
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED 1800's Lime Kiln Brass

    Hi all! Searched an old lime kiln property that had a few workers homes. Found a brass piece that looks like a brooch or a badge. The pin didn't have a hinge, but rather a slide. What am I looking at here? I'm also trying to find the maker's mark on this spoon, is it EJ Bass? Thanks for looking!
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    Brass watering can
  3. Please help id old Jewish bell artifact

    Hi forum, great to be here and to join ! many thanks ! I struggle to identify an item I have. This looks religious Jewish copper or bronze or brass bell. Impossible to tell due to the patina. I tried with google image search I had no luck. I have found identical bells but religious Christian...
  4. Found a Shipwreck - Portholes Salvaged

    Got a tip from an old man that there was once an old wooden yacht sunk in the area. Found the rough location on the map and went out at low tide to investigate. Found two seven-inch brass portholes still aligned with where the vessel must have been resting on its side. Then found a third...
  5. ✅ SOLVED Strange item from 1800s homesite

    Found this strangely shaped item in a harvested bean field in west central Indiana near an old home site dating to around 1830s. It registered about a 55-60 on my Garrett AT max and based on the look of it I'd say it's copper alloy (brass usually rings up around 77) but I'm not sure why it's not...
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Mystery brass item

    Anyone know what this brass thing is? It reminds me of the lid to a torch that I used while in Dental School called a Hanau Torch (you insert a small bit of rope that soaks up alcohol and burns when you light it). I found it in west central Indiana, USA at a location where I’ve found several...
  7. Brass or else?

    Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. Please I need your help to identify the form of this brass, and is it possible to melt it with a torch ( butane gas), thank you
  8. Pat. 1893 Echo Whistle

    Pat. 1893 Echo Whistle

    This is a Pat. 1893 B.G.I. Co. Echo '620' whistle that I excavated on May 8th 2023 from a 1924-capped landfill. The mouthpiece is curved to rest on the user's lip. It still works despite being buried for a minimum of 99 years.
  9. Blobs, Meds, Stoneware, 1893 Whistle, etc. (May 7th 2023)

    These are all finds from a dig I conducted last evening at my 1924-capped landfill, May 7th 2023: The large bottles include: 1. Tooled blob C. V. Garrison Flushing L.I. made by the Karl Hutter bottling works in 1908. 2. Tooled blob amber bottle, no markings. 3. Machine-made Artic Fruit Juice...
  10. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Brass relic. What is it?

    I dug this brass object in an old farm that dates back to the 1700s. Its about 2" , has two small pins and a ring. Looks like a moving part from something. Any ideas?
  11. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Can anyone help identify this?

    Can anyone help identify this? Dug on an early colonial to victorian era site. It's thin brass. Looks like a hinge of some sort. Has small holes where small brass nails may have been? Thanks
  12. Railroad Key

    Railroad Key

    This is a railroad key made by the Keystone Lock company of Lancaster, PA. Founded by E. T. Fraim in 1879 it operated until 1925. Found in NYC.
  13. Jug, Blob, Med, Key, etc.

    Jug, Blob, Med, Key, etc.

    Finds of January 27th 1. Parker's Hair Balsam 2. Peer-Amid Re Umberto 3. Fred Schierenbeck Bottling Co. 403-405 East 101 Street. 4. One Gallon Stoneware Jug 5. A little whiskey sampler 6. Brass key
  14. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Ship Wreck Drift wood

    I found this piece of drift wood on the beach in Bald Head Island, NC just after Hurricane Ian passed. I assume it's off an old wreck. The nail appears to be hand forged bronze. Any ideas about age or origin?
  15. What is it?

    I found this today and have no idea what it might be. It looks to be brass, 4.25" OD 2" ID and 0.25" thick. Front and back are identical. Maybe a mold of some sort? The site where I found it was a settlement back as far as the 1840's and I've found a lot of logging equipment, 1800's...
  16. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button ID help please

    Can someone date this button I found? I seen similar police buttons but they had a wreath around the P. Thinking civil war Era, maybe a little later. Any info from the button connoisseurs is appreciated.
  17. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Decorative Piece Of Brass....SOMETHING?!? Help ID!

    Hi everyone. Found this today on my hunt, also found a nice old buckle about 10ft from this thing...Brass I think, could be obvious to some !:) Let me know your thoughts, definitely decorative. For reference this was found on a VA Farm Filed with Civil War background, perhaps colonial as well...
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    Keychain return tag
  19. I found what appears to be a Civil War Sword Hanger

    I found this puppy metal detecting The Oregon Trail in OREGON in the middle of the woods in no where on the side of the trail not on the trail It was 4 inches deep and I thought it was a coin, what is this BRASS or GOLD? any more info on this would be great It is pretty Thanks
  20. ✅ SOLVED WW1 object

    Dug a WW1 brass or copper item on U.S. Artillery Range. 3? long. About 1? wide. Has wood inside one end and a pin in the other. Looks like it was on a 1? wooden rod. Pin side has a metal floor 1/2? down.
  21. ✅ SOLVED WW1 Brass object found on U.S. artillery range

    Any idea what this is? Brass found on a WW1 artillery range. The part of the range solders fired from. Not down range. It?s exactly 3? in length.
  22. Is it real...or homemade?? What's it worth?

  23. ID help on early brass angry horse head

    this was found with other early rev war items ... any one know what it is?
  24. ID help on early brass horse

    found with other colonial artifacts going back to 1700s some military ... any one ever seen this before or know anything about it? thanks in advance
  25. Mystery token secrets revealed!

    I previously posted about a very thin brass token I found at a stone house that dates back to the Civil War. I was frustrated by my inability to determine what the faint cursive inscription said on the back since that is what I enjoy most about this hobby - namely, allowing the artifacts to...
  26. Heavy brass rectangle with "MS" cut into it

    Hello, I posted this item I found yesterday on Todays Finds, but except for a very kind Professor of Engineering, I have gotten no responses. I do not blame anyone because this is a tough I.D,. but I thought maybe by moving it here someone may recognize it. The item is 3" by 1 3/8" and...
  27. Last find before pinpointed broke: milk thermometer?

    Last find before pinpointer broke: milk thermometer? So I pulled this brass thermometer plate from my front yard just now and was surprised to see that it goes from -30 to 270 degrees. That’s quite a spectrum! But then I noticed the etchings on the temps: 32 Freezing; 62 churning; 86 for...
  28. Looking for More Information: button, buckle, gun plate?, pewter thing

    Hello All, These are recent finds from the past few weeks and were all found in the same basic neighborhood of what appear to be colonial farms here in Southeastern CT. We are looking to get some opinions on what we think we see and some identifications. First, we have this pewter button...
  29. Odd Looking Handle?

    I found both of these items on separate occasions in the same general area. When I found the first one I didn't think much of it but after finding the second I got curious. Found in Luxembourg in an area that has produced stuff from the 1600s up to modern times. Made of brass or copper except...
  30. Old Ford ? Gas / radiator cap?

    Found an old farm which last existed around 1980. It is remarkably thin and brittle. It looks like it’s made of copper or brass. Very interested in what any of you experts out there think what this thing specifically is.
  31. Cow head inside laurel wreath, circular brass insignia? Any clues?

    I found this circular brass relic near a civil war encampment that is also a farm. I wonder if it is a livestock medallion- like something you would hand someone at a 4-H competition? Anyone have any idea what this might be? Just not sure what to make of it?
  32. ✅ SOLVED Part of brass clinometer? Surveying quadrant?

    Greetings friends. I found this big ol chunk of brass (solid) while digging behind a real old plantation house in Athens Ga. It has ridges along the inside of the curve, and looks to have once been parabolic, but has seen better days. Solid brass makes me think military or surveying instrument...
  33. Sterling Buckle

    I recovered this Sterling Buckle in on 12.15.2019 in Lamar County, Mississippi, and wanted to know if anyone had any idea of approximately what year it was made and who it was made by. Other than the "sterling" mark on it, I can find no other marks of any kind.
  34. Nat'l Tube Co? Found an 1864 IHP at the property so I'm very curious, what is it?

    As far as I can tell it has this: B. ? Co. -ORD ? A .NAT'L . TUBE CO And I believe its brass, it was folded so that the letters were backwards, I tried to unfold it and.. it broke.
  35. Could This Have Gone on a Gun?

    Found this recently near a cellar hole along a local hiking trail about three miles in. The trail apparently follows an old dead road. It appears to be cast brass and when found was stuffed with what appeared to be cotton fibers. The hollow tube is flared at one end. There is a triangular notch...
  36. Brass escutcheon from late 1700's/early 1800's site, oval with 2 holes

    Hi all, I didn't post this in the Whatzits forum because I am about 90% sure that this brass escutcheon that I found is from the Revolutionary War period or maybe less than 3 or 4 decades later. I found this oval brass escutcheon with two holes in it from a site in SWPA where I've been...
  37. Revolutionary Dandy button/ Tombac button?

    Hello I believe I have found either a Dandy or Tombac button. I believe it’s Brass. It has an intact shank on the back. If anyone has input on the age , please let me know. Thank you
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