metal detecting

  1. Apex is back & out to test it

  2. Chat

    I’m at ocean city Maryland this is my second time here it sucke . I m on the ocean Hotel on the beach 7th Street Metal Detecting 2 Dollars in change each day. 5 hours of detecting each day terrible results. I find more in parks. Can anyone that knows the area well have any better areas to...
  3. Faster way to get to my places

  4. Rings and things and disappointment

  5. My Current Phone Background

    I was watching one of my favorite shows on Hulu, Bob’s Burgers, and the episode started off with them detecting at the beach. I absolutely hit pause and took a picture with my phone 😂😂😂 ✌🏼❤️😊🍀 Nicole Yes. I am a nerd. 😁
  6. Buker Farm group hunt bucket lister!

  7. Legend VDI ,vibrate, tone and tips

  8. First Hunt 2022 Legend


    I MADE A YOUTUBE VIDEO !!! Since clearwater beach is such a busy place i thought i would brush the dust of my teknetics delta 4000 and give it a go.
  10. Legends parts worth mentioning

  11. Nokta Makro Legend bench test VDI # & tones

  12. Nokta Makro Legend unboxing


    We have been finding amazing things but help with maps could be great. We have found stone heads and turtles. Even heart shaped rocks. If you can really help with maps email me.
  14. Legend Whining won't change a thing

  15. What is this?

  16. Jim Thorpe PA

    Hi. I am new to metal detecting and trying to find some good spots to go between Philadelphia and Scranton. My 10 yo son loves finding treasure! Does anyone have any recommendations?
  17. Love Token?

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and I’m thrilled to be on the site. I hope to share any of my future finds, since I just relocated to the north Georgia area. My main interest lies in civil war and colonial artifacts. I wanted to share this “Love Token’ (?) I found...
  18. Love Tokens?

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum and I’m thrilled to be on the site. I hope to share any of my future finds, since I just relocated to the north Georgia area. My main interest lies in civil war and colonial artifacts. I wanted to share this “Love Token’ (?) I found...
  19. Cool Arizona Desert Find!

    I found these live .50 Caliber Browning Machine gun rounds in the Arizona desert at the end of last season. I had found several casings before but these were the first live rounds I had detected. General Patton trained his troops all over the Western deserts of Arizona and Eastern California and...
  20. Sticker GAW

    Just a little GAW for those who are subscribers to my you tube channel. Not much but just a little fun before Christmas. Just sub and leave a comment we will have drawing Friday before Christmas. Good Luck..
  21. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button

    I found this button metal detecting and I just started getting into the hobby. I don’t know much about buttons but I cannot figure out anything about it. It’s a flat button and reads ‘superfine’ on the back with like a floral design at the bottom. I have tried searching but have had no luck...
  22. Farewell season last hunt in Maine.

  23. Veterans Day hunt & odd finds!

  24. Silver Buckle find???

    Hello! I went as a knight for Halloween and found this belt for part of my outfit at the thrift store. Wondering if it's silver or silver plated maybe. Says Taiwan on the back. Looks tarnished...hoping it's silver but I'm guessing if it is its probably just plated which wouldn't be worth much...
  25. Amazing buttons first field day!

  26. Mystery fish kill, foreign coin found

  27. Musket ball Button maybe ?

    It is a one piece very heavy iron I thing . It has striations around the ball part. The shank is drilled. Very odd to me ... I found ball buttons before but first one like this..
  28. more coins & advice for beginners

  29. Newbie with a Simplex+ (You've seen this before.)

    Two weeks ago I picked up a Simplex+ after some badgering from a pal. My experience has been good thus far. I've taken to digging everything but audibly low iron signals. I've watched hours of YouTube, and studied forum materials. I'd appreciate any lesser known hot tips if anyone feels...
  30. Trucking along! Attack of the killer bees!

  31. Coins galore & poison arrow

  32. He chucked up a seated half

  33. Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt

    Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt The tribe has gathered for another year at the Third annual Tim's North Yuba River Nugget Hunt . The Weather was warm and the water was refreshing as the Prospectors searched for that elusive Gold. The River was a bit lower this year so it exposed...
  34. Silver day African Coin

  35. Pet Cemetery gives bad juju!

  36. Big BOO BOO! AT MAX question?

  37. Drought hunt turn to tragedy

  38. muti-hunt2 Hi Jack

  39. Cashing in on your Metal Detecting

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