
  1. New Boy from Cameroon

    Hello every on, am new here and from Cameroon. I am a broker looking for buyers for gold dust as I have sellers. Need help on here
  2. Antique Gold Ring - 18 within shield mark 1800s??

    Today while detecting an old field in MA I found a nice gold ring. I could use some help dating it or identifying its origin. The ring is smaller and probably a womans. On the inside there is a marking that appears to be the number 18 within a shield. I assume the 18 is the carat but would like...
  3. 14K Gold Buckle on Calf Skin Belt for... 50-cents!

    I purchased this 14k gold buckle and belt at my local thrift shop. It's stamped and verified by local gold place. I paid 50-cents. Sweet deal. :icon_thumleft:
  4. (Old?) Gold ring with several stamps, I need help!

    [/B][/B][/B][/B](Norway) I just got my first metal detector and I went out to try it and I found this ring on my secong hunt! It was just in the surface and it had another smaller ring inside (Haven't been able to identify the metal of the other ring yet). One of the stamps says 14K, so...
  5. World War II Camp Hunt

    I made this video earlier this year. Some friends and I hunted a WWII training camp and made some nice finds: Enjoy and HH!
  6. Gold Pocket Watch

    I found this pocket watch today while detecting. Is it gold? Plated? or something else. Please let me know what you thing. I believe the case is Kenosha as it has a Indian on inside of dust cover.
  7. Platinum, Gold, Silver and other Rings Hunt

    Me and some friends got a little of everything on a recent hunt. I hope you like the video: HH!
  8. 0.5mm Quartz Sand & 80mm^3 Gravel - 700 000 M^3

    0.05mm Quartz Sand & 80mm Gravel - 700 000 M^3 Hello everyone first of all I didn't find special subforum for this subject, so if location is wrong - sorry. I own 700 000 M^3 of <= 0.05 mm Quartz Sand & 80 mm Gravel carrier... Also in my land, there is Caucasian mountain river... I bought...
  9. MY FIRST GOLD COIN!!!! Still shaking!

    Hi all well I went out to a local field yesterday metal detecting, over 20 degrees Celsius (quite warm) and wasn't expecting to find anything. Ive never found anything REALLY good, nothing to write home about, but little did I know when I got an iffy signal in the 50's on my Teknetics eurotek...
  10. Living off the land and Surival stuff...

    If you want to put together a Aquponics setup go here...B1u3Dr4g0n1 - YouTube If you want to blog about the government and how we are being stepped on go here... If you want to get info and survival stuff go...
  11. Prospecting Q?

    the gold bearing creek I go to used to be a swimming hole back in the 70's until the dam that made it got tore down in 2000. Is it best to prospect before or after the dam
  12. Clear Creek Redding CA

    Looking for some nice spots for sampling or even find some gold along or near Clear Creek near Redding. I know that there used to be a dam there that got tore down in 2000 some gps coordinate might help.
  13. New guy here...

    Hi name's Jesus, I currently reside in the Anderson area in Shasta County and a bit new to prospecting. For the last couple of months i have been digging some material in clear creek bout' a quarter mile before and after the gorge outlook. sadly without any luck. I plan on joining the Shasta...
  14. Ruidoso Panning

    does anyone know or has anyone ever panned and sluiced in the ruidoso area? so you need a permit?
  15. In this image, where would you go?

    Deleted. Deleted.
  16. Early Tayopa newspaper story

    Anyone interested.. Here is an early newspaper article about Tayopa. Corp
  17. Old ring detected by OKM customer

    Those pictures arrived this morning via email. One of our customers sent it to us.
  18. Anyone near Roanoke Rapids Nc

    Anyone near Roanoke Rapids Nc that does metal detecting? i'm new and wandering where to go? any rules etc ?
  19. Cavern with river full of gold

    I'm looking for a magazine article from the early 70's about two prospectors that found a cavern with a river full of gold in it. It was in either CA or NV. They dynamited the entrance closed and one prospector was killed. The other filed an assay and claim in Reno. If anyone knows of this...
  20. Decent day of dredging last month in Alabama...

    ...on Wesabulga Creek. With the frequent rains I was tired of the constant struggle in the swift current, so I decided to move my dredge to an open pit which had been excavated three summers earlier. The gold shown here is from about 7 hours of dredging...not to bad for us boys here in Alabama.
  21. Yuba Gold!

    I love spending time out on the river. Whether it be fishing, swimming or gold prospecting... a day on the water is always a good one! To make my day even better my pops, 9 year old son, 8 year old daughter, and 2cmorau went out to his claim on the Yuba. I set the Bazooka up for the kids to...
  22. The Lost Mine Articles by Victor Shaw (Earth Science Digest)

    Victor Shaw’s Lost Mine Articles – Earth Science Digest I recently acquired a complete set of the nine lost mine articles written by Victor Shaw and published in Earth Science Digest in 1947 and 1948. Shaw was an experienced gold prospector. He explored the ground where these stories are set...
  23. cerillos gold/silver/plat Panned out at 2.34 LBS! or 1198.08 Grams!

    My best yield from Hard Rock yet!
  24. Looking for 8 gold miners

    My name is Craig and I am looking to build a team of 8 miners to mine gold in the summer of 2015. I am looking for hardworking, dedicated, strong minded individuals in search of an adventure in the gold rich mountains streams of Alaska. I have a full plan in place and once I have a team built I...
  25. Who owns the treasure you find?

    I am asking about three different types of finds: 1. Lode Gold Veins (hard rock mines), 2. Refined gold (like gold bars) caches, and 3. Jesuit caches of treasure. I am not talking about finding coins or old artifacts or anything under the water. In these three types of search areas: 1. Open...
  26. New here

    Hey new to the desert. La Quinta. Any interesting places I can search
  27. Is silver better then gold? You can have 2.5 grams of gold or 4.4 ounces of silver

  28. All my prospecting, metal detecting and investment videos
  29. Found my first piece of gold with my metal detector

  30. Found gold and silver jewlery for the first time

  31. Found GOLD ring w/ name, Facebooks roadblocks!

    Found GOLD ring w/ name, Facebook's roadblocks! I found this 10k female high school ring at the beach. After quickly locating and messaging the person on facebook, I find out that all messages that are not from friends go into a seperate inbox called "Other". I suspect that the good majority of...
  32. Having Trouble with ID of Rock Specimin. Gold/pyrite/precious metals?

    Hello Everyone, I am new to this website and really excited to be a member. I have recently gotten into precious metal, meteorite, treasure, and fossil prospecting (more so on the precious metals at this point in time). I have read about 10 different books on gold recovery, I have watched 1000...
  33. Dory Bars

    We are Hard Rock Mining a vein that has PMG's, Gold & Silver. Please: Can any help us out on how to go about making a dory bar of these metals? All into one bar? Will we be able to melt all metals into dory bars without the aid of a smelter / furnace? Will we need to use any fluxes? Will the...
  34. Where to dig in Europe

    Hello, I need suggests about where to dig in Europe. I am looking to find unique things that are not WWI or WWII related. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!
  35. signs on stones.

    Hi i am a new member here and i need some opinion from pros. our group is on a project now in the philippines. In a 3meter wide river, We found a palm-sized face on a 2-meter wide round rock(we think its japanese). water level is just about 3-5ft and is full of rocks. about 5 meters away from...
  36. Help please-detectors

    I wasn't sure where to ask this question so hope that this forum is ok. I have for a long time though about getting a metal detector for beach combing but my trips to the beach are rare so have been putting it off, however I now need to get one to locate some "buried treasure" and even after...
  37. Very first time gold panning and found GOLD

    Well I tried out gold panning for the very first time yesterday and found some decent gold and a couple small "pickers" even. As you can see, the pieces are a little under 1/16 in size in the first vial but way under 1/16 in the second one but I did find two small "pickers" between 1/16 and 1/8...
  38. Treasure, Tombs and Tolas - Finding Lost Cities and Relics in South America

    Hi Guys!!! I used to be an archaeologist, and have since become obsessed with applying that experience to treasure hunting. To that end, I developed a methodology (which has since become a book which I hope will be available later this year) which will enable anyone to find ancient treasure...
  39. 18 k gold 950 platinum wedding band

    I found a really nice wedding band. I would like to know if there is a way to find out The makers of this ring. Also, what is the F4 engraving mean? Here is a link to pictures.!10364&authkey=!AI7NBCu4QkOIwHk Also, should I get this ring...
  40. Gold Ring - Egyptian Queen - from where? Age?

    The ring is 14 k. Nefertiti on the outside face, sun risign over 2 pyramds etched on the inside. No hallmark.