
  1. Need help to ID..

    Good morning, found this brass relic yesterday at a very old cellar hole site. The site dates back to early 1800's as per old maps and history of area. The cellar hole is a depression in ground, and has stones, fallen chimney stack, etc. I could not stay long to dig at site but I was lucky...
  2. ✅ SOLVED Ornate Brass Relic I Found on Historic Home Site Near Other Civil War Era Relics

    I've been detecting a large home site (several acres) for a few days now, and found several hundred coins (old mason jar buried in the ground), a .69 caliber round ball unfired, and a Civil War Union Officers Sword Plate. But several feet from the sword plate I found this very interesting ornate...
  3. Round disc with letters, symbols

    Steve and I went to a neat old stone chimney site today. The land looked pristine--never been detected to our knowledge, and our mouths were watering as we turned on our detectors. Three hours later we had a nice collection of shotgun shell brass, fruit jar lids, small bits of lead, and not...
  4. Finial or Knob?

    Before I knocked the dirt off this little brass piece, I had hope that it could possibly be a finial from a union cartridge box. After cleaning and digging some of the rust out of the gap, I see no evidence of leather. Does anyone recognize this piece? Or possibly provide suggestions what...
  5. WW2 Ammo

    Some ammo from WW2, .50 cal shells. 2 from st louis stamped in 43 and 1 stamped CL also from 43. 5.56 round same origin and year. Lucky enough to find the slug from one of the .50's a incendiary round. And to top it off a strip clip
  6. Small Great Seal Button Maybe???

    I recovered this small button on October 30th, 2018 in Copiah County, Mississippi... My initial thought was a small Great Seal Button, but I have been unable to find any supporting pictures online. At the top where the stars are in the circle on Great Seal Buttons, this one has 3 other marks...
  7. Tibetan Brass Double Dorje Vajra

    Tibetan Brass Double Dorje Vajra. Does this seem accurate?
  8. Magnet fishing finds 100% solid brass!

    As I do apologize this is a metal detecting But I couldn’t find the section of the magnet fishing again for some reason as I’m still kind a new to this But regardless check out this really nice piece of history I found I couldn’t believe it! it’s treasure to me As I have never found this before...
  9. What is this object? Is it old??

    Is this object part of a chair maybe a old one or something??
  10. Estate Sale Find Pr. Of Brass Iron Shaped Objects

    Hi Everyone! My Uncle found this pair of Brass Iron Shaped Objects at an estate sale in Tulsa, OK. and we can’t figure out what they are. They have handles that fit your hand really good. They look like some kind of clothes irons but they are too rough on the bottom and would snag clothes...
  11. Pearl Grandfather Clock - What is it / what's it worth?

    Hey all - First-time poster! I have this mint- condition Pearl Grandfather clock that I'm trying to confirm the value of as accurately as possible. Pictures below, here are additional details: Condition: Used, very good / mint Authenticity: All original owner's manuals, service records, and...
  12. Brass plate

    December 2017 - It was 8am when I drove to the recycling center to drop off some aluminum scrap. After unloading I asked to walk around maybe to find a valuable scrap item and I happen to find this. I was told it was made of complete brass and they were going to place it in a presser in an hour...
  13. ✅ SOLVED Solid Brass - 2.25" in diameter at base

    I found this a couple of weeks ago at a location where my detecting buddy and I have found many pieces of iron and brass pieces of horse tack, buckles and other items. The site is not mentioned in any of our local history books and no one seems to know the reason why so many people obviously...
  14. ID help!

    Brass top. Rolled bottom sides with rolled edges have a stopper.
  15. 2 cm Small 3 Pointed object, Shiny Copper/Brass center? To me it looks like something mechanical, maybe part of a tool or clock? Kind of corroded. Im sure the chances that someone recognizes such a small piece of something are slim but please, surprise me! I tried searching google and just cant find anything like it...
  16. CW Tent Rope Fastener

    Thanks to my bud Davers for id'ing this piece from his crappy phone the other day while we were both in the field!!! I hope I didn't cut in to your digging time too much D. I can imagine if I had posted this in 'What is it', I would probably have received a half dozen 'pot handle' responses...
  17. ✅ SOLVED Small Brass Circular Item with Stems

    I can only guess it has something to do with a watch...? The thick stem appears to be solid. No threads or markings.
  18. Civil war relics everywhere.

    I think we've found a camp. I've dug more civil war relics this month than all of last year.
  19. Metal fork - brass

    Antique store find - brass about 6 inches in length - hammer or handle with two rounded prongs. Rings when hit but doubt it's a tuning fork. Not sure if it is antique or tooled to appear old. Looking for a purpose and identification.
  20. Help me identify this relic!

    I found this odd brass relic near Charlotte, NC. i have no clue what it could be. Anybody have any ideas?
  21. ✅ SOLVED Brass Pointed Item

    Hi all !!! Thanks in advance for any help identifying this piece. I found this item a few weeks ago and have had no luck on the net finding anything close to it. It is two pieces of brass soldered or brazed together. The barrel portion (with the 3/32" hole) looks like it may have been...
  22. Brass ship spike/nail? Found on Beach 0.3 Nautical Miles Downstream from Sloop Wreck

    Yesterday, I posted a thread here called a Few Whatsits and Two Bullets from Beach near Coast Guard. One of the items I asked for help identifying in particular now stands out after I read one of the responses I received: Icewing told me this may be a broken old brass ship's spike or...
  23. Brass - Pendant & Necklace - Tribal? - Help ID

    * Does anyone know what country or tribe this could be from? * What does it symbolize? It looks like a cross, but not sure. Bottom of pendant has a pointed tip. (Can't see in pic) The pendant takes up my whole palm of hand. Made of brass with a long brass chain. Any info would be greatly...
  24. Cellar Hole Button

    Hello all! After detecting an old cellar hole site in rural NY (which I think it may be 1750s - 1800s), I came across this dome button. Now, I really know nothing about buttons, and I think I ought to learn something about them. Anyway, what would you say the date on this one is? It is marked...
  25. Button I found yesterday

    Another button! It's pretty corroded but you can make out Jaynell on it. After looking over my other buttons, I have another jaynell button. Can't find much information on the name other than Jaynell items are rare.
  26. ✅ SOLVED Odd little brass thing ?

    Hi guys, So earlier I was detecting at an old (I mean old) church site near my house and I dug this up. At first I thought it was some sort of buckle but now I'm not so sure. It has some sort of spinner or lock on the left side. It's made of brass and It's roughly 2"x2" . Any ideas would be...
  27. ✅ SOLVED Interesting brass item

    I thought this would be easy to research, but I'm striking out. I dug this in the front yard of a house built in 1900 in central Indiana. It is a heavy brass piece about 5.5 inches wide, 2 7/8 inches deep and 1 inch high. It has a raised edge with two curved depressions (one on each side) and...
  28. ✅ SOLVED Brass military item

    This is brass 3 by 2 inches and has hinges at the top. Thanks for any info on what it is .
  29. possible sword blade?

    i found this object underground at a house built by the owner of Ben's Bread in the early 1900's. the house was used for the 1st class in WW11 (1939-1945) which would be majors and stuff like that. when i found it there was at least half a inch of rust on it, after cleaning the rust of you can...
  30. Old Family Pin

    This has been passed down from one generation to the next in my family, and no one knows anything about it. I have searched all over the web and and have found nothing even close to what it is or mean,a friend of mine told me to try here. It looks like it is made out of brass and my family...
  31. 4 hole copper or brass ring thing

    Any ideas on what this might be ? Looks like either copper or brass, it has 4 holes. 3 of these are right near the center, 1 sits slightly lower near the edge but they are all evenly spaced apart. Any help is appreciated, thanks for looking.
  32. ✅ SOLVED Brass Twins

    These were found on separate occasions but in the same area. They appear to be made of brass and are identical. They are both threaded on the inside of the end with the big opening. They also have a small rounded opening on the top with 4 triangular shaped holes/openings on the sides near the...
  33. Brass watchamacallit

    Yet again, no clue what this could be? Was thinking a latch of some sort but why would the thing have the 2 holes in it and be angled that way ? Looks like brass, any thoughts ? Thanks for looking!
  34. More brass

    Here's another brass piece, have no clue at all on this one. Would appreciate your thoughts, thank you.
  35. Brass mystery piece

    Believe this to be made of brass and see that it is multi layered. Other than that I have no idea. Appreciate any thoughts or ideas. Thank you
  36. ✅ SOLVED Blank belt plate

    I dug this (?) Belt plate about a year ago, but have yet to find another example with no designs or markings. I was just curious if anyone else might recognize it?
  37. Some Goodies and Another Mystery Item. 1683 Mass Property

    Hi friends, hope you all are well. John found some goodies the other day, including the tiniest buckle in the world, ha ha. Also a 1902 "V" nickel, a larger brass buckle, a couple of buttons, and a gorgeous pineapple decorative piece with what looks like clip on the back, as if it was worn by...
  38. Dandy? Unidentified Item, button...1683 Property--Massachusetts

    Good day, everyone! I've attached photos of yesterday's findings. Perhaps a dandy flat button with a neat starburst design. Another button. A large piece of pewter. And a piece of something...brass? Around 1.5" long. I also posted this last item on the "What Is It" forum so we can hopefully...
  39. ✅ SOLVED Brass Item--Part of a Pin or Medal? Military? Civilian? Mass 1683 property

    Hi all, we dug this brass item yesterday. About 1.5" long. Can't quite find anything like it online. Any ideas? Note the hole in its side--not made by someone trying to hang it as a locket, but forged when the item was made (as you can see by the homing on the underneath). In the group photo...
  40. Intricate handles by L. Pinet

    Can anyone help me identify the maker & age of these handles? I bought them a number of years ago from a little antique shop in Bay St. Louis. They weigh 6.6 & 6.8 oz and are both 5 1/2" x2 1/2". I think they are brass, but they don't have much tarnish. They have decorative engravings on the...
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