Seasons greetings amigos,
There has been a lot of comment to address, so this is of necessity a very long post. I must beg your indulgence.
SWR aka Yammy Elf wrote
There is no historical facts saying the Jesuits were involved in gold/silver mining here in the New World, or they hide huge amounts of gold/silver to be recovered at a latter date. Jesuit treasure legends are just that...legends and folklore.
For the benefit of our readers, I will point out that SWR's remarks here are false. The Jesuits were involved in mining in the New World, they did hide treasures - though here I need to emphasize his use of the description of "huge amounts of gold/silver" which is what the Jesuit apologists keep repeating is
misleading. The treasures hidden by Jesuits were, at least by some folks' standards, fairly small yet are respectable. Jesuit treasure legends are very far from being "legends and folklore". I have no doubt that Yammy Elf believes what he has posted, and in this belief he has the support of Lamar. I for one do not share that belief.
Yammy Elf aka SWR also wrote
Hum...prove something doesn't exist. That's kind of a stretch, ain't it?
In discussions/conversations that is called trying to prove a negative
I would suggest you (or another member here) may wish to look for any investigations done during the colonial period, which might lend some credence to "proving the negative". For example, with the Salero mine, if you could find a record where some NON-Jesuit actually first discovered and worked the mine, (many Spanish colonists did record their claims, though many also did not) you would have evidence against Jesuit discovery and ownership.
Lamar wrote
I would rather not discuss the Inquisition, as it is not the subject matter of this thread, but have no dispute with you whom wish to discuss it. I won't indulge you though with any further comment on it.
Lamar also wrote
Dear oroblanco;
Would you care to wager 20 dollars that the person who write that particular passage was NOT a Roman Catholic?
So? Your point is....what? That this person, as a witness,
can be trusted since he was not a Roman Catholic? What are you trying to say about Roman Catholics amigo? Are you saying that ONLY a Roman Catholic source can be trusted to tell the truth? What about Catholic Bishop Palafox? You don't want anyone to believe a word he uttered concerning your Jesuits.
Lamar also wrote
We read accounts such as this ALL THE TIME and they are simply untrue, unresearched and show a distinct anti-Catholic bias,
Ring that bell!

We have a winner there amigos - Lamar our ever-vigilant Jesuit defender has finally resorted to that catch-all excuse for those "ugly" reports of Jesuits having mines and treasures - that it is anti-Catholic! Your apparent definition of what amounts to "anti-Catholic" is quite narrow though amigo, funny how that seems to work. Sorry but no cigar this time.
Lamar also wrote
We may ask God to aid us in striking down our enemies <snip>
Hmm are you giving away your own prayers here amigo? Whom exactly is/are "our enemies" anyway, are we not all God's children?
Lamar also wrote
We may conclude that the statement is untrue simply because there has NEVER been ONE account of an indigenous person EVER stating such nonsense,
You may conclude whatever you wish amigo, that is your predetermined conclusion. Don't expect that everyone who reads this is going to agree with you. I might just as easily state that all the Jesuit claims of utter innocence concerning mining AND treasure are all
so much Jesuit propaganda, and in fact more and more I am becoming convinced this IS THE CASE.
Kentucky Kache wrote
All this time our History has been wrong.
Lucky thing we have our amigo Lamar and his confederates here to re-write history FOR US huh.
Cubfan wrote
Either way, I'd at least rather see the discussion head back towards the initial subject matter.
I second that motion, these obvious attempts to derail the thread or "hijack" it into some kind of quasi-religious battle are only too apparent. Some folks don't want our readers to see the evidence and judge for themselves!
Cubfan also wrote
(other than a small grab sample - now THAT'S open to interpretation - hehe).<snip>
I was told <via email> that an ore sample the size of a walnut would not be considered in violation of Forest Service rules, and while this is in fact likely TOO small for a proper fire assay (four ounces being required by every assayer I have ever dealt with) it is large enough for a geologist to make some determinations. I could be mistaken on this, and the rules are ever-changing to the detriment of all prospectors and treasure hunters so please dear readers check with the rangers FIRST. <EDIT you need to file for and obtain a an approved Plan of Operations even for a walnut sized sample.>
Lamar wrote
No, actually it was the Protestant reformers who butchered about the same amount
Oh please stop with the clearly
anti-Protestant remarks, and I ask you to return to our subject matter - I remind you our topic here is "Jesuit Treasures - Are They Real?" and our thread owner has allowed us to expand the subject matter to include MINING as well. You don't really want to start down the road you have started on, anyway.
Lamar also wrote, in response to our fellow amigo Cubfan,
Dear cubfan64:
The reality is that you cannot discuss the Jesuits in the New World colonies without discussing the Catholic vs. Protestant problem
This is patently FALSE, although it certainly appears that
Lamar can NOT discuss the Jesuits in the New World colonies without degenerating into some in depth discussion of the worst religious conflicts.
I am a little surprised that even the testimony of Jesuits themselves and a Catholic Bishop do not convince our skeptics, but as things have progressed I now see that -nothing- ever will. Jesuits did hide and/or conceal treasures during periods of emergency. They had almost nine YEARS of advanced warning that they would be driven out of the Spanish colonial lands. To expect that they would have been caught "red handed" with so much advanced warning is a wee bit naive, even for the Spanish king.
To show evidence that the Jesuits knew in advance that the Spanish authorities were coming, we need only look at Baja California. There, in at least one instance,
the Padres actually went out to meet the authorities. 
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas,
