Somehow or another, KVM ended up with the so called LUE map, but not the most important map. All the LUE map tells you is where to find the shaft, which is probably buried deepley, that holds the bullion that was waiting to be shipped. It gives you coordinates from two points, which I am certain are two, unmistakeable Monuments. The problem is, the other map, which has the coordinates to the general area, is missing. The Jesuits didn't let go of that one. Anyone that lead the burro trains to ship the gold out had the Lue Map you see today. They were given the directions verbaly to the general area while being shown the missing map. It hasen't been found beacue the monuments are most certainly hidden in plain sight, unless one is right up on them, then it is unmistakenable. At this point is is all conjecture none the less. Just my assumptions with a strong dose of gut feeling thrown in. Oh, and having the map studied by a Mathematical Savant, my weird cousin Norman, AKA Rain Man.