
  1. Neat Buckle found on 1800s site

    Hello! Been a long, long while since I've posted...does anyone even remember me??? Lol haha. Anyways...I've been doing more yard sale hunting/re-selling then detecting this year. Made some killer finds and big chunk a change. Only detected a few times this year which I now regret. Will be going...
  2. Rock Collection

    Can anyone help identify these. 3, 4, and 5 are the same.
  3. Irish Gold

    Panning Irish Gold to add to our collections. Thanks to our friend Roy Spence from Dirt Locker Mining me and Gary get to add some very nice gold from Ireland to our collections. we check the package with Gary's Minelab SDC 2300 to see what in the bags !!!
  4. Moar River Gold!

    I spent yesterday playing in the river with my propointer and ATpro and found 5 bricked cell phones (one has an SD card we are going to return to the owner) a sterling ring, and this chonky gold ring. It's pretty crude which makes me think it may be from an amateur jeweler in South America. Its...
  5. SS Clara Nevada Shipwreck - anyone looking for the treasure?

    Hi all, I recently found out about the wreck of the SS Clara Nevada in Alaska in 1898. It's a really interesting and confounding mystery. Supposedly there was gold in the ship when it sunk. Has anyone here tried to find the wreck? Had any successes? Anyone have opinions about the wreck?
  6. Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt

    Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt The tribe has gathered for another year at the Third annual Tim's North Yuba River Nugget Hunt . The Weather was warm and the water was refreshing as the Prospectors searched for that elusive Gold. The River was a bit lower this year so it exposed...
  7. Famous Youtuber is Potentially working on a Jesuit/Nazi Gold Project

    My name is Leeland, and I work with Youtuber, Dallmyd. (12.2M subscribers and over 1.5B views) The last time I posted here, several of you PM'd us to see if we would be interested in tagging along an adventure you had brewing, and some of you were looking for funding. We ended up taking some of...
  8. Need advice on type of metal detector

    Hi everyone! Here's my situation. I never used a gold detector before, but I would like to buy one and I need advice on which one to buy. However, me and my hubby do have experience in panning for gold so we know our terrain. Here's what I need/would like : - usable in wet conditions (jungle)...
  9. Finding Gold Nuggets with the Minelab SDC 2300

    Can I beat @Two Toes with his own Metal Detector ?We head back to finish off a few spots we left from our last trip out. Gary found some good gravel so he decided to run it though his Sluice box while I was happy to use his Minelab SDC 2300 while he was busy sluicing !!!! Those targets that we...
  10. Hello

    Out here in Tacoma Washington. I like to do prospecting. Keene A51 is The sluice I use. I prospect creeks in Tacoma. Picture is of my first clean out using the Keene A51.
  11. Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets (a Two Toe's Adventure)

    Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets a Two Toe's Adventure We return to move a boulder that's been keeping me awake at night just thinking about what might be underneath it. This boulder is sitting on Bedrock just above the main flow of the river so it could be loaded with Gold !!!! I...
  12. ❎ SOLD Chlorargyrite - The Mineral Form of Silver Chloride Ore FOR SALE

    Note; This is not material suitable for simple crushing & panning due to heavy sulfides. If you aren't into refining at all, then it isn't probably for you. But message me for questions nonetheless. They do make for pretty stones anyway. I also can't get the picture uploader to work. You can...
  13. Can I find Gold on a Baseball Diamond ?

    Can I find Gold on a Baseball Diamond ? With Baseball season in full swing its hard to get time to get out and swing the detector. Today two of my favourite things came together so I could break out the metal detector and hunt for Gold !!!! Looking for a Gold Pendant lost on the Baseball...
  14. Wallowing in memories

    Well, the last one died shortly after birth, so here we make a new baby. 40 years ago I had a great time in the Bahamas. A lot has happened since then. Probably I would not recognize the old places if I visited today. Some places might have changed less than others, like Great Isaak Key. When...
  15. 🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Sapphire and diamonds arthritic wedding band. RETURNED!

    Debbie had been doing some work in her flower bed Monday (4/26). After working in her flower bed she was completely distraught to find out that she had lost her sapphire and diamond arthritic wedding band. Her husband contacted me Wednesday in the hopes that maybe I could locate the Lost ring...
  16. Chinese SluiceBox Video

    May have been duplicated. A manual version of sluicebox =
  17. Hillside Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets

    Hillside Detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets Armed with a Minelab SDC 2300 and a White's Gold Master V-Sat Jeff and Gary (Two Toe's) try some Hillside detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets. High bench gold in the morning and River deposited gold in the afternoon . We moved a lot of rocks and...
  18. Will I get lucky?

  19. Moving Boulders to find Placer Gold

    Moving Boulders to reach Bedrock Crevices to locate those Placer Gold Nuggets that are hiding just out of sight. Jeff and Gary ( Two Toes ) use a Come-along and a Breaker bar to move the boulders then check the bedrock crevices with a Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector. A Come-Along is a hand...
  20. Need info if it’s gold

    Wanted to see if any one can let me know what they think if it’s gold or fake
  21. Gold Aztec looking medallion

    I found this at a church rummage sale. Along with gold chain. The 18kt gold backing the ,, medallion is attached two is in fact 18kt gold. When tested by machine it showed between 14kt and 18kt gold. Im hoping for more info on the medallion. Thank you ahead of time for your help
  22. Guide to Prospecting Ancient River Channels

    Hey guys, here's a great article explaining what paleochannels are and how to hunt for them. Tons of good info in there: Paleochannel Hunting Guide The article explains some of the science about ancient river channels and some of the modern techniques for locating them.
  23. Thrift store Silver!!!

    I was looking through the silver plated spoons at a thrift store not expecting to find anything because I never do. Well. Bingo. Don't know a ton about silver spoons but %99 percent sure this is sterling!!! Can anyone varify for me? What stuck out is that it's not rainbowy colored like most...
  24. Seeking a SeaSpy magnetometer

    Hi y'all. We are looking for another complete, working used Marine Magnetics SeaSpy, SeaSpy2 or Explorer magnetometer. We need no more than 100m of cable. I'm less interested in a Geometrics G-882, but I would listen to a good deal. Price should be commensurate with age and condition. I might be...
  25. Gold Prospecting Metal Detecting a Gravel Bar

    Plans dont always work out but the Gold we found metal detecting an old Gravel bar sure didnt disappoint !!!! Me and Gary ( Two Toe's ) had planned to do some Hydraulic Pit detecting in one of our favorite spots but old Mother nature had other plans. After a lot of discussion and a long drive...
  26. Frozen Road Gold

    Frozen Road Gold Metal Detecting Frozen Bedrock in the middle of the road in the heart of the California Motherlode. Jeff and Gary ( Two Toe's ) are in search of bedrock outcroppings in the area of old Gold Rush workings. The Fortyniners worked this area during the California Gold Rush...
  27. Deep Dive into Dowsing

    Hey guys check out this article about dowsing and some of the science behind it. I know it's been discussed quite a bit on this forum. This article lists several scientific studies on dowsing and talks about some of the principles.
  28. The Nugget Hunter’s Bedrock Detecting for Gold Nuggets Part 2

    The Nugget Hunter’s Bedrock Detecting for Gold Nuggets Part 2 Part Two Afternoon Gold the Guy's move to a new Hydraulic pit after eating lunch and discussing there next move in search of bigger Gold Nuggets. Located in the Motherlode in an area worked by the fortyniners during the...
  29. Happy New Gold Year, Gold Panning the Feather

    Happy New Gold Year, Gold Panning the Feather Happy New Gold Year Day 0ne on the Feather River Panning for Gold to get the jump on Gary ( Two Toe's ). The past couple of years Gary's gotten out on the river on New Years day to jump start his Gold totals in our endless quest to see which...
  30. Cutting Room Floor ( Panning with Two Toe’s and the Hawaiian’s)

    See what clips didn't make the cut in my upcoming video !! We like to have fun while we are out prospecting and this time it's at J.C.'s expense !!! Gary ( Two Toe's ) shows off his Gold panning skills and I give J.C. the Mining Hawaiian a gift. Tim ( Blue leads Gold Production ) gives a...
  31. The Nugget Hunter’s Bedrock Detecting for Gold

    The Nugget Hunter’s Bedrock Detecting for Gold The Guy's are back out looking for Gold Nuggets in a new Hydraulic pit located in the California Motherlode. The Old timer's didn't get it all .. Tag along with Jeff and Gary ( Two Toe's ) as there joined once again by the Hawaiian's J.C. (...
  32. Treasure Hunting Youtuber Dallmyd (11.5 millions subs) is looking for collaborations!

    I had to resubmit this because an admin removed it by mistake. Sorry for the spam. My client is Dallmyd, (Jake) and my job is collaboration creation and ideation. About a month ago I introduced myself on this forum and we got 3 really great leads from it. We're in the process of laying the...
  33. Entering into an old mine site and exploring the machinery

    Checking out a abandoned mine site.
  34. Hydraulic Pit Gold Detecting

    Hydraulic Pit Gold Detecting Metal Detecting a Hydraulic Pit for Gold Nuggets !!!it's road trip time with Jeff & Gary ( Two Toe's ) as they head deep into the Sierra's in search of Gold Nuggets and Treasure !!!In this adventure the guys head to a Hydraulic Pit to look for Gold Nuggets and...
  35. Newby-Excited to be here.

    Thomas Rocky Shores badge icon New Member · 21h · Hi everyone. Im back into metal detecting. Been an arm chair prospector mostly. Giving up playing music but will always enjoy prospecting. Planning on moving to a Gold bearing state soon. Like the adventure and fun or nature and finding...
  36. Gold Detecting a Hydraulic Pit

    Gold Detecting a Hydraulic Pit Metal Detecting a Hydraulic Pit for Gold and Treasure !!!Jeff & Gary ( Two Toe's ) head to the Hills in search of Gold Nuggets and Treasure !!!In this adventure the guys head to a Hydraulic Pit to look for Old Coins and Gold Nuggets that have been left or...
  37. Minelab vs White's You decide

    Gold Detector face off Minelab SDC 2300 vs the White's TDI Both Metal Detectors are Pulse induction and yes there is a big price difference between the two. I'm not picking a winner or a loser just showing some Gold Missed by one and found by the other !!! Both Machine's were ran by the same...
  38. Uwharries National Park Gold Prospecting

    Hello everybody, I live about an hour away from the Uwharries so that’s my main area I like to look for gold. Anyway, I’ve been having a hard time finding a good area to set up a sluice, can anyone give me some suggestions on where to try, I’m fairly new to for gold prospecting world so if...
  39. The Lue Map and the Nazi Connection

    Perhaps many have already read about this map. Personally, I once read this story, about 30 years ago, in some edition, now I don't remember which one. I remember that at that time I was interested in this story and I carefully examined the mysterious map with quite understandable interest and a...
  40. Finding Gold Nuggets with a Metal Detector ( Two Toe’s and the Gold Digger’s )

    Ever wanted to Find Gold by Crevicing those Bedrock Cracks well stay tuned and watch how Two Toe's and the Gold Digger's do while using there Metal detectors to locate those elusive Gold Nuggets !!!! The Boys from Flash in your Pan (Ed, Toledo Jess, and Dan-O ) head West to meet up with Gold...
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