gollum said:
Here is something I don't know if you have ever seen or not, but some time ago, I was sent this snippet of a newspaper article.
It talks about how Milton Doc Noss was a dinner guest of a certain Captain Emil Holmdahl. In case that name is not familiar to you, Captain Emil Holmdahl was an important officer that worked for Pancho Villa in the Mexican Revolution.
It was a well known fact that Pancho Villa looted as much of the wealth of the country as he could. Could this be a connection between Pancho Villa's Loot and Victorio Peak? Since many of the aristocracy of Old Mexico were rooted in Europe, that would explain the Euromail as well. Maybe Maximillian's Crown Jewels were recovered by Villa and hidden in VP until after the Revolucion as an insurance policy for himself.
I believe you are close to being on the right track here. Here are a few facts about Holmdahl:
In 1952 Secret Service Agents questioned him about a rumored $20,000,000 in gold ingots that someone had smuggled across the border. Holmdahl denied any knowledge of it, and the investigation was dropped. Was it some of Villa's loot?
Emil was known to have a connection with a banker in Morenci, AZ........Home of the DeGrazia family. One of Ted's companions in the Superstitions was a man named Jose Compoy, a Yaqui native to the Sierra Madre. Holmdahl spoke Yaqui....."like a native". Another man who also accompanied DeGrazia into the Superstitions was Marko Romero of Chihuahua, who claimed he had ridden with Pancho Villa.
Rumors of gold ingots in Mexico, and Emil Holmdahl, are prolific. LaFrance's cave of gold bars comes readily to mind here.
It would make a very good adventure yarn.
Take care,