
  1. Panning for gold: the basics

  2. Lets talk about the Keswick area west of Redding

    Heya everyone; So I wanted to start a thread talking about the Keswick area west of Redding California and the immediate surrounding area's. If you know this area or have heard stories then post them up! :) You do not have to give exact locations but rough/general locations would be nice. Ok...
  3. Etrac Detecting - Double Gold, Silver, and a 1st!

    Thanks for taking the time to look. If you like the video please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Good Luck & Happy Hunting! Travis
  4. Got another gold in before the end of season!

    Not much gold but it's real. There are no markings on it but it looked real so I acid tested it and it's 10k. I don't think the stone is real but I don't know anything about stones. It just seems too perfectly clear to be real, I will get it checked eventually. I found this at the same park...

    Now I know what most of you are going to say, and I cannot wait to hear from each and every one of you.
  6. Ohio Slacker!

    Hey everyone! I have been slacking on editing my videos and haven't had time to share them with ya..I have 3 up now but one more coming.. We met up with a bucnh of people from WV, OH and PA had a great time, and everyone got some color! We went to Southern Ohio to Bills Pure Gold Prospecting...
  7. Georgia rocks and dirt...What is it?

    Good Afternoon to all! I'm knew to prospecting/rockhounding and need some help with identification. I have an area that I started digging recently because it was sinking in and a crack on the surface of the ground started to form. I continued to dig because I came across soil that was not the...
  8. Whats the best pay dirt out there?

    What's the best pay dirt out there? Hello All, I know there is already a thread or two about pay dirt but I wanted to see fi anyone had any recent reviews or suggestions regarding pay dirt. It's almost winter here in Colorado and am planning on panning indoors with some pay dirt to cure the...
  9. Tell me if this sounds like the right way to deal with targets

    LOCATION: About as remote as you can get the continental divide west fairplay. TRYIN DA FIND THAT GOOOOLLD YEEAAAHAAAAA!!! WOOP WOOP HEHEA @RT^ flaleir jga...... GEAR :minelab xterra 705 On a kruggarand I get a signal of 36 for gold and another signal that will pop up because there is copper...
  10. 2 golds re-found!

    I found these to be gold today but I dug them up months ago. Now that I have an acid testing kit I'm testing my questionable junk jewelry. Today I found a pair of earrings to be 10k! They aren't marked so I never knew for sure. I found them both at a park about 4 feet away from each other. 2...
  11. Gold dredging underwater for GOLD!

  12. gold locations

    Hi, ive never done gold finding before and was wandering how common gold really is. If I sluice and pan in any old good looking stream in any part of the world but at the right places with bedrock sticking up and know where is most likely to have caught gold, will i find some eventually? or...
  13. using sluice at Tibble fork,UT

    Here is a video I made on a recent trip to Tibble fork, UT I found a little color. I'm also giving away a gram of gold in another video just subscribe to enter its free !
  14. One-Time Collectibles - "Treasures of the Appalachians..."

    Here is a link to me and my partners website. We are placer miners who hunt for gemstones, minerals and gold. Thanks for looking! :icon_thumleft: One-Time Collectibles Website
  15. Old gold ring with engraving of solid gold

    I found a ring today metal detecting a church built in the late 1800's.Can someone tell me something about it or what it is worth? Thanks. I have the fever!
  16. Gold in Northwest Washington

    My buddy building a good spot for his sluice box. This is my set-up. Color in my box. Feeding his sluice. There she goes. My work area. Test pan. The lay of the land. We are working on the inside bend of the stream. A closer look. My buddy's gear. My gear. It...
  17. CTO 10K Wings and Horse Pin

    Hi everyone, My grandmother passed away last week and as I was going through her jewelry, I found this pin. I think the cTo on the back means O.C Tanner but I could be wrong. Where is this pin from and what does it mean? Thanks for the help. - Joanna
  18. 14k Gold Wedding Ring found while sniping!

    Heya Everyone; The ol' swimming hole did it again! Two days ago I found a 14k White and Yellow gold men's Wedding ring! It comes in at 5.5 grams and polished up oh so nicely. :) This is my first precious metal ring find, I have found others but not worth anything. Just a few feet away is...
  19. recent California summer time gold

    My better day trip clean-up pan shots from past few months. Enjoy, and turn down volume a bit.
  20. Where these rocks deposited by the creek or by the Glacier

    Do you think the round rocks mixed in with the very promising looking rusty rock was put there by the river of by the glacier.. If it was by the river it looks like very promising placer material.. If by the glacier then it might just be glaciel till... What do you think? Treasure and Gold...
  21. Fisher Gold Bug defective materials. - How many of you have had problems? -

    Heya everyone; So I am having a problem with my Gold Bug II, she is 2 years old and very lightly used. Whelp a couple days ago I noticed that the sheathing around the cable to the 10" elliptical coil was tacky, and then I noticed a split in the sheathing right at the box. I used my detector...
  22. old Arizona maps

    Here's a website with a lot of old Arizona related maps for the MDer who wants to do a little research online. Best of all, many of these are FREE to view and print. Sharlot Hall Museum Map Collection
  23. E-trac Detecting: GOLD & SILVER Spill! Multiple Silver Rings & Coins!

    Hello all, Had one of the best hunts yet today, and a good one earlier in the week. Found my first gold of the year and alot of other nice finds. Check out the video of my hunt. As always, I appreciate you taking the time to watch/look/comment. HH! Travis
  24. Dallas area legends - about to start weekend morning hunts - any interest to team up?

    As the title suggests, I'm very interested in searching based on some legends in the Dallas area. The two main ones I have in mind now are gold / cache related - one is at California Crossing (Irving, technically), and the other is just on the Dallas/Tarrant County border, just west of Cedar...
  25. new member and looking for work

    Hey I'm new my name is Cameron and in short I'm here to learn and maybe find some work or a partner I'm interested in diving for a dredge or running a high banker but im open to anything....I hope to soon own and run my own equipment but until that day I would like be part of a small crew that...
  26. Where to dredging gold ?

    I asked my self how to find a good place for dredging gold nauggits and i realised what we can use Google Trends for that. Google Trends Top places: Australia 100 United States 28 Canada 20 United Kingdom 10 Germany 6
  27. I know I know deep creek again, only flower gold, OR IS IT?

    so I am about to jump on a flight to the other side of the country, a new member, and extremely naive when it comes to prospecting I'm looking for some old timer input from anyone in the world as I have a theory, and that is all just a theroy, if you know of deep creek in hesperia ca/ apple...
  28. 1715 Fleet Gold Filigree Frame (pyx)

    Great news on the find by Booty Salvage of the missing back piece to the Gold Filigree Frame found in 1989 on the 1715 Fleet. Some background on the original find: Salvage vessel: Tamiron owned by Kenny White Captain: Luther Peterson Diver: Andy Matroci Site: North Colored Beach now known as...
  29. Mysterious Signed Painting

    Driving home from my day at the beach (looking for treasures), and found this large canvas painting on the side of the road. It's signed but I don't know if it's worth anything. What do y'all think?
  30. acme buckle or something belt idk

    I don't have any idea what this is no matches online any ideas??? Thanx
  31. Northern BC - day in the life

    This is a quick story about a visit last year to a new claim in Northern BC. I had researched the area and was able to acquire a claim on a tributary to one of the main gold creeks in the area. The tributary had some history and it looked really nice on the topo map and Google Earth. Access...
  32. Treasure Hoard Found! Gold, Silver, Bullion!

    Another garbage dump has released its treasure to me, (bare in mind it took me several smelly hours of rummaging to amass all of this treasure into one place). Everything you see below was the result of painstaking sorting of garbage from over 15 bags of junk and filth. Was it worth it? Heck...
  33. Im BACK! :)

    I'm BACK! :) Hi everybody! Whelp after a super long time of not having reliable internet I have good internet again and am able to troll :alien: the threads again! lol I also have not posted new vids for over a year but will be getting some more on my YouTube Channel CrainRacing - YouTube I...
  34. Hi All. I have some Q. I am new here

    Hi @all. I have a few questions. Back when i was little maybe 5 years old my grandpa took me once on gold prospecting just for fun. I really like it unfortunately i never did go again. So it´s been really long time, 15 years i think. So any way. I am reading a lot for Gold Prospecting and all...
  35. Looking to cover a Yamashita Treasure Hunt for a story

    Aloha everyone, I'm researching doing a few Yamashita treasure hunts for a story on the island of Luzon. I am not actually interested in finding treasure for myself, but for your story. Your families history in the Philippines, the signs, maps, stories, past hunts, adventures. I'm especially...
  36. New to the TH game!!!

    Hey guys, Im new to the treasure hunting game and this site. I have been reading alot of the post on here. Well, needless to say I'm hooked already lol. I live in Canton Ga and have been doing a lot of research on gold found in the Etowah River and near by streams. Today I got a tip on a old...
  37. The Miners Ten Commandments

    The Miner's Ten Commandments Do You Follow Them or Do You Do Your Own Thing (no lying now :laughing7:) The Miner's Ten Commandments. A man spake these words, and said: I am a miner, wandering "from away down east," to sojourn in a strange land. And behold I've seen the elephant, yea, verily...
  38. Gold and Diamonds...finally

    Finally. I have been waiting to find diamonds for a very long time. It's a small pendant on a thin chain but it is 10k and those are diamonds even if they are just chips. One stone is missing. The clasp was not connected to the other end and it was all knotted. It just below the grass on top of...
  39. 10K with diamond chip

    Got out for some hunting yesterday and put some time in the water for awhile. Not a lot of finds there and decided to get back to the dirt for a bit. Wound up hitting this 10K ring with diamond chip at around 6". Ring was confirmed by jeweler. Thanks for looking and HH!
  40. New to helena!!! Obsessed!!

    New to helena!!! Obsessed!!' Hello, My name is jason, I'm new to helena. I came from Florida and used to hunt the beaches. I am obsessed with GOLD! I never used this site as I used a different one that was all about the beaches and 1715 fleet in vero beach Florida! I'm looking for someone to...