Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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True that , fool not yourself , that if you find a treasure on U.S. Soil , you won't own it very long at all .

Especially so , if it evidences pre-Colombian Contact .

Take it from this kid that was abducted and Tortured by U.S. Intel Agents ,

They are going to get it no matter the security you surround it with .

if you think you're safe , I'm watching them watch this Forum .

" Always awake , always around , they simply take , what you have found "

Believe .
save the tin foil
you're being beamed in on

I kid you not .

Server's from 2 point's
Moffit airbase Ca.
other one Virginia

Moffit using Tracking

yeah yeah , I know , Moffit is Google ,,, right ?

Was that another Sheeple I heard BAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa

it's real man

Not to dissuade , but I'm not pushing B.S. , if you hit Big , you'll get company ,
and do not believe that Having News Media onsite to document it , means anything to them .

If you have Children , they'll threaten to kill them .

and with my Dad , they did .

yepper ,, pay those taxes

they need the latest Tech to use on you .

just sayin' ya unnerstan
ABSOLUTELY the truth.
IF you dig and hit "big",,,total blackout is imperative,,
I fully suspect that quite a bit of ancient "High tech" has been recovered from various parts of the world as well.
But you are TOTALLY correct that if "they" hear you have found anything of substantial value,, you WILL have a knock at your door and you will most likely have those item(s) removed from your possession.
We all come here to read of everyones "finds" and discoveries,,but on the same note how many of those who posted large finds here have never came back?
Personally I would NEVER make public ANY large historical or "treasure find.

Yes the government gets all treasures and all historical artifacts found above or below ground. If you find something above ground in the 2' of land owners ground you must leave it and report it and stop all digging. If its under the 2' that is owned by the gov. then you must take it to the heritage office and wait to see if you can keep digging for foundations, pools, well, etc. Now as a mining company we got the mineral rights to New Ross and we can dig if we prove whats there and the land owner has little say in it. Mining is big money in Nova Scotia. Now if we do a dig and find treasure then we call the gov. and they take it all :BangHead: (except ) if there is any uncut diamonds,uncut gems stones, or gold nuggets then we get them:hello2:. In that area I am sure who was here first found a lot of major gold nuggets and stones but did they have the time or knowledge to cut them:icon_scratch:. So if any minerals were added to any treasure we would own it .
When we did our TV show we were hunting for treasure but during the filming of the show our equipment showed GOLD and we drilled 3 holes and found gold nuggets. A lot of people thought we faked the equipment readings for the show , YA if I did why are we still on site 4 years later 8-) . After filming we started our mining company an now we use treasure hunting equipment to hunt for all kinds of minerals.

Interesting point about the uncut stones. So if there were uncut stones in a treasure hoard they are considered separately from the rest of the treasure?

Interesting point about the uncut stones. So if there were uncut stones in a treasure hoard they are considered separately from the rest of the treasure?
I am sure the Templars would not bring uncut stones to the new world or gold nuggets with a treasure . I would think the nuggets would be melted down. So if we found just a few stones uncut or gold nuggets then this hunt paid off. We are working with the government and the museum so yes they will be on site to take anything found. They will not be coming to my house to look for treasure from the site.

True that , fool not yourself , that if you find a treasure on U.S. Soil , you won't own it very long at all .

Especially so , if it evidences pre-Colombian Contact .

1. To reiterate Smith's point: this is Canada we're talking about, and, yeah, there's a difference.

2. Pre-Colombian contact has been an accepted fact for quite a while now. Hardly something that will get you visited by men in dark suits for suggesting.

View attachment 1349160

Quote : " I fully suspect that quite a bit of ancient "High tech" has been recovered from various parts of the world as well. "

Pictured Artifact is 80Lb Gold Nugget , Photograph taken with 1958 Yashika 35mm Camera ( sitting beside me ) in 1986 ,
Inside Knights Templar Vault I entered .

Ancient Tech ?

First , I have posted links , to the story . So yes , if you click my avatar and search my post , you can read the back story .

Artifacts in the Cave were set there By Knights Templar , My Ancestors to be exact .

Second , and a Provable FACT , Until I posted on the Old Oak Island Forum , that Oak Island was a KT site

no where , anywhere , did any single person make that claim .

In Fact , The concept that Knight Templar Vaults existed here in the U.S. , was unknown and never stated before I proved it
and began posting it on the Net .

So far , I haven't seen : Smithbrown , Raparee and others post one single sliver of useful Data

I have however , read their post and find almost their entire diatribe to be construed as attempt to irritate , instigate argument

harass or just void of anything to interest a reader .

To reiterate my statement : I lived through the events , you did not , I'll educate you with facts if you can manage
to pay attention , refrain from fruitless obnoxious postings so those who wish to Learn can absorb the material
without having to jump over your Sour Mash , empty post ..

if you can educate us with facts on Knights Templar Vaults

I'm Listening .

You cannot . so why bother people dudes ?

Wouldn't be , that you feed on distracting people would it ?

Don't bother to answer thank you .

View attachment 1349161

Back Side of Nugget

Note symbols of 7 separate Civilizations as Covered in Knights Document.


If you can , please name each of the symbols , and to what Civilization each belonged to .


The Nugget was coated with a substance when I took this Picture
what substance would that be ?

There was a simple Icon atop the entrance to this Cavern where this Artifact was deposited ,
The Icon was a Knights personal strikemark .
It was that Mark , when I found it , That told me I'd Hit .

Describe that Iconography if you can , describe it's other uses beyond the owners use of it as a Strike Mark .

and please , try to raise your hand for permission to rise and leave the Room .

if you can educate us with facts on Knights Templar Vaults

I'm Listening .

Here's a Templar fact for you: There has been no verifiable, reliable, credible evidence presented to suggest that any Templar has ever set foot on this side of the Atlantic. You can take that statement of fact as an attempt to irritate or instigate argument if you would like, but it doesn't change the truth of it. If you are going to make such ridiculous claims on a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised when someone challenges them.

View attachment 1349161

Back Side of Nugget

Note symbols of 7 separate Civilizations as Covered in Knights Document.


If you can , please name each of the symbols , and to what Civilization each belonged to .


The Nugget was coated with a substance when I took this Picture
what substance would that be ?

There was a simple Icon atop the entrance to this Cavern where this Artifact was deposited ,
The Icon was a Knights personal strikemark .
It was that Mark , when I found it , That told me I'd Hit .

Describe that Iconography if you can , describe it's other uses beyond the owners use of it as a Strike Mark .

and please , try to raise your hand for permission to rise and leave the Room .

Tell you what, bud. You presented this ... thing. Let's hear your interpretation supported by evidence. What evidence led you to conclude that this ... thing ... was a Templar artifact? ... that the carvings on it represent some seven civilizations, and that this 'icon' or 'strike mark' is some super secret Templar marking. Let's see some proof that you did anything besides loot a Native site.

Dave, I thought that only Mexico had bad internet service ??

Mexico, parts of Asia, parts of the Middle East, the middle of nowhere, Yokosuka once or twice a year, and every effing cheap (and most not so cheap) hotel/motel in conus.

In my experience, bad internet connections at hotels is like cabbies that don't speak good English...the country is unimportant, so one had best prepare ahead of time.

ABSOLUTELY the truth.
IF you dig and hit "big",,,total blackout is imperative,,
I fully suspect that quite a bit of ancient "High tech" has been recovered from various parts of the world as well.
But you are TOTALLY correct that if "they" hear you have found anything of substantial value,, you WILL have a knock at your door and you will most likely have those item(s) removed from your possession.
We all come here to read of everyones "finds" and discoveries,,but on the same note how many of those who posted large finds here have never came back?
Personally I would NEVER make public ANY large historical or "treasure find.

I learned that lesson back in 1968 when I read about the guy that found 26 Mill in processed gold in 1948. He made the papers, learned about "Treasure Trove Tax,50%" and then about Income Tax (at that time 98%), ended up with 260K and then Arizona asked for there State Tax. Do you want Fame or Money? Personally I would rather have the money,

Treasminder your on thin ice, no more insults or threats......

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


Jebus , alright , I'll give it one more try .

I am not speaking of Oak Island

I am speaking of these supposed Templar Vaults you Referred to in your Title Header .

As the Templar Vault located in New Ross as you have put it .

Ok ?

Here's the query : Why and what was the purpose of these Knights , to build these vaults , fill them with supposed
treasure , seal the vaults , and walk away abandoning these supposed Vaults ?

If the way I illustrate the query is too abstract to comprehend , I can reword it in any way you'd like .

Thank you for a simple answer , Like : They did this because ______--------- "

Alrighty ?

Relics that have valid provenance are evidence.
Even if only portions of what was to be erased is represented.

IF new world works were only reliquary in nature and not designed to be a fortress or underground safe house or stable , there would be no sense in staying near it/them and attracting attention.
Numbers of order , and current events requiring being in another country too could have been factors in dispersal from site(s):dontknow:

Here's a Templar fact for you: There has been no verifiable, reliable, credible evidence presented to suggest that any Templar has ever set foot on this side of the Atlantic. You can take that statement of fact as an attempt to irritate or instigate argument if you would like, but it doesn't change the truth of it. If you are going to make such ridiculous claims on a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised when someone challenges them.
Well maybe,,,
Columbus ships DID in fact fly the Templar "cross" on their mainsail.

Here's a Templar fact for you: There has been no verifiable, reliable, credible evidence presented to suggest that any Templar has ever set foot on this side of the Atlantic. You can take that statement of fact as an attempt to irritate or instigate argument if you would like, but it doesn't change the truth of it. If you are going to make such ridiculous claims on a public forum, you shouldn't be surprised when someone challenges them.

True, but does that make it impossible or even improbable? The Templars did have the vessels (probably the 18 that one knight mentioned in his testimony) they did disappear, the Knights Templar 'Master of France' went missing at the same time, also mentioned by that same knight as having been on the way to the anchored ships, after which he became the most wanted man in France. During the testimony of the only two Templars arrested in Scotland one said the Master had fled across the sea. They did have the motive and the Vikings did prove small galleys could cross the North Atlantic, these are facts.

Probablys; The Knights Templar had interaction with the Norse and could have learned of the North Atlantic Routes from Them.

Theory's; The Shugborough code with a relief in reverse of the Poussin mentioned in the Shepherdess Parchment, if deciphered in its simplest form gives a latitude and longitude of Nova Scotia. Both the Shugborough inscription and the Poussin indicate the "r" in the word "arcadia" should be removed rendering the word "acadia". IMHO, these clues are almost as reliable as the Sagas that led to Newfoundland.

Many said that the Vikings didn't make the trip to North America, but after many years of searching it was proven that they did in 1960.

If you wish you could take these statements as an attempt to irritate or instigate argument, but in reality I'm only defending my position.

Cheers, Loki

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True, but does that make it impossible or even improbable? The Templars did have the vessels (probably the 18 that one knight mentioned in his testimony) they did disappear, the Knights Templar 'Master of France' went missing at the same time, also mentioned by that same knight as having been on the way to the anchored ships, after which he became the most wanted man in France. During the testimony of the only two Templars arrested in Scotland one said the Master had fled across the sea. They did have the motive and the Vikings did prove small galleys could cross the North Atlantic, these are facts.

Probablys; The Knights Templar had interaction with the Norse and could have learned of the North Atlantic Routes from Them.

Theory's; The Shugborough code with a relief in reverse of the Poussin mentioned in the Shepherdess Parchment, if deciphered in its simplest form gives a latitude and longitude of Nova Scotia. Both the Shugborough inscription and the Poussin indicate the "r" in the word "arcadia" should be removed rendering the word "acadia". IMHO, these clues are almost as reliable as the Sagas that led to Newfoundland.

Many said that the Vikings didn't make the trip to North America, but after many years of searching it was proven that they did in 1960.

If you wish you could take these statements as an attempt to irritate or instigate argument, but in reality I'm only defending my position.

Cheers, Loki

Hi Loki. Respect.

I'd agree that it is possible, but considering the string of "maybes" and "could haves" that would have to had occurred, I would say that it is improbable. For instance, the claim regarding the 18 vessels was based on information gained through torture, which is a highly unreliable means of obtaining credible intelligence. The Scottish trial revealed that the Master fled across the sea, but which sea? North Sea? Irish Sea? Why does it have to be the Atlantic? The Norse could have informed the Templars of their northern island hopping, but did they? The Norse did prove that the voyage to Nfld was possible, but then a Norse longship is not a Templar galley... because the Norse did it doesn't mean that the Templars did, or even could. Because Tim Severin crossed the Atlantic in a currach doesn't mean that St. Brendan did.
To be honest, and with no intent to offend, your theory on the Shugborough inscription seems even more tenuous. Of all the suggested interpretations, why is yours the right one? Why is it reasonable to pull letters out of carved words in order to completely change their meaning and support your theory? Why can't a cigar simply be a cigar?

It's an interesting notion, and the romance of it is appealing -- I mean, Dan Brown sold all kinds of poorly written books about this sort of thing -- but to act as though all the "maybes" are fact, seems rather silly. Not that I'm suggesting that's how you are proceeding, but there are people out there who are. I mean, look at the title of this very thread.

Have a good Sunday.

Well maybe,,,
Columbus ships DID in fact fly the Templar "cross" on their mainsail.

Was it a Templar cross or a Genoese cross? He was from Genoa, no?

True, but does that make it impossible or even improbable?

Impossible? Very little is impossible and this is not one of those things. Improbable? Given the amount of assumptions and leaps of logic necessary for this theory to work, I'd say yes, it's improbable.

lokiblossom said:
Probablys; The Knights Templar had interaction with the Norse and could have learned of the North Atlantic Routes from Them.

A Norseman at the time would probably have shared that information in exchange for a gift or service. If the Templar asking was also a Norseman, it might have even been accurate information. :)

That having been said, it was a dangerous journey if the Sagas are to be believed and experienced captains were preferred. Simply knowing that there was something "over there," how long the trip would take under good conditions, and the best time of year to try to make it wouldn't be any guarantee of success.

I suppose that they could have hired such an experienced captain (who would want to bring his own crew, naturally) to help them make the journey, but now you have another big variable in the equation: can those Norse be trusted with this knowledge? (Answer: no, they can't.). So now you have to deal with them after you get to your destination, assuming that you make it.

But before you have to deal with your Norse crew, you'll certainly have to deal with the Skraelings - those lovable locals that the Norse had previously pissed off to the point of instigating all out warfare. That was three centuries earlier, which is a long time to a people that don't write things down. Would they still remember Europeans? How would they remember them? The Sagas were written a few centuries after the events they described happened based on oral histories and seem to have gotten the main points correct, particularly with regard to the New World. (More on that in a moment.). Is it unreasonable to think that the natives might remember Europeans as those sneaky, two-faced murderers that arrived as friends and then turned on them? It's hard to say, but it's a strong possibility. So now you have a fair chance of being greeted by unfriendly locals that hate Europeans. They won't be interested in talking, which is just as well; neither of you speak a common language anyway. Whatever you're planning on doing in the New World, you're going to be doing while being attacked by locals. How many locals would there have been? Per the oral histories via the Sagas, "Too many."

At this point we're gambling on getting our item(s) of value onto ships, getting those ships safely to the New World, tying up loose ends after we get there, fighting off hostile natives, and hoping that something as mundane and silly as a nasty disease, poor sanitation, or a lack of food and water when they got there didn't wipe out the whole damned expedition. Here lies the paradox: anything so valuable to require a mission so dangerous, and with such a low chance of success, is too valuable to endanger by sending it on such a journey.

lokiblossom said:
Many said that the Vikings didn't make the trip to North America, but after many years of searching it was proven that they did in 1960.

Many did not read the Sagas, or didn't believe them to be true.

I find it interesting that the Icelanders not only wrote about the New World, but also the people who went there, why they went there, and what they did while they were there, but that few outside of Iceland believed any of it until the archaeologists started digging things up. Such is the power of forensic evidence in context.

Are there any contemporary sources talking about ex-Templars taking a treasure to the New World, or is this whole thing really based on a piece of fiction which is in turn based on a pseudo historical piece that itself belongs in the fiction section of the book store? And if there are no contemporary sources discussing this, why compare this theory to the Norse?

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