Peralta Stone Maps

Quinan Bear

Sr. Member
Nov 7, 2008
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Golden Thread
Grande Prairie Alberta
While studying the Peralta stones and a favored internet site, I Found how to read the stones.
So far I know of the location of the Santa Fe church treasure, the priest Map mine and most of the heart map mines. If you want to know how to read them, All I will say is the you need to know "The lay of the land" and "The Starting Point". Once you know that, then the rest reveals itself.

What I need now, is to know what I'm able to do with this info,to insure that i receive something for my effort. Can anyone tell me, or help me out?


  • Peralta_Stone_Map.webp
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I would be interested in where on the maps do you concider the starting point to be?

Here it the Starting point for "priest and Horse" stone maps.

For the "Priest" Map, the starting is at Weaver's Needle, the best way to see the markers is by looking at the superstion mountains through Google Earth.
For the "Horse" Map, find Brown's Cabin, from there go up to the top of the closest peak and look south, On the cliff (Horse Mesa) that is just across the river, you will see the "Horse", mark the point just above where the neck is and go to that point, Then look North back at the peak you were on and to the right of that, in the valley, you will see the "5" and the four points around it. Now look down near the River, the first row of hills will have an horizone that looks just like the line just below the "5", The outlines will match. Now that you see this, you can see where the mines are located.
The Santa Fe Church Treasure is shown in this map as well if you know how to read it.

If you do find the mines and recover a sample, or, if anything is gained from this info, Please don't forget me. I do something for you, it would be nice if you return the favor, thats all i ask. thanks, good luck and be careful.

Quinan Bear,
Do you have an opinion as to who made the stone maps?

I am not sure, but if I had to guess, I would have to say the Jesuits were the ones that made the maps. I say this, because they were the ones that used large land formations as markers, the reason was that large formations would last for a very long time and it would take Alot to deface those formations. I know how to read ALL the peralta maps and the mines that they show.
If you have other Maps or discriptions of lacations that you would like for me to decypher for you just sent me an email and ill try to help you out.
I know the location of the Tumacacori Mission treasure as well, but cannot find someone that will partner up with me, this treasure is Very large. Only if there is a legal contract signed by the two of us, will I devulge my info.

Pretty sure that "stone map" was already solved, turns out the "cache" is buried in a certain mountain with a monument at the top.
and there being a certain line of "beehives" that point to the mountain.
...but what do I know?

Quinan Bear said:
All I will say is the you need to know "The lay of the land" and "The Starting Point". Once you know that, then the rest reveals itself.

What I need now, is to know what I'm able to do with this info,to insure that i receive something for my effort. Can anyone tell me, or help me out?

Sure, I can help you out, and I couldn't agree more, but something tells me your "starting point" may not be correct.
A careful view of the river systems in the area of the supposed map site, places this "Starting Point" some 9 miles NE at approx 52 degrees of Florence and the end location is not in the Superstitions at all. If only the 3 men from Utah knew this prior to running off half cocked not knowing they could drive to it. Understanding that the Peralta's did not have access to flying machines, who ever etched the map did a pretty fair job and it isn't as cryptic as many have made it out to be, they were people just like us. But what really is going to erk a few is discovering that the end location indicated on the map has been long mined out and historically, what has been brought out of there would fully constitute the time and effort that was put into the stone maps.

So unless you have really thought this through, I would sit back and possably evaluate it all again, and again.
Take the stories with a grain of salt and apply some common sense. Save yourself a ton of time and money, because it will swallow you up. Make sure that what you have is factual, plausible and makes sense and then question it all again.

Just my two cents.
Nice Site Marc, My compliments.
What? No spell checker?



Welcome to TNet.

I will say that there has been ALMOST as many people who have deciphered the Stone maps as there have been that have found the Dutchman's Lost Mine (Jacob Waltz was never lost).

That said, an interesting comment by Tom Glover in his book on the DLM is that everybody that has deciphered the stones has been led to something. Almost every time the trail ended at an old mineshaft, big heart, cave, etc. Sometimes not even necessarily in the Superstitions. It's almost paranormal. HAHAHA

One of the biggest problems with many people when it comes to the Stone Maps is that they stretch or twist them to fit their interpretation.

Now, are they heavily encoded or not? Who knows? Since there is no provenance for them, we don't have any idea when they were made! 1767? 1847? 1888? 1933? 1942? No way to tell who made them, so there is no real way to decipher them. Since there are no period records (that are known of) that talk about stone maps, everything is just a guess.

Since I got sucked into this Black Hole several years ago, there is only one thing I can say with any certainty about them ..... that is that the owners of the Stone Maps (Travis Tumlinson and Clarence Mitchell) both firmly believed that they were authentic treasure maps. The MOEL Investors firmly believed they were authentic treasure maps. The only people that don't believe in their authenticity are at Desert Archaeology Inc and the Arizona Mining and Minerals Museum. The story about that is in my thirty-one page Peralta Stone Maps Thread on TNet (no need to retype it).


Mike, Thanks for the Welcome,
I couldn't agree more, In addition, so many opinions have been published the facts get buried and the simplicity disappears. We have the same problem in my neck of the woods with certain stories.

I believe the stones are authentic also, and most likely made by the Peralta's, There is a certain Peralta Map I am still trying to locate, I just don't think they are difficult, The Peralta's were not KGC or affiliated with the Lue Nazi's. :wink: :laughing7:

My take is simple, It would seem that the stone map[ s ] portray two rivers, and why everyone incorporates the Salt river into this I'll never know, even without the river highlighted it is a twisting turning up and down snake yet the upper river on the map is drawn as seemingly smooth flowing. Who ever made the maps, I am sure was quite familiar with the rivers and created them with a certain limited degree of accuracy. The upper river is with out a doubt Queens Creek, not the Salt River. The lower river is without a doubt the Gila with a very accurate depiction on the maps, I would urge any serious researcher to highlight all 3 rivers using All Topo or Google and see the results, Queens and the Gila match the map near perfect without any stretch of imagination, following the presumed trail starting at 33° 5.796'N 111° 13.963'W through the mountains to the final dot on the map in the heart will put you at the Reymert Silver Mines. The dots on the map presumed to be peaks would include Picketpost and Mineral Mountain along with Dromedary Peak and others.

Simple and uncomplicated. There is no point in trying to discover the cryptic-ness of the map if your in the wrong place.

I have a story in Northern AZ I am currently researching, I have found most of the things mentioned within the original Spanish Document, I may post it later.

Hello, I'm glad that people are still looking for the peralta location.some still think I enjoy braging but I keep trying to get people to open their minds and keep looking for starting places. Gollum is very knowledgeable on the history of arizona. Quinian bear have you ever climbed the mountains in arizona?you should start restudying your maps. I'm not afraid of someone locating one of the mines, I had twenty years of searching and I am now 64 years old now.I'm lucky that a few of my partners are younger.
My partners know what areas to go but not the locations of the treasures.this keeps all of them honest and they like that way.

Tuscoro, since you are new to the subject I think you should be aware of a few other points of view. Please conceder these points: The curvy line in the lower left corner of the Horse Map is the Gila River. It is the starting point on the map. The line that is designated Rio is in reality Queen Creek. The dot above the rio is a water hole still in existence today. Four of the five water holes still exist. The curved line on the top of the Trail Map is Rio Salado. in1847 it was a smoothe flowing river and only needed to be represented as the upper range of the maps. I know that nobody on this forum will ever change their beliefs about the Stone Maps but if you start with bad info such as provided by most, if not all, of the threads then you will never have the chance to stand at the end of the trail as I have. If you start at the small cross just below the Gila the map will lead the way exactly as it did back then.

Dang Phil,

You got me beat. Answering a two year old thread. HAHAHA

Hope you are doing well. I may be coming out that way before too long. I will stop by.


I hate to see new searchers start with bad and out dated info about the Stone Maps.
Look forward to visiting with you again

Dude, kudos for your way of thinking. it is really up to the person trying to figure out what a symbol could possibly mean.And you are absolutely right about how uncanny it is that so many people find something when they have looked at the same maps and go an entirely different direction and viola they all get rich. WHAT? So,what about us? Well i have a solution for that my friend.So many people think that the horse is some kind of obscure symbol emblezoned on an entire mountain side.Well it's not. I was out on one of my excursions one sunny day in the middle of august at about 11am i left camp and headed north on forest service road 1200 just to see where the end was at.I got there at around 11;40 or so,the end of the road. when i got there i first noticed a very large turtles head [i mean city bus sized head] protruding from the side of a hill pointing to the west.This was something not to be overlooked as the spanish use turtles for markers habitually and i can show you in Whitlow canyon the first of five turtles depicted on the horse map under the bottom swoop of the five [the five little dots on the map under the five which coincidentaly is also located in Whitlow canyon] Back to the story.I saw this huge turtle and got out my trusty binoculars to see what i could see and it took all of two minutes to find all the numbers from one to thirteen except for the number 6 which we all know is used to mark a mine of gold.For some unknown reason i fixated on a single very large rock for several minutes and just as the sun reached a certain point on the horizon i was awestruck by what was happening right before my very eyes. I still don't know why to this day i was allowed to see this but it will be with me till the day i die. There on the rock i was staring at it came into view the head of a horse as the sun kept rising higher into the sky more of the horse came into view until the entire horse was in view on this one rock, it was a shadow of a carving on this rock face made in the EXACT SAME LIKENESS as it appears on the stone map right down to the number three on its left rear hoof. It was pointed the same direction as on the map and if that isn't enough i can show you the 1847 that is part of the natural landscape as well all in the same area.This viewing lasted all of maybe five minutes before the sun rose higher and the horse faded away just as mesmerizinly as it appeared.[Is that really a word,mesmerizingly? better check the scrabble dictionary for that one might be a 75 point word].So many people claim to know where the horse is located but they never really have any documentation to back up their claim. i will post evidence of my sighting in the near future for you to see. First i have to obtain some pictures from my old hiking buddy Ralph Henderson. let me know what you think about my short story. I too can produce a book about my exploits in the supes.I'm glad to meet another down to earth person with real knowledge not probabilities to share with.I know a few other guys just like us but i haven't been in touch with them for quite some time now for personal reasons,but i overcame those reasons now and i can pick up where i left off. Addiction is not easily fended off some times but when it is overcome it is a good day to start again. I can show you some crazy things about the stone maps that you wont believe at first.BTW how did you get to hold that stone like that you lucky dog you!?!? You must be good friends with Barbara Adkins at the museum? Later dude

well sir you seem to have done your homework.How else would you know that you can drive to the location of the horse. I too have been to the end of the right road [actually you take the left fork to get there] and seen the ever elusive horse on the rock face at noon in the middle of the summer. have you seen the hidden spring out there? Or the window in the rocks behind the horse above it?

i have been hiking the supes and surrounding mountains for nearly thirty years. I have been on hikes with men like Bill Hibdon,Ron Eagle,Clay Reinholt,Ralph Henderson and a good many other mountain man society members. I'm not new to all this.And yes i remember when those three men went out the wrong way and ended up paying for their mistakes with their lives.Do you know how they died?I do. Two were shot to death and the third one died of exposure.ANY MORE QUESTIONS SIR? I have seen the pictures of the bodies and i know the name of the man that took them as well, he was the one in the helicopter that told the pilot where to look when they were discovered. This is not my first rodeo sir. I'm not saying anything to be disrespectful to you or to be rude to you so please don't misunderstand me here i'm simply explaining that i know a little about what happened out there. cool? Lets go dig up some gold shall we?

I'm almost out of time here but it sounds like we need to meet up and have a pow wow some time soon .GOLDBUGPR I've been lookin at your picture and you sure do look familiar to me. I think we have met before somewhere.

If you can drive to it, you might as well take a picnic cause that's all your going to get...soggy samiches.

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