florida group trying to get permit to remove Doc Noss Gold


Jr. Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Golden Thread
Bradenton Fl
A group of treasure hunters believe to have found Doc Noss Treasure Cave, Not in Victorio Peak but in the Cabello Mountain range. They are in discussions with state and federal officials. I have first hand knowledge of the caves and of the AGI scans that were completed. I will be setting up a website from my house with complete details. Pictures, AGI scans exact locations. Just to let you know how serious this group is they installed video serve lance that is unlinked to the internet so they can watch from Florida. I am presently on site but was informed that it would be in my best interest to clear out. So after years of research and money my old partner formed a new group and surprise none of the claim or documents even list me anywhere. Do I sound bitter …. Oh yes. So the best thing I can do (or the worst) is let everyone know whats going on. I will be back in Florida Oct 1 or 2 and post the URL until then I will watch emails and upload a google earth image of the site


Many of your readers have emailed me for the LINK I don’t want the enemy group to get the URL it contains pictures and links to the New Mexico claim but most valuable is a complete description and diagram of how Bill Floto's LRL works. Then after I posted "Springfield" said "Caveat emptor" Buyer beware that is the stupidest reply. If you what to believe or check it out, fine but since I was not selling anything how does "Caveat Emptor" fit
I just sold my drill rig on eBay

How many of you arm chair treasure hunters have ever own equipment like that or the H1 hummer needed to drag it up and down NM mountains?

To the people who received the URL and have visited my site I wish you good luck and if you have any technical question on the building your own gold locater feel free to email

to the balance of readers who don’t even put forth enough effort email you will never find treasure or adventure


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Dear sfloto;
My friend, I do not think that anyone wass accusing you of anything, nor were they implying anything, therefore it's not necessary to be bitter towards this group. It's because that particular cache has generated so many news stories over the years that most people are rightly wary of anything that is connected with Doc Noss' alledged treasure. I wish you the best and I sincerely hope that you find it, my friend.
Your friend;

Received a interesting email from the “other” group

Remoman54@aol.com to me
show details 12/12/08 Reply


Bill and I know that you and Randy had a falling out. We are looking for a way that this can be a winning venture for all. We would like to offer you the same deal that was offered and accepted by Randy.

As you know, we are in the process of working on an agreement/permit with the government. Once we obtain a contract this will give us legal access to excavate. Without an agreement all treasure on government property is considered an antiquity. The antiquity protection laws state, anyone found looting treasure/antiquities is subject to ten years imprisonment and a multitude of fines that could easily exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We offered Randy 25% of the net from this project in exchange for a collective cooperation, hopefully making this a legal successful venture for all. You will not be ask for, or contractually required to provide any *funding. The only thing that may be ask of you but not required is your physical help.
(*The only cost incurred by you if you where to physically participate, would be your personal transportation)

Also, your name along with Randy's and mine would be placed on the mining claim(s) and all other government documents as they are finalized. In addition, this agreement between all parties will be in writing. Your interest will be protected by the same oversight that will protect the government's interest.
If you are interested, please contact me via e-mail. We need to receive a reply from you by December 31st, 2008 or we will assume you have no interest in our proposal.


I did not respond to this due to the fact I don’t believe I would see anything in the “net”
And I am sure the only reason the sent this email is to get me to take down the website showing all the information we have gathered.

And to “tapoutking” don’t strain yourself typing 3 letters

You guys make me laugh
According to “Stefen” the only treasure you should believe in is the one you saw with your own eyes That kind of logic goes against treasure hunting completely

I have noticed that none of the members that posted such insightful comments as “delusional, attention seeking, so called treasure hunters” have even asked for the URL to look at the evidence What does that tell you
1. don’t bother them facts
2. they have seen the documentation and want to discourage others
3. ?

So over the next couple weeks I will post interesting pictures and facts since I doubt Treasurenet will allow me to post the 2.6 GB of data I have on my server.

Lets start with the Lode Claim my brother Bill Floto filed


search for Serial # NMMC177520

Since this will give the exact location BE CAREFUL they have a online camera watching (solar powered)


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"Lets start with the Lode Claim my brother Bill Floto filed"

Does that mean they have set their camera up on your brothers claim ?

Yes the camera setup is watching bills Claim. It is not directly on the claim it is across the valley (see image)

This link will take you to the exact location . The white colored area is the collapse where is the cave entrance. I will post pictures of the cave later.

One treasurenet members has already been down in the first section (sent me a photo)


This photo shows the collapse area in the distance with the camera in the foreground

I shut down my webserver while I am out of town (going Sking) a webserver open to the internet invites hacker attacks I will be back Sunday or Monday and will start it again



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Sorry meant to inclued this image


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Doc Noss found his treasure inside Victorio Peak !! Willie Daught found his treasure in the Caballos !! Doc Noss and Willie were friends----Doc took Willie to Victorio Peak to show him what he had found-------and Noss found Willie's cave without his help, which upset Willie to no end ! I heard this from Willie's own mouth....................

Just though I would post some Pictures from inside the cave
In answer to some of your questions, We have explored any areas that were accessable. But it is mine and the group still working the site that Doc collapsed this cave system tring to make access easier. Yes just like what is said to have happened at Victorio.
first picture The collape area
second picture Entrance to caves
Third "Single rung ladder" like Doc described
forth ladder to lower area
Fifth Me crawling to cavern where Markings denote docs death and the year
sixth Cavern


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I have had a couple questions about the cave marking dealing with docs death and what happened to the web site

First the web site Verizon reminded me that it was against residential policy to have a web server open to the internet. So I either had to upgrade to a commercial account or turn it off. So I am going to have GoDaddy host the site when I get time to set it up. Due to the changing oil prices my business has been keeping me very busy.

Now the cave markings I am attaching a picture of two sets of markings

First, The pictures do not show the markings clearly we tried to get several I will post the best.
Second Yes, Anyone could have scratched these markings they prove nothing, these are posted for full disclosure

Third (How they were found ) It was probably our forth or fifth trip into the cave we had purchased headband LED lights, we were using hand held flashlights before. Randy
Was sliding down an incline on his back ( very tight area) when he yells out that there are marking on the ceiling . The only way in to this area is flat on your back but because we were using headband lights now the light was shining on the ceiling the markings were visible.

What I see in the markings There are 5or 6 separate words and 2 symbols the first word visable is DOC then under is what looks like Mano or maro (unknown)
Next rock says dead 1949
Last rock we were unable to make any sense.


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I posted this in the “New Mexico” forum

Ask yourself a couple questions

1 where was Doc living when he found the gold?
Answer Hot Springs NM now Truth or Consequences NM
2 How far away was Victorio Peak from his home
Answer 140 miles of some of the worst roads
3 Why would a man during the deepest part of the depression drive 5 to 6 hours to go Hunting?
Answer He would not
4 Why claim you found the gold while hunting 6 hours away.
Answer To keep people from looking close to T or C NM
5. Why blow the entrance to Victorio
Answer So people will not find out that Victorio is a ruse

The one question I get a lot is Why do we think this is Doc Noss’s gold

When we started searching we believed the treasure was in Victorio and that “the government” had removed it long ago. So we were looking for the gold move by doc and we had guessed Doc would have moved it closer to home TorC . When we located this site (I go into great detail in my website) we thought we had found one of Doc’s stash points. It wasn’t until later we realized Victorio was a fake and this was the actual treasure location. (we believe)
What we feel really happen (short version)
1.Doc finds the cave in the Cabello Mts
2 Doc continues to remove gold with the help of a young Mexican boy from Cabello Mtn
3 In an effort to speed up the recovery attempts to blow an access hole from a lower level
4 Doc collapse the Cave (see pictures)
5 Doc realizing he just blocked the entrance to the cave need financial help to regain access
6 Doc takes some of the gold and takes it 6 hours away to some caves he knew about and “Finds” the gold so he can raise money without giving away the real location
7 Doc takes some of the money and starts excavating the collapse in the cabello mtn
8 when recovery is taking longer then expected Doc must blow up the site in Victorio to cover that there is no gold there.
9 After Doc dies the Mexican helper continues to try to gain access to the cave.

There are several clues in the book “100 tons of Gold” that point to this being an acceptable scenario

I look forward to reasonable discussion about this topic it consumed many years of my life
Please no stupid comments like “delusional, attention seeking, so called treasure hunters” or “I used to be Doc in a previous life” or “Docs son/grandson/aunt/uncle is my partner “
I have offered my opinion and the facts I have to back it up. I am not selling anything charging for my website(when I get it back up)

The next most popular question deals with AGI scans


This is the company we rented the equipment from. We have rented three times and it is not cheap. My brother took the class on how to run the equipment (big mistake does not get along with high tech equipment. That is why we needed to rent it a few more times.

Attached is a image generated by AGI directly over the main cavern (this is what I was trying to drill into

The units are in feet That puts the cavern size at 240 ft long and 70 ft High

This is NOT the location of the treasure but the point that Doc called “large enough to drive a train” the Treasure cave is 2200 feet away we AGI imaged that too.


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AMUSING, So you believe that old hole is the entrance ehh. I can show you caves from one end of that mountain to the other. Showing me a cave with markings that are garbage, along with resistive games is nothing.

Do you know the laws concerning caves today? I would advise you read up on such.
Got to love this mess of folks in the Caballos.

I like the camera. That it the true nature of belief and paranoid.
Do you know were the cross in the tree is on the back side off from the radio stations? Do you know were the rock not far from the road is that is marked LF BH? How about way down the hill the rock with a mule on it?? Ahh the fun of playing in the Caballos.

Yes there are caves, I didn’t say there wasn’t . We found a lot of them, explored a few . If you read my post CAREFULY I say them marking prove nothing.
Are you saying you don’t believe the camera is there or that that’s its there and the group is paranoid? I just didn’t what anyone to investigate the collapse without knowing they are being watched. The tree cross was shown to us by the rancher but the others we did not find how about these ( see pictures)
Why don’t you show pictures of the markings I would love to see them
The one statement I don’t get is “along with resistive games is nothing” are you familiar with this equipment? Are you saying that it does not work or that we didn’t use it? Or what ?


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"that’s its there and the group is paranoid?" Very much so it seems. Not to many spring for a satalite feed solar powered camera. ROTFLMAO:

As for the equipment ( ground resistivity) it is useful, though you should have bit the dust and had a truly trained person use it. You will find that such may not show you what you think it is, yet you will usually find some abnormality.

The next problem you have is a clause in the laws that now protect any thing even resembling a cave. You had best find out about them.

You can start here.

And be careful, that hole tends to have a bad air problem during certain times of the year. Not really safe any other time due to all the loose material over head in spots. Good luck with your project.

I will be out of the country for a week or so I will be checking emails but will not be posting or answering questions till I get back. On the agenda when I return is How the Long Range Locater we built works and the theory on why ( no dowsing rods and tested to 12 miles in Big Bend park in Texas) Treasurenet used to have a forum on LLR but I cannot find it, so I will post here.
To lostcauses It uses cellular not satellite, I think you mean “bite the bullet “ not “bite the dust” If left to the government we would do NOTHING we have been there at all times of the year there is no Bad air but when ever you are in a cave, care should be taken.

Good afternoon swr: You posted --> TreasureNet no longer allows discussions about LRLs.

Unfortunately that is not entirely correct, it only bans a certain member from pushing his own product or company.

Quote -->.

"This forum is limited to the discussion of simple, inexpensive (or FREE!) devices and techniques. That means NO discussion of electrical devices of any kind.? Feel free to discuss L-rods, Spanish dip needles, map dowsing, and other dowsing related subjects.

Because of past experience with similar forums, I will not have much patience in the forum, so if you veer off topic you just might find your post deleted and your permissions restricted. If you have some constructive information to share about dowsing then great, feel free to post!!? ?If you want to post just to toot your own horn or to sneak in links to your long range locator website, then beware - I am ready to ban you! PERMANENTLY!

Marc Austin

Don Jose de La Mancha

Wow of all the postings to get a violent response, I guess I will wait till I get my site back up with GoDaddy before I go into detail about LLR’s . Just for the readers that did not make it out to my site before Verizon shut me down. We have dealt with all of the LLR flakes out there (no names here). When we were building equipment under the name of Mavtech (sold thru an advertiser on this site) We made a discovery that changed the way we searched for precious metals. The basis behind our LLR is scientific but there is no way I could live within the constraints of “limited to the discussion of simple, inexpensive (or FREE!) devices and techniques” . Our LLR is not simple or inexpensive. For readers with a scientific and open mind may find this information useful. As with any breakthrough I always felt that improvement would require input from many disciplines. Just to state point of fact I am not changing any money for this information. One of your readers has already started to build a LLR from the plans I had up on the website He has emailed me twice for clarifications that helped my better describe the process of building the LLR. Joe told me what sold him was the simple test anyone could perform with a piece of magnesium and two pieces of gold, silver, or copper. That demonstrated the princeapal I truly am sorry Treasurenet had bad experiences with the LLR forum so this will be the last mention of LLR’s by me, here.

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