DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Why obviously, for SUPERVISING the excavation work of course! :tongue3: :notworthy:

Please do continue;

OK - a director's chair for Oro, a comfortable shovel with a padded end for me to lean on ... and I guess an old dinged-up pick and shovel (working models) for Don Jose. Don't worry, t-tramp, we'll provide a nice pair of gloves too.

OK - a director's chair for Oro, a comfortable shovel with a padded end for me to lean on ... and I guess an old dinged-up pick and shovel (working models) for Don Jose. Don't worry, t-tramp, we'll provide a nice pair of gloves too.

Seriously, I would be happy to help for the pleasure of seeing the result; can't do as much work as I once could, but would sure operate the shovel as much as I can.

Please do continue;

Seriously, I would be happy to help for the pleasure of seeing the result; can't do as much work as I once could, but would sure operate the shovel as much as I can.

Please do continue;

Unfortunately, that particular hole has serious security risks attached. Anyway, my lower back and hands paid a dear price to the beloved pick and shovel in days gone by. Actually, I preferred a 24" forged crowbar, a 12" flat-tipped screwdriver and a short-handled shovel, but my digging days are probably behind me, .... unless ...

Welcome mallent, Glad to have you join us, keep watching theres more to come, If you want to share some of your treasure hunting adventures your in the right place, np:cat:

What makes the caballo mnts so special that someone would want to go through all the trouble to hide a huge treasure in this location,
theres a reason for everything, what would have been their motives, and why didn't they come back and recover It. what history is lost
here.? any Idea's. np:cat:

What makes the caballo mnts so special that someone would want to go through all the trouble to hide a huge treasure in this location,
theres a reason for everything, what would have been their motives, and why didn't they come back and recover It. what history is lost
here.? any Idea's. np:cat:

Logistics. It's a big, nasty, cave-riddled ridge with a million places to hide stuff. Right at its toe is the Rio Grande and the easiest access to most all of New Mexico for, probably, thousands of years. No-brainer. Same goes for the Organs, above Las Cruces. Hembrillo Basin? - more remote, less water.

I agree with Springfield . If they had to choose between the caves , they would choose a cave easy to reach , with good lookout and water close by .

Now , because we are talking about water , I give you a clue . In the red map , the trail after the " pasar " is not the closest . They have chosen this trail because little before turns to the " almacen " has a water tank . And is this :


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Most Treasure hunters and researchers, that have been gifted in one way or another, through research or enlightenment of some form
will find out later in life that it would have been better to have shared the knowledge they possess. enlightenment to others for their dreams
and means of escape is why you were given the knowledge in the first place. when the time comes share it with others, holding on to lost secrets
is why they became lost to start with. no matter how big or small , every detail could be the key to opening the past, and solving a mystery. np:cat:

Im just curious, has anyone had a chance to use the info I posted on here about what doc had hidden next to the spring at Rincon? this is first hand knowledge of something hidden by doc that has never had the location given out to my knowledge. I hope someone takes the time to go look. because, as far as I know the family never did, good luck. np:cat:

This was my response to your post about that: "I live in Albuquerque, and can serve as feet, but have no time to research the claims out. I'm already heavily invested research wise in three other projects, but love to find excuses to drive and hunt on sites. I was in the Narrows at the Malpais just last week, working on some leads with a friend from the Acoma Pueblo. If you are willing to feed me maps, directions, etc. I can go to claim sites and take photos & video, and have metal detectors too."

But I never heard a thing...

Im just curious, has anyone had a chance to use the info I posted on here about what doc had hidden next to the spring at Rincon? this is first hand knowledge of something hidden by doc that has never had the location given out to my knowledge. I hope someone takes the time to go look. because, as far as I know the family never did, good luck. np:cat:

Not Peralta, if you want me to go check anything out, Shoot me a PM with GPS coordinates and any other info on the claims in question.

UncleMatt, after this weekend I will pm you. thank you. np:cat:

I have seen some of the things that have come out of the caballo's , and I have seen many different types of gold and silver bars, the two gold bars that I saw had Spanish symbols, Im sure they were fake,even the symbols didn't make sense, but I can honestly say most of the gold and silver bars that I saw would predate the Spanish, and a lot of the other items ive seen were Aztec and early
jewish christion religious items, which at the time was very curious to me, any one else see this type of gold or silver bars from the caballo's, please let me know. np:cat:

I have seen some of the things that have come out of the caballo's , and I have seen many different types of gold and silver bars, the two gold bars that I saw had Spanish symbols, Im sure they were fake,even the symbols didn't make sense, but I can honestly say most of the gold and silver bars that I saw would predate the Spanish, and a lot of the other items ive seen were Aztec and early
jewish christion religious items, which at the time was very curious to me, any one else see this type of gold or silver bars from the caballo's, please let me know. np:cat:

I've never been to New Mexico but here are some things that might get you started on your research.

Alonso de Estrada


Cause for Canonization of Servant of God Queen Isabel the Catholic

The Edict of Expulsion of the Jews - 1492 Spain

You might want to research the converso and crypto Jews that were involved in the exploration and settlement of the southwest and Mexico as well as other places in the New World.

MDOG, thank you ,some I have already research, I even have friends in different areas doing great research on the very subject im talking about, theres always been lost knowledge and history that we were never taught, about fourty years ago is when I personally started becoming aware of these different civilizations , things just kept occurring that didn't make sense to me, so I started asking the hard questions hoping to get answers. thank you. np:cat:

MDOG, thank you ,some I have already research, I even have friends in different areas doing great research on the very subject im talking about, theres always been lost knowledge and history that we were never taught, about fourty years ago is when I personally started becoming aware of these different civilizations , things just kept occurring that didn't make sense to me, so I started asking the hard questions hoping to get answers. thank you. np:cat:

You're welcome. This stuff is very interesting to me. I like to read Roger Snow's posts about evidence that the Phoenicians mined in the southwest. Here's a link about a Choctaw/Chickasaw legend.

I believe the Mound Building cultures used latitude to set up their sacred sites. I also like Roger's stories about the Tanit columns placed up high.

You're welcome. This stuff is very interesting to me. I like to read Roger Snow's posts about evidence that the Phoenicians mined in the southwest. Here's a link about a Choctaw/Chickasaw legend.

I believe the Mound Building cultures used latitude to set up their sacred sites. I also like Roger's stories about the Tanit columns placed up high.

Here's a possible link between this legend and your area.

The latitude of the sacred mound, Nanih Waiya is 32deg 55' 17". This place is in Mississippi.
Victorio Peak, far to the west, is at 32deg 55' 26".

Kinda strange.

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