Chris
  6. Doctor Rings and Things: Finds $5 bill and a watch!! With Gold Fever Pete!

    Santa Monica beach! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCdCtBFJEq-dFrpsutvsHjA?view_as=subscriber
  7. my first 6" coil hunt in very trashy park with my 800

    Normally I don't hunt this trashy park on the weekend because it is slammed with people and absolutely no parking available. However I just could not wait till Monday to test the 6" coil from Minelab. So I circled the parking lot for about 5 min and got a parking place and started hunting. I...
  8. My 800 six in coil arrived today!

    Was glad to get my six inch coil for my 800. I will try it out Monday since that is the first free day I have to search. I will try it out on my super trashy site around the picnic tables at the rivers edge. This park is slammed full of people every weekend and on holidays. I have had good...
  9. Ctx3030 Gold from Beach

    in my video I’m showing nice beach cuts where I found 2 gold rings and gold bracelet Please subscribe for my next video with gold giveaway!!!!
  10. Target separation without desperation

    Hello everyone I am new to any type of forums, detecting is my passion so I think I’m in the right place here. Check me out and subscribe if I am of use to you (even a laugh or a head scratcher will do)! Www.youtube.com/Aquadizz Thank you for your future time and efforts. Respectfully Matt
  11. Interesting Stats about the Equinox 600 and 800

    I just look at the number of post for models and brands of metal detectors on this forum as of 5/20/2018 Here are the top number of posts: Minelab #1 - Equinox 5,977 #2 - CTX3030 284 and all the rest don't even come close Garrett AT Pro 152 ATA Max 258 without a doubt with this number of...
  12. Minelab Equinox 600/800 Rings & Jewelry VDI Numbers & Tones - Video

    This is the Ultimate Minelab Equinox 600/800 VDI Numbers and Tones video covering Rings and other Jewelry. I cover Platinum, Gold, Silver, Tungsten, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum Rings. Pendants, Earrings, and even go over various different style Pull Tabs. A lot of time was put into this...
  13. Equinox finds its first silver! Dime trifecta!

    Hit a silver dime trifecta today in my local trashy park with my 800! First 3 silvers of the year for me! Hit 7 wheat pennies as well. All targets were at least 6 inches deep and mixed in among trash. Except rosie dime was right next to a nail by sidewalk I have pounded. I literally followed my...
  14. Dude Where's My Car?

    I've been passionately in the dirt now for over 5 years and that all elusive license plate has always seemed to slip my coil/grasp.....until today!!!
  15. A wonderful day with the CTX 3030

    I recently purchased the CTX 3030 and been out a few times now with it and each hunt progressively gets better and better. I started using some of the GPS and findpoint features which I find useful enough but could see more value for big bush hunts on uncharted or open terrains. This...
  16. Paid $15 for minelab explorer but has a power issue

    So I bought a minelab explorer xs for 15. Looks like new but the guy left batteries in it for a long time and they leaked. Corroded some contacts which I cleaned. The power wires to the control circuit board were broke too which I resoldered. Put new batteries in and it turns on without pushing...
  17. My new (old) Explorer 2

    Hi! I recently sold my at pro for an Explorer 2. I managed to pick it up for the equivalent of $310 usd in almost mint condition from an older fello. I purchased a 11" pro coil for it and a 13" mars discovery as well. I would like to ask you minelab experts for a few starting tips. I...
  18. Minelab Treasure Talk - How to Clean and Preserve Your Finds

    Hi detectorists! Check out this week's Treasure Talk from Brandon Neice for tips on taking care of your finds. Questions? Comments? Email us at service@minelabamericas.com.
  19. 💵 FOR SALE White's Specta V3i + D2 Coil $750

    I am selling this great detector. In fact it is one of White's top high end detectors. The machine is excellent on discriminating which results in quick finds! It is in great working shape. There is a scratch on the screen, but hardly noticeable once the hunting begins. There are some scratches...
  20. ❎ SOLD Milspecgear Custom Made Carrying Case for MineLab CTX 3030

    Many of you are familiar with Van Q, the injured Iraq War Army veteran, who ran Milspecgear for several years--I am pretty sure that it no longer in operation. A couple of years ago, I convinced Van to make me a custom carrying case for my Minelab CTX3030, which he did. It is a beautiful case...
  21. Brother Upgrades from Garrett to Minelab and Falls in Love with the CTX-3030

  22. ❎ SOLD Minelab CTX 3030 (2016) Plus Extras

    I have a like new CTX 3030 for sale with extras. Included is the 17 and 11 inch coils, garret pro pointer, bag, shoulder strap, thesaurus protective cover, CTX 3030 handbook, and headphones. This is the new upgraded model and comes in the original box. It has never been submerged and was used...
  23. Looking to get an Explorer SE Pro... any Advice?

    Hey Everyone, I am currently interested in purchasing an Explorer SE Pro. What do you think of this machine? Any Settings advice? Target ID Advice? Trying to learn as much as possible before i take the plunge.... Thanks in Advance. Happy Hunting.
  24. 💵 FOR SALE Minelab Excalibur 1000 with Grey Ghost headphones

    I have a used Minelab Excalibur 1000 for sale. I bought this used a few years back and it had "dog chew marks" around the cord right at the coil.... So i sent it off to Minelab.... $250 later i had a new coil, pressured tested and a working detector. I updated the stock shaft and modified it so...
  25. Help and advice needed from Sovereign GT users.

    Hi! I have recently managed to get my hands on a Sovereign GT with 2 coils and a counter for the equivalent of $500 usd. I have taken it out for the first test hunt and I found a few coins (not too deep). I was quite impressed on how accurately I was able to locate the objects without even the...
  26. Minelab RCB RX Coil Amplifier Board

    Reaching out to the forum, especially those who have built their own coils for the sovereign/excal detectors. I am interested in building/modifying a few coils for my blue excal in an attempt to customize them for my particular area and gain the best depth and stability. With my research so...
  27. Minelab Pin-Pointer Question

    First of all, I have one of these and really like it. My plans are to do some shallow water detecting this coming summer with the CTX 3030. My question is this, does anyone know if Minelab plans on making a submersible pin-pointer any time soon ? Was looking at the the gold digger land and sea...
  28. 🙋 WANTED Wanted - Etrac Control box

    Looking for an Etrac Control box only. Needs to work. Dont care about shaft, handle, batteries or battery compartment as I will be chopping it up to mod it. Thanks
  29. Minelab Excalibur 1000 not working on wet sand and seawater

    I took my minelab Excalibur 1000 to the beach and it would not work on the wet sand. All you could hear is the threshold and when the coil touched the wet sand, it would go silent as if there was iron. I placed a quarter at 4 in and it wouldn't pick it up. I adjusted the sensitivity many times...
  30. I pay good money for who sells me a Coiltek mono coil 24 x 12

    Hi, I've been looking to buy for a long time a “coiltek UFO mono coil 24 x 12” But I can not find it anywhere, If someone has one used or new in good condition I am very interested in buying it, I offer 500 USD. I leave a photo of this Coil :icon_thumleft:Thanks, Nicko
  31. Excalibur Waterproof In-Line Connector Instructions

    Detailed instructions on what to order and from where, how to install and safely use multiple coils. These are the best inline connectors available--IP68 rated, simple to install and require no soldering. Also give are instructions on how to make a jumper to run your Sovereign coils on the...
  32. [B]Strange Things You Find Metal Detecting[/B]

    Strange Things You Find Metal Detecting Equipment: Minelab Excalibur II, long handled sand scoop, 3-4mm full body wetsuit, wetsuit body skin, 25lb weight belt, Diver shoes, gloves, sun hat, 50SPF sunscreen, coin and junk finds pouch, waterproof pouch for car key and another for...
  33. Here comes Santa

    Well this year's Christmas may not be as much of a surprise as some of the good ones my wife has pulled off in the past. That doesn't mean I'm any less excited. This year I made it no secret that I wanted to upgrade to from the X-terra 305 that I absolutely love since I added the 7.5 KHz NEL...
  34. Minelab Excalibur 1000 Depth?

  35. Anyone have an E-trac Mod or upgrade to the backlight?

    Hi friends. I recently started using an etrac and love it! The backlight is lackluster and the screen hard to see most of the time. Anyone have a mod or upgrade to fix this problem?
  36. Control Pod for Minelab Excal or Excal II

    Title says it all. Need a control pod to get one of my babies back operational. Thanks lar
  37. Excal or Excal II Control Pod

    Anyone know where I can pick one up new or used? Thanks, Larry
  38. If you're looking for a CRAZY deal on a CTX 3030 give Keith at Fort Bedford a call

    I was in the market for a new detector and I called Keith and we chatted for probably about 30 mins about my needs and different detectors. I STRONGLY recommend you call him if you're looking for any detector but he will work something special up if you're in the market for a CTX 3030. Probably...
  39. ❎ SOLD Minelab CTX3030

    I know this may be a huge shock to some, but I am going to put my beloved CTX up for sale. Zero problems with this detector, but I want to give the new DEUS a run so I need some funds for that. About this detector: Minelab CTX 3030 Just under 3 years old. Warranty expires in December 2016 so...

    Minelab customer service is horrible... Anybody else have issues with them? It takes a miracle to get them to answer calls or emails. I've been trying to reach a human at Minelab for a week now.
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