
  1. Brass calendar?

    I picked it up at an antique store a few days ago and I really don't know what it is. The tag said brass calendar, but the numbers go to 12 twice all the way around the inner circle which leads me to believe it may be some form of clock, or sundial. It will spin in the middle section freely but...
  2. ✅ SOLVED Pair of brass brackets

    Exploring an old farm built in 1900 in Indiana and found these two items near where the old wash house once stood. The appear to be made of brass and are 7.5 inches long. Each has one end that looks like it might pivot in an opening and the other end is blunt. Does anyone know what these...
  3. ✅ SOLVED Brass Curio - Possibly from 1915

    Please help me identify this brass curio. There are two separate edges with inscriptions that are worn and hard to read. On one side it appears to read FALFEB-8 1915. On the other edge it appears to read FAB165. The inscriptions are guesses.
  4. Civ(?) bridle buckle.

    Post Civ bridle buckle. I found this today in southwest Missouri. While researching I find a lot that are otherwise identical except this just has a circle in the middle instead of a heart.
  5. Stirrup

    I found this old brass stirrup today in some woods that have produced CW buttons, but I'm not sure of it's age--can anyone help me? Thanks!
  6. Gold? Brass? Bracelet

    Found this on the beach today it hit at "gold ring" but I'm not sure for certain how to tell. It is the first thing I've found that wasn't a nail so I'm not very experienced in being able to tell the difference between metals. Any thoughts?
  7. Odd find

    I found a big chunk of metal with a brass screw in it. I did some test and turns out its a piece of lead. It was found in the water of the historical district in old town charlotte harbor.
  8. Antique magnifying glass

    Wondering if anyone can help me with this brass magnifier. It had no markings and the handle is made of an odd wood or shell. Came from an antique shop in Florida. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Decorative colonial saddle parts??

    Hunted a site yesterday that has historically yielded early colonial period items - farthings, maravedis, and tons of buttons from that time. Yesterday I found three items that appear to be some sort of brass horse tack and two of them are quite decorative. I'm really intrigued by the one that...
  10. ✅ SOLVED Unknown Object, Found in a field.

    Hey guys, I found this today while metal detecting with my AT Garret Pro in a field next to a farm and it was hitting around "84" and "32". It was also around 12 inches deep. I think it may be some sort of farm tool or maybe something obvious but i have yet to discover what it actually is. I...
  11. acme buckle or something belt idk

    I don't have any idea what this is no matches online any ideas??? Thanx
  12. ✅ SOLVED brass buckle with caduceus medical symbol

    Found this interesting piece with Garrett Pro in woods, blue ridge mountain area. I think its brass, but perhaps copper. It is almost 1/8" thick. Thank you for any input!
  13. Brass collector needing help... Is this find really worth the price?

    I've started a decent brass collection. I'm looking to add some more high-end pieces. Can anyone tell me more about this, and if it's really worth the price? Antique Arabic Islamic Brass Engraved Coffee Tea Pot with Spout RARE | eBay Any help is much appreciated.
  14. Possible 19th Century Lipstick Tube ??? Saw one on here awhile back .

    Ok I saw a post recently I could not find today, maybe really old IDK. But anyway a guy had this on there thinking it was some sort of possible shotgun shell. Here is that exact same type of item that I found. I do believe it to be a lipstick holder. It is brass and about 2 5/8 inches long and...
  15. ✅ SOLVED Button made of Brass, Military Type

    Perhaps British army? I couldn't read it because it so small , it is also thin or worn. I scanned it in to try to read it better and looks like latin words. There is nothing written on the back. It is the exact same size as a U.S. One Cent penny. Anyone know what this is? I live in Savannah...
  16. Brass Plate w/possible "2" on it

    Good Evening everyone! I should be getting ready for work...but how can I work when I dont know what this is!!?? I believe it's made of brass. Chimes in between 93-98 on the AT Pro. It measures approx 5" long by 3 1/2" tall. There appears to be a "2", the number two, in the center. (i might...
  17. Antique Brass Dog Collar

    I have been given this antique dog collar by my grandparents to research information about it. It has no markings on it but ive seen a very similar one on ebay which i will post the link to from my computer and images of my one (as it wont let me from my ipad for some reason). Any info...
  18. Brass goblet with enamel. How old is it and what price?

    I have had this goblet for a while, just as a decoration in my house and now I am selling it. There are no markings so I don't know anything about it. Can anybody help?
  19. ✅ SOLVED Is this really a Colonial shoe buckle or a just a reproduction? Please help.

    I found this shoe buckle metal detecting the other day. It was 10" down and seems to be made of brass. It measures 1 3/4" by 2 3/4 ". I posted pics on another discussion board and they all say it's an authentic Colonial era shoe buckle. My questions are: 1) Is it really that old? 2) Is it...
  20. My Illinois Finds

    The lock is a 1882 railroad switching lock. Found others like it online Brass Padlock Made By the Ames Sword Co. and Not sure what the other object is. Any ideas?
  21. Could anyone tell me anything about these buttons?

    I got a bag of brass buttons at a yard sale and these are some of them. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.
  22. Intersting Brass object

  23. Arabic Brass Vase?

    Hello, This vase came from a garage sale, and I am wondering if someone can help me ID it. I've found some similar pieces, but nothing quite like this. It has a sticker on the bottom in what looks like Persian. I would appreciate any help with identification or translation with the label. It...
  24. Unidentified Brass object...

    I'm at a bit of a loss where to turn but I am in need of intelligent minds. My great grandfather left this object to my mother and said to sell it if she was in need of money. It is made of brass, weight about 2.5 kg and stands at around 11cm in height. I can't see it being anything valuable...
  25. ✅ SOLVED What Type of Lock Is This?

    Hey,guys,I'm sure this will be guessed right off but I'm trying to find some info on this lock I found. I found it around a house built around the early 1920s but,I'm not sure how old the lock itself actually is. After cleaning it a bit,the only markings I can find on it is the big E in the...
  26. Any ideas what this is?

    This is brass. It is fairly heavy, solid. On the property there was an old school house and lots of wagon and tractor parts.
  27. What are these brass items found in old deep ravine dump site >

    Came across this huge ravine that people have been using for years to dump their stuff into...I wanted to pass on a few items I have no idea what even to call...Need help identifiying with much appreciation.
  28. ✅ SOLVED British Crown?

    Recently I have been getting into some Revolutionary War artifacts and one of these pieces is still stumping! Can anyone help me with this British Crown motif that I found recently. All of the other artifacts all date to the Rev War (and I have found almost 0 trash) so it is definitely from that...
  29. ✅ SOLVED Revolutionary War Belt Plate

    Hey TNET, So recently I went digging at a site occupied dating all the way back to the Revolutionary War. I found this piece several inches in the ground and immediately knew what I had. The back has the hooked attachment for the buckle. The only problem with this piece is that it looks to have...
  30. ✅ SOLVED Brass container WWII looking found in West Texas... What is it?

    Brass container WWII looking found in West Texas... Only thing i can think of is maybe a match holder of some sort... Cant get the lid off but sounds like nothing is in it. The object is round, just a hair under two inches long and a hair over quarter inch wide. Weight is 12 grams. What is it...
  31. ✅ SOLVED What is this? Brass Eagle button, E Pluribus Unum, Made in England- What war?

    Found this relic hunting today on land that has been in my family since early 1800s. I can't find anything on-line like it and was just wondering what war it was from? Year? Value? It's in GREAT condition. It's brass, slightly larger than a quarter, has "Made in England" on the back and has...
  32. What is this? Brass- set, stacked (might twist) 6 holes each- Civil War Relic

  33. Brass Candlesticks - How Old???

    These candlesticks have been in my family for generations, but have no clue how many??? They are solid brass, and the base is shaped into a drip pan. They are made from 2 parts, stem and base, and screw into one another. Both pieces seem solid and heavy. There is no stamp or engraving on them...
  34. Trying To Determine Rarity Of This Padlock

    I dug this over the holidays in central Florida, it closely resembles the type in the drawing of fraim locks (Which I obtained here at TN thanks!), but this brass padlock has a crucible device within a circle in the quadrants....any help appreciated....b
  35. HELP!!! Pendleton Oregon Pre Round up memerobilia?

    These Brass Ballarina on the moon pins were found in storage, They say 1900 Souvenier, Street fair and harvest carnival, Pendleton Oregon Sept 18-22. we cant find any information on them anywhere other than the packaging they came in was from Schwabb stamp and seal co out of Milwaukee. Does any...
  36. spike?

    Here is a resent find, It is brass, 5ins long, hand made with a very sharp point and would have had a wooden handle. the pointed end is round and 31/4 ins long. Any ideas? Dave.
  37. Picture: Large Button or leather ornamentation hardware?

    Hi All - First time post ; ) We've picked up two of these in different locations here in New Hampshire (about 5 miles apart). Both sites could have artifacts from the early 1700's to early 20th century. Not sure what this is - we were thinking a 'button' perhaps affixed with a large not? Or...
  38. Need help identifying Kerosene Lamp? thats been converted/electrified

    Need help identifying Kerosene Lamp? that's been converted/electrified Hello, I recently started looking into collecting antique and vintage lamps, a subject I know nothing about yet, so any info will be much appreciated! I got two of these lamps yesterday, they appear to be old kerosene lamps...
  39. Button, Buckle, Decoration? Large heavy brass button ID

    Hi folks - I just found this site, and am already enjoying it very much. My father was a "picker" and amassed a lot of interesting things, so I have a few items I could use help with, and I am also happy to help out if I can. This "button" appears to be filled with lead or solder on the...
  40. Brass Mailbox - Corbin Cabinet Lock Company

    I bought a brass mailbox made by the Corbin Cabinet Lock Company at a garage sale this past Saturday. I paid $5.00 for it. Its missing the key lock and another part on the lower end of box. The brass finish is in very nice condition. I dont think it was used outside. Its in like new condition...
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