Louisburg, N.C. men believe they have found $18,483 in civil war gold

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"...believe they've discovered $18,483 in riches buried during the Civil War"

Go to "Tar Heel Traveler Wral Tv 5 you can look for the one that was one monday May 20, 2013
Louisburg treasure seekers hunt Civil War gold :: WRAL.com
This contains an interesting slideshow of Bubba & Austin,showing marked trees,pointing to a map,holding a paper with symbols drawn upon it,and three staged photos of coins.
The WRAL teaser claimed,"Two local treasure hunters have found CLUES that lead to trillions of dollars in Confederate gold",and the banner under the slideshow,"...believe they've discovered...".
NO WHERE does it say FOUND!
Believing they found and finding are not quite the same.

It's buried in a government owned cemetery and they can't get permission from the Feds to dig. Of course this is after the Feds gave their request to do so serious consideration. There's a better chance of monkeys flying out of Bubba beard than there is the Feds ever giving he and Albert the nod to go dig up a trillion in gold. If the Feds thought there was any credibility to their story you can bet Seal Team 6 has already gotten in and out of Louisburg with the goods.

Sounds like someone else who knows where where pirate treasure is buried,but THEY WON'T LET HIM DIG.
As easy out for BIG TALK.
Incidently,ALL assets of the CSA were surrendered to the USA,and any assets found belong to the Federal gonernment. Amendment 14 of the CONSTITUTION states that the USA government is NOT responsible for debts incurred by the CSA.

Government needs money, and there are stories of other Government operations stepping in and taking the stash, so just why do they not want to look in to enough gold that would go one heck of a long way to resolving the national debt???

Besides the fact, that believing and finding are two different things, the trillions in gold, would only be worth billions in gold, since the gold market would crash, before it was sold. Some people are just dreamers.

Anyone that thought they knew where a trillion dollars in gold was, would DIG, permit or no permit. Seems like BS is over inflated nowdays. How many people KNOW where millions or trillions in gold is, and are just waiting for the permit!

"Believe they found". What a joke. You either have FOUND something and have it in your hand or you have nothing. Maybe if I believe I have a new corvette sitting in my drive way it will mysteriously appear tomorrow. About as much chance of these two finding a single coin of "confederate gold".

Omg. What a load of malarchy. I wish mods could shut down bs threads aimed at misleading treasure hunters

Where is the proof. I'm not calling anyone a liar I just like to see before I believe

If its in a national cemetary is either one of y'all a veteran. First off I would have never involved the government in this at all. They are out for the money just as bad as you are

If the Confederate States had that much gold or money the war would have lasted much longer. They didn't have enough money for weapons, uniforms, or even food. Hip boots might not even be good enough for this lame story, I think I'll put om my chest waders since the BS is getting too deep around here.

There are stories all over the lower 48 about countless treasures hidden by the confederacy but amazingly none have been reported to have been proven within a shadow of a doubt they were found. You have to remember. I had around 9 family members that fought in the confederacy with Albert pikes Cherokees. We have pictures of them and other units and the confederacy just wasn't funded as well as the union. A lot of the soldiers had to walk miles barefooted and would wait a few days to a week before getting rations or new ammo. Unless the confederate army was withholding the payroll from their men in order to rise again I don't see a point in burying that much gold. And come on trillions. You could have made it more believable by saying hundreds of thousands.

The proof is going to be a while in revealing. I have the proof locked away in two safe deposit boxes. With so much at stake the proof will come after we get permission and get some of the 58 depositories treasures recovered.

Like I said before, you haven't RECOVERED ANYTHING! You only have a belief that if you get to dig you will find it.

Way to go Jason;) no factual proof just beliefs. You could always go out and get a ground penetrating radar and look in the ground. You could probably find that lucky leperachan with trillions of dollars in gold sitting in his vault;)

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